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  1. Ah. thank you! I do have a card. I just had no idea we can do this. This is huge! Much appreciated Just curious, where did you get the link?
  2. How do you get this? I am in NYC and I can't figure out how to access value line online via my library. It looks like I have to go in to look at it in person.
  3. I made a Truth Social account to pump Fannie Mae. Yall should get in on this. Turn it into a meme stock among the MAGA folk.
  4. https://www.wsj.com/finance/regulation/new-hud-chief-sets-sights-on-fannie-freddie-cost-cutting-and-new-name-2e83652f?st=AFdYXU&reflink=article_copyURL_share Here we go!
  5. Ok what’s on everyone’s buy list for tomorrow? I’m thinking autos get crushed and GM being a massive cannibal might be worth a bet on OTM calls. Oil? Although someone said that shale is not useful alone without Canadian heavy, for refining purposes. Is that true? @SharperDingaan
  6. JD Vance: Trump is Hitler Trump becomes nominee: Let me kiss his ass and be his VP! sorry, I had to! Still love you man
  7. In politics it’s good to be honest and recognize your faults, and change your mind when the facts change. Not speaking directly of Canada here, but in general I was always and am a free market guy. I thought it was idiotic to start trade wars. But, I can see now that Trump does it as a bargaining tool. He wants everyone to think he’s crazier than he actually is. I’m sure the U.S. will get concessions via his antics. I don’t think the tariffs will last. He’s a businessman surrounded by wealthy businessmen who all likely hate the tariffs too. Again, not sure if it makes sense with Canada specifically. But, here I am, I was wrong about Trump’s tariffs. Having said that I still think he is a fascist autocrat. Thank god for checks and balances!
  8. Ah. I always thought that the heavy crude had to be diluted down but that the light stuff can go on its own. So shale oil on its own is worthless for most fuels?
  9. 10% tarriff on Canadian oil. and we have OXY at a 52 week low. time to buy?!
  10. But what the govt wants in perpetuity is irrelevant to what Trump wants over the next 4 years. Calabria said it wasn’t done in the first term because of COVID. What exactly does he mean by that? Is it that they couldn’t do a big capital raise when markets froze up in 2020? By now the companies have retained enough earnings (built enough capital) that it should be easier. I’m cautiously long a small amount of the commons. I’ll buy some prefs too, as a hedge. But the first time, all the incentives were there: John Paulson, Steve Mnuchin, Calabria…and somehow it wasn’t done. Is it the bank lobby that stopped it? Paulson was at the inauguration and now Ackman seems to have Trump’s ear. So maybe odds are higher? If not, I’m sure Trump will get it done in his next term. Third time is a charm!
  11. Not to mention his sales of Wells Fargo in the 20s during Covid
  12. I haven't been following too closely here, any reason why the commons are tanking again? The prefs appear to be stable. Is the market expecting a massive dilution?
  13. But what if Trump loses? This seems like a coin flip. Maybe up 100% if he wins and down 50% if he loses? Ok so it’s a good bet mathematically but it would have to be a small bet. Thoughts?
  14. Biggest this year - Autonation: Fairly straightforward, solid ROC and valuation, and a buyback monster
  15. My concern here is- why the hell hasn’t Buffett bought more?? Is it thumb sucking or is he making a macro call?
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