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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I thought it was interesting, particularly the part about job churn and the dynamism of various economies near the end: http://www.theverge.com/a/verge-2021/marc-andreessen-horowitz-verge-interview
  2. Good review of it by Rational Walk: http://www.rationalwalk.com/?p=15450 Also a podcast interview with Michael Lewis about it (mostly anecdotes about Kahneman and Tversky, but some good ones): http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/161212a-kwr-lewis/
  3. http://basehitinvesting.com/what-is-your-edge/ I enjoyed it, and thought many here might like it too.
  4. I put my son's RESP money in an index. I'm fine with a market return for it.
  5. Air Force one isn't just a plane, it's a flying nuclear command center and a bunch of other things. I read that Trump tweeted that like 22 minutes after an interview with Boeing's CEO was published where he said critical things about Trump... So could just be a form of cyber-bullying.
  6. http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2016-12-06-Boeing-Statement-on-Air-Force-One
  7. Funny when said like that, but pretty sure the middle class isn't actually the middle when it comes to absolute $ amounts. It's more an arbitrary group than a mathematical thing. Vast quantities of the wealth in this country are controlled by a few % of people, so if you include them in the average amount in retirement, it'll skew things a lot.
  8. How much money do you guys think the average middle-class US retiree has? Honest question, I don't know.
  9. But you broke character! People who thought you were serious in that video will be so confused... Absolutely. Clinging to consistency only has a so-so hit rate when it comes to predicting the future. From "lock her up" because she might have handled confidential info carelessly to being "really impressed" with a general who lost his job as chief of the CIA because he pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information by giving it to his mistress... Who knows ???
  10. New post (which are rarer these days): http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2016/11/24/efficiency-is-the-highest-form-of-beauty/
  11. I don't have that one, but Garth tends to write about these kinds of stats once in a bit more detail with a source link, and then in following mentions he doesn't always give the detail. So I'd check his recent stuff, the source is probably somewhere in there.
  12. More Simons : http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/science/james-simonss-foundation-starts-new-institute-for-computing-big-data.html
  13. Thank you. Some of the same things he's always said, but a few new tidbits that I enjoyed.
  14. Good feature article on the Medallion fund and Renaissance: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-21/how-renaissance-s-medallion-fund-became-finance-s-blackest-box
  15. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/the-market/cmhc-chief-says-higher-down-payments-needed-to-battle-housing-risks/article32923702/
  16. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/sudden-rise-in-rates-could-send-home-prices-reeling-cmhc-warns/article32883563/
  17. :'( http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/leonard-cohen-dead-at-82-w449792 http://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/leonard-cohen-a-final-interview For those who didn't know him and would like to discover his words and music but don't know where to start, the album 'Live in London' contains a good variety of songs from all eras. https://www.amazon.com/Live-London-Leonard-Cohen/dp/B001RTP3YQ Everybody Knows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEQldSi-heE&feature=share
  18. Here comes the window-dressing "blind trust" run by his kids: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/10/the-future-of-donald-trumps-businesses.html
  19. Exactly my thoughts. This whole notion of middle class America being better off under Trump is laughable. This is a guy who's lived a lavish lifestyle boasting about his wealth. He couldn't care less about the other 99%. It all comes down to who he is surrounded by and how much or little influence they have over him. He's a salesman. He knows how to persuade people, and he's been building a recognizable brand for "success" all his life. He figured out what to say to sell his brand to a large block of voters, and he couldn't have done it before the electronic communication era because of his mastery of both the most powerful mediums (television and the internet). Now let's see what he'll actually do with power, because it's not entirely clear what he actually wants to do when he's not in sales pitch mode (not like he spent the last 6 decades of his life hanging out with coal miners and empathizing with blue collar workers.. from a golden throne in his private plane). One thing that certain people seem to be confused about: Being elected doesn't erase the things he's said and done or make him a better person. And failing to predict this election doesn't mean that you are wrong about his character (I was never really in the prediction game, I just talked about what I found alarming about him, and one of the things that scared me was that I did think he had a chance--otherwise it wouldn't have mattered). The people who seem to think that being elected is a full vindication of Trump and everything he stands for certainly didn't seem to believe that winning an election meant that when people they didn't like were elected in the past (Obama, Bush, Bill Clinton, Reagan, Carter, freaking Hoover, whatever)...
  20. Some perspective here: http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/11/its-going-to-be-okay.html
  21. I just think it's too bad that the man who could sell himself so well and understand how to tap into the electorate's emotional hooks was someone of low character. Low character became unimportant with Bill Clinton. There are many degrees between 0 and 1.
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