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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't look like Archive.org has crawled it properly: http://web.archive.org/web/20120407125808/http://msnbrkboardarchive.multiply.com/
  2. Tesla has just announced a new way to finance its cars, kind of a hybrid between leasing and buying: http://ir.teslamotors.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=753885
  3. Exactly, Buffett's path was not optimal. My point is that to call him selfish is ridiculous. In the set of all possible paths, the vast vast vast majority are worse than Buffett's when it comes to philanthropy.
  4. If we want to imagine scenarios, imagine if Buffett had donated all the money he made from his paper routes and subsequent endeavors to charity and never compounded it. Is that a better scenario?
  5. Buffett's position has always been, afaik, that while alive he could compound wealth and so have more to give away later. That ends up helping more people (it's not like he's spending it on caviar and hookers in the meantime). For example, if he had given away a billion dollar 20 years ago, that might be a 100 fewer billions (numbers plucked out of thin air) that he gives out in the end, so the opportunity cost is high. Before calling him selfish, I suggest you look at how much you are giving to charity.
  6. More details here: http://www.savoryinstitute.com/
  7. Warning: Not financial/investing related. Great talk about desertification and how to heal the land.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/21/business/economy/in-us-surprise-housing-demand-catches-industry-off-guard.html
  9. Got this in the mail today. Guess I'll find out for myself if it's good or not. :P Will report here when I'm done.
  10. Sales numbers looking pretty ugly, and over time it should start showing up in prices (they are very sticky on the way down, so sales will go down before prices): http://www.greaterfool.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/SALES-PLUNGE.jpg
  11. BRK has 14% of all Wind energy in the US; Don't know the % of Solar but it is also large. BRK is the front runner and about to break away from the crowd. $100B into S&W over the next decade. If the costs keep coming down, it will be like "just sit there and make money" One of the paradigm shifts that's coming with Wind and Solar is how we think of energy production/transmission/consumption. With solar and wind the day of local production/consumption is coming. No more transmission (atleast over great distances)! Ideally we'll combine wind & solar with (relatively) cheap grid-scale liquid-metal batteries like these where large hydro isn't available to act as a way to store power:
  12. Yeah, I've had the same experience. Seems like they didn't expect the growth spike. I'll wait a bit and then try them again, because apparently they are supposed to be quite fast.
  13. NewsBlur seems like a good alternative for power-users.
  14. If they're going to do buybacks, I'd rather it be at low prices than high prices. They can always do a bigger dividend later, but for now, buybacks seem like a better use of capital IMO, and if the absence of a higher dividend allows them to buy cheaper, I think it's a good thing. And if in the meantime they keep piling up capital on the balance sheet, it just means a bigger dividend and buyback next year, and a more solid balance sheet in the meantime, so it's not lost.
  15. Looks like the public discourse keeps changing slowly.. http://business.financialpost.com/2013/03/11/house-prices-to-remain-flat-for-10-years-td/?__lsa=dfb8-4756 For a while it was "prices will keep going up, it's different here", then "growth in prices will slow down", and now this. A few more months and they'll talk about prices going down...
  16. http://www.multichannel.com/distribution/unleashing-liberty-malone-muses-global-cable-content-us-economy/139975 Malone Muses on Global Cable, Content, U.S. Economy (sorry if it's a repost)
  17. For what it's worth: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-08/gross-raises-u-s-economic-growth-forecast-to-3-in-2013.html Bill Gross Raises U.S. Economic Growth Forecast to 3% in 2013
  18. Slightly off-topic, but I really like the way you write. Keep it up! :)
  19. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-08/fed-sees-goldman-jpmorgan-overvaluing-capital-strength.html Fed Sees Goldman, JPMorgan Overvaluing Capital Strength
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