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Everything posted by gurjot

  1. have no problem with dividends in general. but dont like in a year when you are issuing common and preferred to raise money. thanks
  2. should be no dividend , especially in a year when you raise 200 million at 355 a share and give that much out as dividend . why dillute earnings?
  3. i think at the end of the day , everyone talks their own book . it doesnt matter who it is! i personally been a holder of brk, ffh from last 10 years and holder of gold equities from last 6 and have done fairly well. in this instance i agree with john that US will print more money and i intend to play that trade by buying and holding gold until i see otherwise.
  4. 15%. had some leaps but sold them when got delisted from nyse. loved playing ffh options. oh well....
  5. just want to see people's view about what will happen to fairfax stock if inflation was to take over vs delation which prem watsa and company are predicting. thanks
  6. cassiusking: i think it did help with price apprecation and less dilution. with more dilution and index funds not buying would have most likely reduced price.
  7. great letter . Especially to new shareholders. since splitting class b shares and being added to sp500 the stock price has gone up as of today 22%. which equates to about 34 billion market value increase and it equals to what they paid for burlington including debt. so how much it cost to buy burlington?
  8. great letter to new shareholders! is it only me or by splitting class b shares and being added to sp500 price of berkshire has gone up 22%. which equals to about what berskhire paid for burlington including debt??
  9. i also like the idea of splitting . it does increase volatility and gives us the opportunity with options etc to increase our returns. pinder
  10. 10.48 from bmo investorline
  11. depends what you need it for? but generally i get my clients to buy term insurance. dont get a single premium policy. it is very expensive. i would suggest put money in some investment and with interest or dividends pay the yearly premium. i am in the business and let me know if you need any more help. thanks
  12. there is a very famous newsletter wrtier which doesnt buy any stock value more than $10.00 their reason is if stock price is 3 dollars it is very easy for it to go to 10.00 than for a 300 to a 1000. In my opinion low share price does increase volatility and it is up to us the investors to take advantage of it. the premium on options is more and people trade it more often. I am looking forward to brkb stock split and would welcome if ffh did the same. And by the way i been holding both of these since about year 2000 thanks pinder
  13. thanks everyone for your input. thanks
  14. hi, yes i would love to see your analysis for elf. please send it if you like to my email [email protected] thanks
  15. does anyone has a opinion about vancouver real estate market?
  16. i also sold some today.
  17. thank you all!
  18. was wondering if anyone has or can help me find this years wesco financial agm transcript. thanks pinder
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