But also, if you invest i think 1m then your annual fee drops to 0.5% and higher it drops to 0. But still, id hate to pay 20% of my gains above 6% to some guy who does 0 trades for 8 years drinking coffee at home and reading books
Consider this: You give Guy Spier 800k of your money. He takes 1.5% annually of that->12k a year, for investing close to half of his fund into Berkshire, Exor, Prosus and Nestle. So i pay him 500 bucks a month just to hold these stocks HA! And mastercard, bank of america? Are these hard to understand mega cap stocks you need to have 5 years of training to understand when to buy and when to sell?
I am envious, he makes bank for doing quite literally nothing
Thats why i think Nick Sleep was the best fund manager ever. He told you the truth: Get out of this fund and just buy Berkshire, Amazon and Costco and do nothing. Thats transparent, thats honest and thats of high moral character.
And also @John Hjorth, if you want to invest with Semper or Guy you need to prove yourself to be of the right "character" for the fund, they ask you if you panic liquidate etc so you HAVE to have background knowledge in investing in order to get in at the first place.