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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. By the time they saturate the market for premium cars (which could take a while), they'll have their third generation model (higher volume, lower cost) ready, so I doubt that's their biggest worry.
  2. Tesla up 26% after hours. http://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-q1-earnings-2013-5 Can't feel good right now to be short this stock...
  3. Out of curiosity, are you buying, leasing, or using the new 'Tesla Financing" which is kind of a hybrid between the two?
  4. We'll find out the exact number soon, but their annual production rate is now around 25,000, and they've still got a lot of space to expand at the NUMMI plant.
  5. Congrats, Eric! I don't get car lust, except for Teslas. I'll probably be waiting for the next platform in a few years, which should be closer to 30k.
  6. Thanks. Caught the last 20 minutes.
  7. Sadly, I think these mainstream media outlets probably do all interviews for the lowest common denominator, regardless of whether they are interviewing someone that everybody knows or a cult figure. Did you ever see Bloomberg or CNBC interview someone and get into really in depth stuff that would be over the head of the average viewer? Or not even complex stuff, but go in depth into philosophical and process stuff? I can't really say that I have (except maybe once in a while in a special feature program or the uncut version of an interview online, but rarely). It's always "how about what the market has been doing lately? What about this political bit of news? What about this stock you just bought? What do you think about precious metals? Your thoughts on how much regulation in needed in sector XYZ? What would you recommend that our viewers do in this situation? Last year you said this, have you changed your mind since then? This other famous guy said that, do you agree or disagree? Tell us about your recent philanthropic projects and/or plug your latest project."
  8. http://ir.teslamotors.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=762317
  9. Thanks for the link. Man, Joe's as annoying as ever. The only time I ever watch CNBC are those interviews; is he like that all the time? Crazy how he's been talking to Warren for years and still asks questions that show that the has no idea how Warren invests.
  10. Welcome to the board! Thanks for the recommendation, I'm adding it to the list :)
  11. Or she knows that the vast majority of people who will watch the interview will want to hear about the economy and job reports and such, so she's doing exactly what most of her audience wants her to do. It just happens that it isn't what we would want her to do.
  12. Agreed, but sadly, we're not the main demographic these TV shows are going after..
  13. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-03/buffett-bets-on-business-insurance-big-time-.html
  14. The problem is the massive chemical experiment we're running with our planet's atmosphere by pumping billions and billions of tons of CO2 into it year after year. I don't believe this can be hand-waved away. That'll be a big problem way before we run out of gas/oil/coal/etc. IMO the way the price of renewables is dropping and batteries are improving, at some point it hopefully won't make sense to burn anywhere near as much of the stuff... Might not be for a while, though, but we could accelerate that transition by removing subsidies (direct and indirect) for fossil fuels and pricing in some of the costs of burning it that aren't part of the current price mechanism (so called "externalities"). The sooner the better IMO. It's also way more elegant from an engineering point of view to use power from sources that don't cause much damage and use that energy at very high efficiencies in electric motors than to dig up hydrocarbons and then burn them with thermal efficiencies in the 20-30% range (for cars) and 30-60% range for power plants, letting most of the energy go unused as waste heat. Someday our civilization will look back on this and see it as a necessary but wasteful and destructive phase of its development. http://i.imgur.com/31nlKsT.jpg
  15. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-02/buffett-further-trims-moody-s-stake-as-shares-surge-21-.html
  16. Yep. That's more convenient than what I did, which was to find a PDF compilation and print all the letters from the partnership and Berkshire. Quite a brick.
  17. For those interested in getting a good idea of how bad things used to be: http://www.amazon.com/The-Better-Angels-Our-Nature/dp/0143122010/
  18. That's kind of my feeling about Taleb; sometimes his ego can get in the way, though at other times it adds spice to works that could otherwise be dry. I guess it evens out for me.
  19. I was going to ask the same thing. I could swear I also saw that very sharp dip in BAC and AIG, but now when I look again I only see a small dip... edit: now the sharp dip is back in BAC in google finance. Weird how it was there and then it wasn't and now it's back.
  20. http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21576149-even-if-it-crashes-bitcoin-may-make-dent-financial-world-mining-digital
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