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  1. I work in healthcare and use epic regularly. I’ve worked at multiple hospitals. Job description always includes what the EMR is because that may make or break whether someone takes the job. Healthcare workers don’t want to take a chance getting used to inferior EMRs. Hospitals are incentivized to use epic for this reason. It may be very expensive but they can likely hire more people for longer periods at lower pay and less burnout.
  2. If only Zelensky put on a suit and a Trump tie for the Oval Office meeting, none of this would have transpired
  3. Epic is a monster. Looks like the founder’s 47% stake is going to philanthropy. So Buffett or anyone else would only be able to buy roughly half of it. But, it’s a total beast. Would love to own some myself.
  4. It wouldn't be a cult otherwise!
  5. Yep. Trump got record Hispanic vote, record black vote. Looks like none of that Latinx and BLM crap had an effect on the intended targets did it? Bunch of fucking tools.
  6. Yea. They need a new generation of sane people. Bill Maher did a great segment on this last week.
  7. +1000 The party is full of a bunch of losers. maybe we need a tectonic shift in the parties like what happened after civil rights. The GOP can be the party of tarriffs, entitlements, blue collar workers and isolationism. Golden opportunity for the Dems to go full in on business, free trade and global alliances. Just need to dump the trans cult and green cult.
  8. Imagine the hell that would have ensued had they marched Marjorie Greene out when she was yelling out to Biden.
  9. Welp. Looks like they’re rescinding the tariffs on Mexico and Canada tomorrow, per Lutnick the commerce secretary.
  10. Range between 30-35
  11. MGM Calls, specifically May 16th. This should be right after Q1 earnings which may very well be better than expected based on the conference call commentary. Also if they continue the January repurchase pace, that would be incredible.
  12. I think Ukraine war supporters want the war to go on until Ukraine gets their territory back. Just the victim blaming on both sides is interesting to me.
  13. Those blaming Ukraine for the war, and for not having a ceasefire is the equivalent of those who blame Israel for 10/7 and not having a ceasefire. Should the US support Ukraine? Israel? Taiwan? South Korea? I’m inclined to believe that there are benefits to being the world’s most powerful military and offering a security umbrella.
  14. Hopefully Trump doesn’t sideline Vance by sending an angry mob kill him like he did to the previous VP.
  15. Vance is such a tool. So cringeworthy. As are all of the other ass kissers (Cruz, Graham). I don’t know how these grown men live with themselves having given away their testicles. At least Trump is a funny guy. The others are so fake and unbearable. I’m sure Trump can’t stand them either.
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