41 year old banker. Been on this board since 2011-2012… so in my early 30s / late 20s but lost my original login details and never bothered trying to retrieve it.
Prior to joining COBF, I had a fairly basic understanding of investing from a practical perspective - which was largely shaped by the big investors i followed, the books i read, my formal studies (CFA etc) and my own investing experience. All in all a very institutional approach to investing.
There were a number of COBF threads that had a huge impact on me in shedding some of that ‘institutional’ indoctrination - Packers thread, Ericopoly and some stuff by Dazel - how they thought about risk and return, portfolio sizing, options etc was truly invaluable - those threads need to be pinned somewhere as required reading!
Key takeaway for me was, as a retail investor, you have this tremendous flexibility and freedom in your investing toolbox when compared to major institutional investors who have mandates, small cap restrictions, overheads, liquidity/ redemptions, reinvestment risks, career risk, admin, all other hang ups when managing institutional money
Its understanding those strengths and applying it in an intelligent and thoughtful way through your investment journey thats made the difference for me. Truly grateful to this board and its members