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  1. JDG Pace yourselves. Loooooong way to fall from here.
  2. Agree. When it happens don’t watch CNBC, Bloomberg, etc. Even on this site, stay out of General Discussion. Get super myopic about the stocks on your buy list and nothing else. Or just buy a bunch of BRK.
  3. Some great lines: “Mistakes fade away; winners can bloom forever.” ”…but small fractions of these gems can be purchased Monday through Friday on Wall St. and, very occasionally, sell at bargain prices” ”From a base of 4 MM people - and despite a brutal internal war early on, pitting one American against another - America changed the world in the blink of a Celestial eye.” All have been said many times before but the turn of phrase made me smile and the stock bargain one got me pumped.
  4. Here is to hoping it rains bars of gold soon.
  5. Fed Model. 10 year is 4.609% right now. 21.7 PE. Add in an equity premium and let’s call it 20. S&P current PE of 30.26. 50% overvalued. Most of the stuff on there looks like he is writing a summary of the thoughts of this board over the last year.
  6. Yes we are all aware. He would still have an edge in being a contrarian that didn’t care what anyone else thought IMO.
  7. Yeah I hear you. I am a born introverted contrarian and a CPA by trade if that explains anything. Sitting in an office by myself finding obscure net nets that everyone else hates and listening to Yankee games on the radio and maybe taking a nap sounds better than CPA work is all I’m really saying.
  8. Because I wish I could sit in an office with no computer and look through the Value Line and beat the market with Modest Talent and Light Work Habits. He was one of a kind and excelled his way. I like that. It’s like running the numbers in the racing form except you win consistently haha (I enjoy going to the races as well)
  9. “Described by someone who knows him well as "a man of modest talent and light work habits," Schloss practices investing in a way that any ordinary investor can. Dressed in a well-worn trader's smock, he works entirely from public documents and a few publications like Value Line in one cramped, little office squirrelly with annual reports, 10-Ks, pictures of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Schloss's children and grandchildren. The one window looks out onto an air shaft. The total value of the fixed assets in that office? Three thousand dollars. He has never had a computer or a fax machine, and he still pecks away on an old Olympus manual typewriter to correspond with clients” That is my dream job right there. Kinda like getting paid to analyze the Daily Racing Form. Schloss freaking killed it in the 70s. Maybe net nets and BV investing will make a comeback in the future.
  10. US represents 75% and 80% of Canadian and Mexican exports. This won’t last long. They will have to capitulate.
  11. Yep true north. Free markets and people. These are ridiculously stupid people that could screw up a compass metaphor. It’s actually sad. Is this Idiocracy? ”competitiveness and decarbonization” if they head northwest. Let’s pay more for energy to become more competitive.
  12. Yeah I agree that the low and negative rate experiment did not work to induce inflation in Europe and Japan. I am not sure that we know that the opposite is academic nonsense. I mean Reagan administration etc. Looking at Japanese inflation chart and there are some small pops but mostly negative years and sub 1% years since their 1980s crash. The Japanese are big time savers. I would think longterm manipulation by the BOJ to keep the bond rates below inflation would cause savers to become hoarders of goods which has historically been what causes hyper-inflation. Not to mention carry trade chaos.
  13. Not sure what you mean. Bonds yields way below the rate of inflation would seem to be a problem in a common sense world. Japan hasn’t really had inflation since the early 1990s so this is something new. Carry trade unwind seemed to matter back in August but now it doesn’t for some reason. I am guessing USD to YEN.
  14. Japan Dec inflation was 3%. They just raised rates to 0.5. 10 year is 1.2%. When does that matter again? When the USD weakens?
  15. Right, just shorthand. Also, pretty much everyone other than big tech is a winner when LLM becomes a commodity product. Probably especially big pharma.
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