@John Hjorth Thanks for recommending the book.
I am reading the book and it is very good.
Some chapters:
- Competitive Advantage is everything.
- Make Smart Bets
- Be Contrarian: Conserve in a Boom, Build in a Bust:
"This future-back perspective, as I've already shared, is fundamental to my approach to both life and business.
But its importance is heightened during more extreme circumstances, positive or negative. From a future-back
perspective, it´s wise to be cautious when everyone else is investing like crazy, and to make smart investments
when everyone else is pulling cash out of the market. This is an underlying principle of value investing, espoused
by leaders like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. But it´s wisdom that rarely seems to make it into business
operations. I believe it works there as well. Conserve in a boom; build in a bust. And nowhere was that advice
more dramatically relevant than in the boom years of early 2000s and the bust of the Great Recession."
Highly recommended!