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Everything posted by given2invest

  1. While I agree it feels like it can get much worse, it always feels that way in a market correction. In 2008 when we crossed S&P 700 I figured S&P 350 was right around the corner...
  2. Words to live by. Great post.
  3. Just take a look at GDXJ vs the price of GLD. It has done nothing but hasn't gone down. So the answer is, no, people don't want to own equities even if their only asset is something that's skyrocketing! But the simple answer is any liquid stock can do a secondary 5-10% in the hole at any given time. It really depends on how much they have to raise vs. their market cap. Or were you referring to debt financing? Most of these gold companies use equity financing unless they can pledge producing gold (sell forward gold).
  4. Are you open for business yet? I could use some advice right about now...
  5. Are they public? Most junior producing miners are not participating in the gold rally. Most miners that are not producing (and are just concepts) have been plummeted in the last few weeks. I think financing is tough. Makes little sense, but what does these days?
  6. This is probably the best advice. Still, without an MBA from a top school, it will be difficult to break into investment management at a paying position at your age. I also completely agree that joining a retail brokerage is not the way to go.
  7. Ditto. We need to know a lot more about you. Age, net worth, married, kids, etc. It's very hard to break into the business working for someone else in your 30's or 40's. That doesn't mean you can't do it, however.
  8. yah thanks so much paul (and parsad of course)
  9. They should be banned. All they are doing is front running. I see it first hand when I get instant front runned on small/illiquid stocks when I try to take stock at the offer.
  10. I agree on all points. Shame it will never happen.
  11. I use briefing for two things: 1) It sends me an email anytime a company I own or watch reports news. That alone is worth $40 or $50 a month. 2) I can browse the "in play" during the day and often get long term investment ideas from it. For instance, last year I saw that MEDQ (now MEDH) was paying a large one time dividend and being acquired by its parent company and then subsequently doing an IPO. I made a lot of money off of this information and I'd never have known about it if I didn't have the briefing news feed.
  12. Yah, we at 0% fed funds. There is no interest anywhere. You could get 1% at ING direct but that's about it.
  13. Eh, why not: Today: Thanks for the updated price, I took this as a "SEE!" July 21: Great purchase! July 5: June 9: And so on... You have bought a lot of TRE. You wish you bought more. I hope it goes back to 20! Let's just wait till we get some real news before we declare victory. :)
  14. Um, you've posted repeatedly bragging about your amazing well timed purchases and how you wish you bought more after its bounced 10, 20 , 30%. Most of those posts were weeks or months ago. I have no desire to go back through the many threads and find it. You definitely have a bone to pick with the many people on here that have urged caution even though most (all?) have no horse in the race. I do wish you best on your investment. I have no stake in TRE.
  15. As a former HF manager and now just a putz who manages his own money, I'd like to echo that you don't need bloomberg or any fancy subscriptions. I subscribe to WSJ and NYT and briefing.com. That's it. I use yahoo finance and sec.gov for my analysis. I have a few friends who can occasionally send me a sell side report but most of the stocks I invest in have little to no coverage so it's irrelevant. I also think sell side coverage is overrated and I'd use an execution service that costs the least as possible, like interactive brokers. Keep your costs down. Good luck!
  16. I agree with this guy. Don't try to squeeze an extra 50bp out of your cash. Just let it be.
  17. Couldn't agree more. I'm getting pretty sick of cwericb's bumps talking about how great his TRE bottom call has been. Let's just let this one die till the audit comes out. Nobody is short it and one guy is long it. Who cares.
  18. rebuttal http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/08/15/warren-buffetts-very-strange-tax-argument/
  19. He's not looking to transfer options from one broker to another!
  20. You can't roll over an expiring option w/o selling it and buying a new option, as far as I know. He isn't asking how to transfer an option from one broker to another. Regarding LEAPS, just look at what the bid/ask spread is during the day and try to put an order in somewhere in the middle. Something like MSFT will be rather liquid.
  21. Oh, but shorts are bad Hester! You should know that by now ;)
  22. You put half your net worth in long dated warrants on 2 levered banks? And here I thought I was gutsy.
  23. Yes, way too early to declare victory. We still have huge economical mess and Europe disaster to sort out.
  24. I'm so happy we have the Federal Reserve to manipulate capitalism. What would we do without them!
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