When I look at the past 15 year performance of Bitcoin, it is clear that it has gone up in price by a lot! One thing that gives me pause tough, is that this 15 year time frame happens to coincide with zero to negative interest rates. Money during this time has been essentially free. We saw that this free money led to some huge distortions in the price of all types of things. Most of those things have returned back to earth.
It now seems like the current period, and the next couple of years, may be marked by more normalized interest rates. Is there any concern from the Bulls that the out performance of Bitcoin over the past 15 years could have been caused (at least partially) by ZIRP?
And before someone responds to say "Well, interest rates have gone up a lot in the past 2 years, and look at how Bitcoin has performed," I recognize that. I also recognize that just because Bitcoin has performed well in the past 2 years, does not necessarily mean that it will perform well in the next 5-10 years if rates were to stay where they are (or even go up). Correct?