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Everything posted by meiroy

  1. There was a positive comment about the defense side of aeronautics, which is still going on. Probably considered essential.
  2. It makes me happy to see Buffett is looking good and he sounds good.
  3. Adam Grant has a superb podcast going on. Work Life / Adam Grand It provides great practical life/work lessons. Recent episodes definitely worth listening to: 1. Authenticity is a double-edged sword 2. Bonus: Relationships at Work with Esther Perel 3. The Real Reason you Procrastinate
  4. Surprisingly decent. I can't say it added much value to my life, but yeah, it's a decent episode. Shane is fantastic. #81 with Jason Calacanis is good, #71 with Esther Perel #68 with Daniel Kahneman. Lots.
  5. What is he up to these days?
  6. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/knives_out Knives Out Wasn't bad at all. Decent acting and a decent plot. A bit long.
  7. Thanks.
  8. If you bail out on payments for several of the above fictitious properties your credit history is going to be in the shits, why is it *stupid* to care about that? don't get it.
  9. What? You bail out on properties, stick it to the banks and somehow all you need is to pay your CC for a couple of years and you get your score back? OK I'm not getting this conversation.
  10. Don't get it. I did not sleep last night because kids are just small stupid people. Seriously who invented these things.
  11. "Small businesses help form the backbone of our economy, and during national crises, the federal government should support small businesses so that they can bounce back after the emergency ends. That means ensuring that small businesses have viable alternatives other than accepting acquisition offers that may lead to job losses, price increases, and further entrenchment of giant corporate power. Thus far, however, data indicate that large companies may be disproportionately benefitting from pandemic relief programs. For example, although Congress created the Paycheck Protection Program to aid struggling small business, reports reveal that hundreds of millions went to large, publicly traded companies." Not wrong.
  12. FICO scores.
  13. Wouldn't it be siphoned by external economies that lack their own local demand?
  14. It might not be a good idea to implement it in the way that it's represented, however, their concern is reasonable. https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Merger%20Moratorium%20One%20Pager.pdf
  15. A lumberjack went into a magic forest to cut a tree. Upon arrival, he started to swing at the tree. It shouted, “Wait! I’m a talking tree” The lumberjack smiled, “and you will dialogue”.
  16. Indeed the discussion should be more about his circle of enablers and what motivates them to support such an individual. I disagree, though, with the description of him as just dumb. It's far more than that.
  17. Investor20, Out of curiosity, how do you view Trump in general? How do you see his personality like? From your point of you, the way this person expresses himself is normal? Have you encountered people like that in your life? Thanks.
  18. Yes, I see it now: intravenous bleach infusion, bombardment with UV rays, gamma rays, etc etc and patients will be straight up cured! And his apologists were out defending hydroxychloroquine because this guy was behind it... We now proudly celebrate ignorance in our culture--and you see the manifestation here on this forum and in the population at large. The consequences of said ignorance unfortunately does not merely fall on the ignorant, but spreads to the wider population via collateral damage. Oh well. A really sad state of affairs. When he was just being elected, some smarter republicans argued that Trump's rhetoric was a deliberate case of playing 3d chess to win the election and anger the libs. And that they could right the ship from within. Gradually this line of thinking disappeared and rather than acknowledging their mistake it morphed into something else: tacit and complicit acceptance of utter idiocy. There's nothing really new here as all along because of the way they see it, the end justifies the means. Fundamentalism. The writing has been on the wall for years now.
  19. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1252932181447630848 "I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea." Clever. "Go ahead, block it."
  20. At this point, it seems futile, better to just reopen everything. USA Management Team is not going to improve and you cannot make up for a lost time or previous incompetency. If even one area allows reopening to some degree and people are not wearing masks it will just spread. Futile. How's this for a hashtag: #OhFuckItJustReopen or #ReopenResistanceIsFutile
  21. So is he willing to pay more taxes or is it just wanting us to create more of a deficit? Sounds like the latter. If the "building" will lead to a net increase in productivity and growth there will not be an increase in the deficit. Considering how bad various sectors are, it's really a no brainer.
  22. That was the argument he gave for buying IBM.
  23. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-16/south-korea-plans-emergency-handouts-to-households-hit-by-virus?utm_content=business&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic "The amount is larger than the 7.1 trillion won initially planned, underscoring the government’s determination to offer relief to households. The handouts will be distributed to 14.8 million middle and lower-income households via electronic cash, gift certificates, and other methods,"
  24. I think the big question is if households/employees will be paid/are paid their salaries directly or indirectly by the Government. If they don't, the outcome will be really bad. Household consumption will decrease. Inequality will increase. I think it's as simple as that. Second, is the government going to start massive infrastructure projects and whichever other projects to employ as many people as possible while increasing productivity and future growth via enhanced infrastructure?
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