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  1. Not to mention his sales of Wells Fargo in the 20s during Covid
  2. I haven't been following too closely here, any reason why the commons are tanking again? The prefs appear to be stable. Is the market expecting a massive dilution?
  3. But what if Trump loses? This seems like a coin flip. Maybe up 100% if he wins and down 50% if he loses? Ok so it’s a good bet mathematically but it would have to be a small bet. Thoughts?
  4. Biggest this year - Autonation: Fairly straightforward, solid ROC and valuation, and a buyback monster
  5. My concern here is- why the hell hasn’t Buffett bought more?? Is it thumb sucking or is he making a macro call?
  6. I like seeing these people use media to move the stock. Creates more volatility, inefficiency and opportunity. I made good money off of selling puts on GME. No rules and free for all is how it should be, unless you’re specifically hurting the reputation of a company. Like, who cares about the stock price movement, care more about reputation hit to the company (ie causing a bank run). That should be the focus. All market participants should know the rules of the game with pump and dump.
  7. Apparently Mnuchin did not push back, even though Calabria didn’t like the idea.
  8. I just listened to this. Learned stuff I hadn’t known. It seemed hopeful until it got to the part where he discussed the end of the NWS and how the lawyers at Treasury wanted to increase the liquidation preference in exchange. He stated he doesn’t agree with this and said it would be something to watch for in a second Trump term. Seems like we had a well meaning FHFA and Secretary of Treasury, but the career lawyers at Treasury got their way….
  9. Hi Parsad - I have no VPN. Weird that there are so many IP addresses. Anyway, it appears to be working now on both my phone and iPad. Haven’t had a chance to try my computer yet but am hopeful!
  10. I’m still having issues. Miraculously I am logged in now on my phone after changing my pw again. But I tried the same new pw on my iPad and it says “IP address banned”. So just posting here in case I get banned again. Yesterday I had the following message pop up (see attached screenshot).
  11. If you sub in 2019's pre tax margin's to last year's revenues, the stock is at 12x, so yea a bit over 10x. But currently it's a bit under 10x. I just made up the # 10 bc I was too lazy to check but it's right in that ballpark. Agreed it's a great industry. I have only looked at AN and LAD so far. What do you think of LAD? Not nearly as much in terms of buybacks so that's why I avoided it. What made you buy GPI?
  12. Added to Autonation. Buyback machine trading at like 10x earnings or something with high returns of capital and a great management team. What more can you ask for?
  13. Yea, IBKR sucks. I am going to call Fidelity to ask for a rate match. I've heard Schwab has matched in the past as well. How do you like Fidelity's platform vs. IBKR? Any particular tips on how to get them to match?
  14. Thank you everyone for the feedback!
  15. Yea, IBKR customer service fails yet again....so back to square one. These shares do not show up as lent securities in my activity statement. Why am I getting payment in lieu?
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