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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I think they posted it here: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/interview-with-elon-musk-in-the-loop-02-25-hymuBpXpTp~b0AYlLTBU7A.html Musk starts at 11 minutes in, but then it'll all cut up within the hour... I'm hoping they'll release it as a continuous video soon.
  2. Holding only berkshire isn't the same kind of concentration as holding only Coke, though. Berkshire is basically a mini diversified fund in itself, and it's self-adjusting in that WEB (and now Todd and Ted) will move money in whatever place is most promising at the time. So they were not that concentrated, IMO.
  3. Got a email from Ink research (who does CanadianInsider.com) to let me know that they've launched: http://insidertracking.com/ Seems like a useful thing to keep an eye on.
  4. For some reason your link didn't work for me. There's a short preview here: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/branson-link-led-musk-to-boeing-on-batteries-0b8pE3JaTJqGSdnOZPdXRg.html Can't find the whole thing, though.
  5. http://www.businessinsider.com/moodys-strips-the-uk-of-its-aaa-rating-2013-2 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-22/u-k-loses-top-aaa-rating-from-moody-s-as-growth-outlook-weakens.html
  6. I'm thinking maybe Marks didn't write this one. There are two names on top, and near the end it mentions Marks as if the person writing isn't him.
  7. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could meet Buffett (it'll probably never happen), but I almost don't feel worthy of taking his time. Heh.
  8. All sounds AWESOME 8) Did you ever share what happened during your meeting with Buffett? If it's already out there, can anyone give me a link? Thanks.
  9. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/19/us-usa-heinz-fbi-idUSBRE91I18O20130219
  10. Yeah, I think what was meant here is "no idea how to precisely value BRK", not "no idea at all". It's different to have an estimate, even if only based on what some other people you trust have said or done, than to have zilch.
  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-19/billionaire-branson-joins-buffett-s-pledge-to-charity.html (yes, the typo is from the Bloomberg headline ;) )
  12. Wow, 11 years! I'm such a grasshopper compared to the old breed here. Happy birthday to CBF, thank you Parsad for all that you do to keep this place the best investing community on the net, and thanks to everybody who contributes! I've learned so much from all of you. :)
  13. Because you already knew what's in it or because you disagree with what is being said?
  14. Thanks for the reminder. Saw that on reddit yesterday, but before he answered the questions..
  15. That initiative is purely a foreign policy PR thing, IMO. Just so Chavez can say at home that he's embarrassing the US, etc.
  16. That should come in due time. From what I've been reading, the country is in serious trouble.
  17. One of the things I really like about The Economist is that pretty much every week they have an update on Venezuela. It's crazy just how bad governance is there and how a country that had everything to succeed is figuring out ways to screw itself, and it'll probably take a really long time to unscrew it.
  18. There's been many signs for many months now. I think we're slowly reaching a point when things will start to accelerate because the mainstream sentiment will start to change. But we'll see.
  19. Nobody has even started it? Will all the AIG owners here, I'm sure someone has some feedback :)
  20. Now for something on the lighter side: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-02-07/geicos-gecko-has-written-a-book#r=hp-ls Interesting branding exercise....
  21. I just opened Photoshop CS3, rotated 90 degrees CW, and cropped the top of the pic so it's more centered on our two handsome protagonists. Not sure why your program wouldn't let you rotate...
  22. For those with fragile necks :)
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