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Components of S&P 500 Performance YTD


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I'm wondering if anyone has breakdowns of S&P 500 performance YTD?  It feels a bit weird that there are a ton of companies down 20, 30, 40, 50% this year.  It feels like there are way more carnage than the nice 0% YTD performance of the S&P 500. 

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Vanguard Sector ETFs YTD as of 12/11


Health Care (VHT) 12.22%

Utilities (VPU) 11.5%

Information Technology (VGT) 8.79%


Consumer Discretionary (VCR) 2.88%

Real Estate (VNQ) 0.68%

Consumer Staples (VDC) -0.33%


Financials (VFH) -11.21%

Energy (VDE) -11.47%

Communication Services (VOX) -12.31%


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Back in June, the top 10 contributors were 125% of the index gains for the year and 8 of the 10 were tech related. So basically the Same&P 10 was positive and the S&P 490 was flat-to-negative by mid-day through the year.


This contribution has come down since then as Amazon, Facebook, Nvidia, etc have collapsed in recent months, but it's still probably around 50% to the top 10-15 companies.

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