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Finally,... Dr. Ben Carson joins Trump as secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


I was waiting to see Ben Carson to get a possition in the new administration.











Trump Nominates Ben Carson to Head HUD

FOX News (Dec. 5th, 2016)



Donald Trump names Ben Carson for housing and urban development secretary

CBS News











Dr. Ben Carson | Full Speech | 2016 Republican National Convention

@YouTube (7:47 min)






Donald Trump visits Ben Carson's childhood home

CNN@YouTube (2:21 min)






Trump Visits Ben Carson's Detroit Neighborhome

AP@YouTube (1:53 min)










Will he join with the Secretary of Agriculture to build pyramids to store our grain?


Nope,..  very simple,... only as secretary of "Department of Housing and Urban Development" (HUD), an unconventional choice that underscores Trump’s willingness to forgo traditional policy expertise.


Ben Carson has some remarkable personal life biography, pulling himself out of a bad childhood and improving himself to some decent and humble human being. I give him credit for this.


You might want to peak into Ben Carson's books.




Ben Carson grew up in the inner cities of Boston and Detroit with his mother and brother.  When his father deserted the family, Ben’s mother worked several jobs to support her boys yet worked even harder to encourage them to get an education and follow their dreams.  Ben’s dreams nearly ended when his anger at being poor and the ridicule of a school mate caused him to snap; he lunged at the boy and cut him with a knife.  That brush with attempted murder caused Carson to break down and ask God to turn him around.  And turn him around he did.  A poor student, Carson under the guidance of his mother and brother became the best student in his class, his school, and ultimately earned a scholarship to Yale.  The next time he used a knife was as a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital where he pioneered surgery techniques that not only saved lives but miraculously gave countless children an amazing quality of life.




My Life: Based on the Book Gifted Hands





One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future





A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties





I think that the Pruitt nomination is worse, he will dismantle the EPA...http://insideevs.com/let-the-dismantling-begin-climate-change-denier-scott-pruitt-trumps-pick-for-new-epa-chief/


Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Maybe both these guys are a good thing.
Don't hold your breath.


So you get the choice of an ideologue with strongly held crazy views, versus a person who has never expressed a view on the subject, whom you hope is not an abject failure, i.e he has never run anything larger than a doctor's office, (of course Trump has not managed anything (well) either a RE dev. shop, what 30 people, or  himself.


The lunatics have taken over the asylum.


I will (unhappily) take my (probable) tax reductions, even as I fear for the country.


Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Well basically yes. In an evil genius/tough love kind of way. You have tons of people crapping on the EPA but they've been enjoying the benefits of the EPA like clean air and water. So if Pruitt dismantles the EPA and you get a whole bunch of crap in the water, then people will actually get a very good view what the EPA is good for and we can move past that debate. Yes, people will get hurt. But this is what they wanted right? Now they can have it.


On a side-note they're all ideologues. If you didn't get Pruitt you'd get some other guy with the same beliefs who would do the same thing but quietly. Pruitt is loud and in your face so now people can connect the dots.


If you look at what happened to the Animas River and the major delay on issuing warnings in Flint then it is pretty clear to me that the EPA needs a solid kick in the...


IMO, agencies don't need to be dismantled but, accountability needs to increase dramatically. There are too many of these life employed people working 35 hours a week and who don't give a ....




Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Well basically yes. In an evil genius/tough love kind of way. You have tons of people crapping on the EPA but they've been enjoying the benefits of the EPA like clean air and water. So if Pruitt dismantles the EPA and you get a whole bunch of crap in the water, then people will actually get a very good view what the EPA is good for and we can move past that debate. Yes, people will get hurt. But this is what they wanted right? Now they can have it.


On a side-note they're all ideologues. If you didn't get Pruitt you'd get some other guy with the same beliefs who would do the same thing but quietly. Pruitt is loud and in your face so now people can connect the dots.


They may they may try to defang the EPA for awhile.  But the moment we get another Flint that will be the end of that.  And then the  dumb prick will have to resign and Trump will blame him for everything. 


I dont see corporations in the US suddenly rolling back their pollution control plans just because they can.  A few might, and they will face the huge cost of playing catchup in four years when you have a democrat president, democrat senate, and democrat house, for the next twelve years because the republicans at all levels created such a fckup.  . 




My sense is that Republicans in Congress want to get reelected.  They are going to block the scumbag PE everytime he does something that hampers their chances.  Remember, this fckhead got elected by a minority.  The republicans have a real mess on their hands.  Be careful what you wish for.  The dems can sit tight and vote any way they like, that suits their constituents, and and then blame the reps, for all the screwups.  For the Dems, this is a sweet spot to be sitting in.  Take the time and renew the party without the Clinton baggage. 




Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Well basically yes. In an evil genius/tough love kind of way. You have tons of people crapping on the EPA but they've been enjoying the benefits of the EPA like clean air and water. So if Pruitt dismantles the EPA and you get a whole bunch of crap in the water, then people will actually get a very good view what the EPA is good for and we can move past that debate. Yes, people will get hurt. But this is what they wanted right? Now they can have it.


On a side-note they're all ideologues. If you didn't get Pruitt you'd get some other guy with the same beliefs who would do the same thing but quietly. Pruitt is loud and in your face so now people can connect the dots.


They may they may try to defang the EPA for awhile.  But the moment we get another Flint that will be the end of that.  And then the  dumb prick will have to resign and Trump will blame him for everything. 


I dont see corporations in the US suddenly rolling back their pollution control plans just because they can.  A few might, and they will face the huge cost of playing catchup in four years when you have a democrat president, democrat senate, and democrat house, for the next twelve years because the republicans at all levels created such a fckup.  . 




My sense is that Republicans in Congress want to get reelected.  They are going to block the scumbag PE everytime he does something that hampers their chances.  Remember, this fckhead got elected by a minority.  The republicans have a real mess on their hands.  Be careful what you wish for.  The dems can sit tight and vote any way they like, that suits their constituents, and and then blame the reps, for all the screwups.  For the Dems, this is a sweet spot to be sitting in.  Take the time and renew the party without the Clinton baggage.


Many of you might be too young to remember, but many Chicken Littles said the same thing when Reagan appointed James Watt as Interior Secretary, and things turned out fine.  There was a good op ed in the WSJ about the new EPA guy as rolling back some of the federal overreach and restoring more of a balance between federal and state oversight of the environment.  Remember, Flint happened under our current EPA.  If Flint had happened under Trump everyone would be screaming bloody murder.  (and btw I did not vote for Trump; I just see mindless hysteria from some in the opposition to everything he does, kinda like the reverse halo effect)


And ask a lot of these same people who own a ton of financial stocks how they would like for Trump to cancel Mnuchin and to appoint instead Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary? LOL!




Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Well basically yes. In an evil genius/tough love kind of way. You have tons of people crapping on the EPA but they've been enjoying the benefits of the EPA like clean air and water. So if Pruitt dismantles the EPA and you get a whole bunch of crap in the water, then people will actually get a very good view what the EPA is good for and we can move past that debate. Yes, people will get hurt. But this is what they wanted right? Now they can have it.


On a side-note they're all ideologues. If you didn't get Pruitt you'd get some other guy with the same beliefs who would do the same thing but quietly. Pruitt is loud and in your face so now people can connect the dots.


They may they may try to defang the EPA for awhile.  But the moment we get another Flint that will be the end of that.  And then the  dumb prick will have to resign and Trump will blame him for everything. 


I dont see corporations in the US suddenly rolling back their pollution control plans just because they can.  A few might, and they will face the huge cost of playing catchup in four years when you have a democrat president, democrat senate, and democrat house, for the next twelve years because the republicans at all levels created such a fckup.  . 




My sense is that Republicans in Congress want to get reelected.  They are going to block the scumbag PE everytime he does something that hampers their chances.  Remember, this fckhead got elected by a minority.  The republicans have a real mess on their hands.  Be careful what you wish for.  The dems can sit tight and vote any way they like, that suits their constituents, and and then blame the reps, for all the screwups.  For the Dems, this is a sweet spot to be sitting in.  Take the time and renew the party without the Clinton baggage.

Maybe but I think you're wrong.


Firstly yes there seem to be new rules of the road. The US population is actually becoming more liberal. Especially the ones with money to spend. Some companies seem to be attuned to that and don't want to piss off their customers needlessly. See the bathroom clusterfuck in NC. Some companies pushed back on that. Trump won NC but the Republican governor lost.


On the other hand there's a different game in DC. I don't think the many GOP members are concerned about being reelected. Most of their seats are very safe. Democrats keep winning the popular votes and loose the house by large margins. Plus, most of the people voting for them are A-OK with things like blowing up the EPA. I know it's still early innings or maybe the game hasn't even begun but even the anti-trump Republicans seem to be in lockstep now behind their guy. We'll see what actually happens but i don't expect a lot of opposition to Trump.


Coming back to companies. Yes, they will pollute if rules are relaxes because it's cheaper. They pollute even under current threat of severe punishment (see VW). Maybe they'll behave better now than in the past because of the afore mentioned new rules of the road. But it doesn't take a lot of bad actors to have an environmental disaster.


And ask a lot of these same people who own a ton of financial stocks how they would like for Trump to cancel Mnuchin and to appoint instead Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary? LOL!



I own TONS of financials and would take Lizzie over Mnuchin any day. I guess that answers that.


Yup... BAC at $13, uncertain future, regulation, breakup of large banks vs just over $23 today and things looking up. Same fear for other players. I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o




I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o




I had the same reaction.  If the answer is true, I'm glad I'm not one of the limited partners.


Maybe both these guys are a good thing.

A good thing for what.  Not believing science or the scientific method, definitely Pruitt, as in putting the fox in the hen house!!


Well basically yes. In an evil genius/tough love kind of way. You have tons of people crapping on the EPA but they've been enjoying the benefits of the EPA like clean air and water. So if Pruitt dismantles the EPA and you get a whole bunch of crap in the water, then people will actually get a very good view what the EPA is good for and we can move past that debate. Yes, people will get hurt. But this is what they wanted right? Now they can have it.


On a side-note they're all ideologues. If you didn't get Pruitt you'd get some other guy with the same beliefs who would do the same thing but quietly. Pruitt is loud and in your face so now people can connect the dots.


They may they may try to defang the EPA for awhile.  But the moment we get another Flint that will be the end of that.  And then the  dumb prick will have to resign and Trump will blame him for everything. 


I dont see corporations in the US suddenly rolling back their pollution control plans just because they can.  A few might, and they will face the huge cost of playing catchup in four years when you have a democrat president, democrat senate, and democrat house, for the next twelve years because the republicans at all levels created such a fckup.  . 




My sense is that Republicans in Congress want to get reelected.  They are going to block the scumbag PE everytime he does something that hampers their chances.  Remember, this fckhead got elected by a minority.  The republicans have a real mess on their hands.  Be careful what you wish for.  The dems can sit tight and vote any way they like, that suits their constituents, and and then blame the reps, for all the screwups.  For the Dems, this is a sweet spot to be sitting in.  Take the time and renew the party without the Clinton baggage.

Maybe but I think you're wrong.


Firstly yes there seem to be new rules of the road. The US population is actually becoming more liberal. Especially the ones with money to spend. Some companies seem to be attuned to that and don't want to piss off their customers needlessly. See the bathroom clusterfuck in NC. Some companies pushed back on that. Trump won NC but the Republican governor lost.


On the other hand there's a different game in DC. I don't think the many GOP members are concerned about being reelected. Most of their seats are very safe. Democrats keep winning the popular votes and loose the house by large margins. Plus, most of the people voting for them are A-OK with things like blowing up the EPA. I know it's still early innings or maybe the game hasn't even begun but even the anti-trump Republicans seem to be in lockstep now behind their guy. We'll see what actually happens but i don't expect a lot of opposition to Trump.


Coming back to companies. Yes, they will pollute if rules are relaxes because it's cheaper. They pollute even under current threat of severe punishment (see VW). Maybe they'll behave better now than in the past because of the afore mentioned new rules of the road. But it doesn't take a lot of bad actors to have an environmental disaster.


rb, your getting deep into conjecture and assuming you know how people think.  I worked for GE over 20 years ago in the EH&S department.  I had friends who worked in the same departments at other big companies.  I can assure you that by the mid 90s these corporations were taking environment very seriously and were in the early stages of looking at climate change before the governments were.  They could see that it was going to be good for business on multiple levels: dont piss off your customers; and make money on env. technology, and energy efficiency.  Dont get hauled through the courts by big governments. 


Of course, lower end crap companies, and sometimes big ones will break the rules but to what end.  VW has been tortured, and it is nowhere near over. 


And to say that any house seats are safe is naive.  We just saw how that worked out for Clinton in supposedly safe states, didn't we.  We just saw Alberta elect an NDP government.  No ones seat is safe, amd they all know it.  The first sign of Trump going down the tubes and the House of Reprentatives will start rumbling about impeachment.  This situation is primed amd ready for the long knives to come out. 



Yup... BAC at $13, uncertain future, regulation, breakup of large banks vs just over $23 today and things looking up. Same fear for other players. I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o




I had the same reaction.  If the answer is true, I'm glad I'm not one of the limited partners.


2001 BAC $31/share

2006 BAC $54/share

2009 BAC $4/share


Yep! The old rules worked out great for shareholders. We should totally revert back to that full speed. And in 2006 BAC had no problem because the share price was high.


My LPs are grateful you guys are looking out though.


And ask a lot of these same people who own a ton of financial stocks how they would like for Trump to cancel Mnuchin and to appoint instead Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary? LOL!




Mnuchin doesn't threaten his manhood.


Warren would be an advocate for common sense.


Not much chance of that in the Donalds world...


Yup... BAC at $13, uncertain future, regulation, breakup of large banks vs just over $23 today and things looking up. Same fear for other players. I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o




I had the same reaction.  If the answer is true, I'm glad I'm not one of the limited partners.


2001 BAC $31/share

2006 BAC $54/share

2009 BAC $4/share


Yep! The old rules worked out great for shareholders. We should totally revert back to that full speed. And in 2006 BAC had no problem because the share price was high.


My LPs are grateful you guys are looking out though.


The same LP's who are forced to pay a GP who angrily rants about politics for several hours a day on an anonymous message board.


Yup... BAC at $13, uncertain future, regulation, breakup of large banks vs just over $23 today and things looking up. Same fear for other players. I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o




I had the same reaction.  If the answer is true, I'm glad I'm not one of the limited partners.


2001 BAC $31/share

2006 BAC $54/share

2009 BAC $4/share


Yep! The old rules worked out great for shareholders. We should totally revert back to that full speed. And in 2006 BAC had no problem because the share price was high.


My LPs are grateful you guys are looking out though.


The same LP's who are forced to pay a GP who angrily rants about politics for several hours a day on an anonymous message board.


I know your not speaking to me Onyx but I couldn't resist.  The only reason I am bothering with any of this political stuff right now, is to distract myself from trading.  The markets, everwhere, are going higher by the day, and I want to stay as far away from buying anything in the US as I can.  Aside from a handful of my Cdn. oils everything I hold is fair value, or better.  Were are rapidly heading for for a market top based entirely on assumptions, not fundamentals. 


I say the president is impeached and you have a third, centrist party in power in 2020.  Okay, thats far out but a good old nasty recession, and a one or a couple of 'Vietnams' should do it.  Us citizens appear to be sick to death of both parties and Trump's appointments are only going to make it worse. 





The markets, everwhere, are going higher by the day, and I want to stay as far away from buying anything in the US as I can.  Aside from a handful of my Cdn. oils everything I hold is fair value, or better.  Were are rapidly heading for for a market top based entirely on assumptions, not fundamentals. 


I say the president is impeached and you have a third, centrist party in power in 2020.  Okay, thats far out but a good old nasty recession, and a one or a couple of 'Vietnams' should do it.  Us citizens appear to be sick to death of both parties and Trump's appointments are only going to make it worse.


Al, optimism is surging.










A master persuader with a businessman's orientation in the oval office, Trump is setting the stage for a flywheel of optimism that could easily take hold and boom the economy.  The risk I see is that growth gets out of hand and inflation spikes down the road due to higher labor demand.  But we will enjoy a robust economy and higher equity prices for years before that happens.

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