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Everything posted by brker_guy

  1. Yet another cheap shots artist is takign pot shots at BRK: http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/112709/buffett-berkshire-marketwatch;_ylt=AlimLb0hu9J1CsRShainm9W7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1Z3BmdXI3BHBvcwM4BHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawN3aHliZXJrc2hpcmU-?mod=bb-budgeting&sec=topStories&pos=5&asset=&ccode= Where do they get these bozo writers?
  2. Certainly, the Chinese are an ambitious people not to be ignored; even embraced as they have been through their successful run with serendipity capitalism notwithstanding their Communist core government. Carl, I learned two useful words to describe the Chinese this past weekend in Omaha, "State Capitalism". That was how Charlie described China when asked about the power of China in the coming future.
  3. Sanjeev, You forgot to mention that you guys have GST, PST, HST and even QST(if you live in Quebec) that equal to 15-20% making purchasing any goods extremely difficult and impossible for bargain hunters. ;D BTW: Does it always seem to you that a Republican president creates a pile of poops, and a Democrat president came along to clean it? Let's count the way shall we? Eisenhower created the VN mess, and Kennedy had to clean it up before he was killed. Nixon created another pile of mess, and Carter had to clean up his mess but wasn't given enough time. Reagan, for all of his wonderful credits of helping end Communisium created a budget mess, and Clinton had to clean that up. Then, we had Bush Jr. created this $5 Trillion mess in Iraq, and now Obama had to clean that up. Needless to say, Sanjeev, today is a GREAT DAY to be an American! Great Day!!! So, we will clean up our GDP mess, our deficit and our health care problem. Just give us time. Oh, enjoy your strong dollar! Please come and spend it on us. We want Canadian tourism in America.
  4. But the Class Actions Lawyers are lining up to have their says: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/110502/20110502006248.html?.v=1 http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/110502/20110502006233.html?.v=1 http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/110502/20110502006202.html?.v=1 http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/110502/20110502006140.html?.v=1 http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/110502/20110502006069.html?.v=1
  5. This is like watching Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith and hearing Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "But you are the Chosen One, Anakin!" Very sad to see it happen to a talented guy like Sokol... I wish him well at Middleburg and philanthropy.
  6. It is on there now: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/news/MAR3011.pdf
  7. Yes, I know what he meant...
  8. beerbaron, I don't think it's a proxy problem. Nodnub might be right; it's content availability in different countries...
  9. These guys need LVLT as their CDN partner because it said, "According to the broadcast, this video document can be seen in Canada only." What is up with that? Why can't www.tou.tv stream to the US?
  10. S2S, I was only quoting the two facts that you posted up here. No personal attacks on my part here. That's why I quoted you to get your exact words straight about your comments on AT&T's 850Mhz and the 2 yrs rollout of T's 4G service. The last thing as a wireless industry insider like me would do is buy into the hypes of T, VZ, T-Mobile or SprintPCS. I sweated away too many tears and many sleepless hours at these carriers' BSS to optimize their networks for multimedia services to care what they are pumping... It's comments like this one that I can't help but to quote you on it because I just want to get the facts straight on your assumption. So, here are something for you to consider since you brought up this "LTE must have network" up: http://www.wimax.com/lte/why-the-wimax-vs-lte-battle-isnt-a-battle http://www.telecoms.com/11695/wimax-vs-lte-vs-hspa-who-cares-who-wins/ We all need to take this advice for Robert Cringely who used to write a very good column on PBS called "The Pulpit" and a famous show called "Triumph of the Nerds" on PBS, "It's not the best technology that wins; it's the best exploiter of technology that wins".
  11. S2S, I was commenting on your post earlier which you said this: I know about AT&T owning the 700MHz band... So, your comments about "AT&T plan is to move T-Mo users to its 850/1900 band and thus free up the 1700 AWS band for additional LTE coverage" are not entirely correct. But, it's neither here nor there. Either way, consumers are going to get gouged by these crooks at AT&T. http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/21/confirmed-atandt-wants-to-use-t-mobiles-aws-spectrum-for-lte-bui/# "From AT&T perspective, the move is more about resolving their current network issues and eliminating a competitor while at it. It is T-Mobile who needs a partner to make up for their lack of 4G spectrum" LOL! This comment here makes it sounds like you are an AT&T loyal customer...Let me see. Was it you that said, "In 2 years AT&T will have a nationwide 4G network of their own." when T-Mobile is already launching its migration toward 4G with HSPA+? Tell me again, whose network is more advanced than whose again? LOL!!!!
  12. S2S, I forgot to mention earlier today of your comments about T-Rex' integration of their LTE with T-Mobile's. I think T-Rex is on 700MHz band for their LTE. Note slide 21: http://www.att.com/Common/about_us/pdf/INV_PRES_3-21-11_FINAL.pdf Folks, this is all about SPECTRUM or lack of it. LTE is making the first move because they know they will need LTE spectrum to get all of those hungry BW users out there which they are about to gouged. Don't let those greedy AT&T guys fool you. AT&T says T-Mobile’s AWS frequencies would help it deploy LTE to 95 percent of the American population. LTE saves carriers money because more users can share one tower. The pitch is faster speed. The catch is higher prices. http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-news/4213758/LTE--The-road-ahead
  13. Carl, what did Roosevelt use to say again, "Talk softly, but carry a big stick", was it? Look at what our favorite Senator from W. Va has come out and said: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2011-03-20-att-deal_N.htm Sure, Mr. Rockafella! Sure! We are going to GET GOUGED BIG TIME!!!
  14. In 2 years? Good luck waiting for 2 years.... With AT&T that I know, reality is far more important than perception.
  15. This is a sad, sad day if you are a loyal T-Mobile customer like me. Those idiots at T-Rex are going to rape us blind once the merger is complete. Something to share with you about T-Mobile: http://www.download-telekom.de/dt/StaticPage/97/67/90/tmo-invday11.pdf_976790.pdf Page 51 highlight all of the plans of the 4 big carriers... Now, here is a PC World article on 4G tests of the 4 largest carriers: http://www.pcworld.com/article/221931/4g_wireless_speed_tests_which_is_really_the_fastest.html#tk.hp_fv The best thing T had going for it was the iPhone. Now, with the VZ iPhone coming out, that competitive advantage is pretty muted. The only way for these looters at T-Rex to get into the 4G game is to take out a competitor who already had 4G footprint. So, basically, all that hefty cash flow that they got from the iPhone users has bee washed down the toilets... Sad...Sad...Sad! I agreed with you, Myth. If I was a arbitrager today, DT would be a better bet to make. With a breakup fee, T-Rex are going to send out the calvary to Washington DC to lobby for this deal to be completed...
  16. It is a VERY SAD DAY for loyal customers of T-Mobile like myself, but a bonanza of a day for T-Rex: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704156304576003423395003238.html I am going from one of the better network providers to the WORST CARRIER on the planet...
  17. I just love "Ghost" writers who come up with gems like this at Thomson Reuters, don't you? Now I understand why the article came through Africa. There must be a lot of ghost journalists living there.
  18. Warren is one tough negotiator. Look at his letter to Ms Carlburg at the end: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1067983/000119312511056659/ds4.htm
  19. Here are some pix of Steve Jobs and the President last night: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/02/steve-jobs-photographed-at-dinner-with-obama-tech-leaders.html
  20. Sure he is buying. He is buying C...A...$...H ;D Actually, Munger alluded to this caution a few weeks ago at DJCO's annual meeting.
  21. Last year, Charlie did his usual Wesco routine. He spoke for nearly 45 minutes (Charlie spent a good chunk of that time teaching us about the economics of DJCO which is quite fascinating), and then he answered questions from the attendees. The main conference room at DJCO's HQ was packed with people. He answered each and every question until the meeting ended which was about 12:30PM. The meeting lasted 2.5 hrs. It was a lot of fun for me because we only had about about 25 people in that conference room with Charlie. With the ending of Wesco's annual meeting, you can bet that the DJCO's meeting will be very crowded this year.
  22. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Warren-Buffett-to-leave-apf-2204957499.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=5&asset=&ccode=
  23. Have you all read this article or heard this interview? Very scary! http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/magazine/17-03/wp_quant?currentPage=all http://www.npr.org/player/v2/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=3&islist=true&id=13&d=01-13-2011
  24. You thank this inflated valuation to....drum roll please! ;D Goldman Sachs' creation: http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/01/05/pm-sec-looks-into-goldman-sachsfacebook-deal/ People never learn from history!
  25. "I prefer Wayne Gretzky, Peyton Manning and Magic Johnson...or even Kobe and Dwayne Wade...not a LeBron fan, and he is going to lose in seven to Boston. By the way Bronco, have you noticed that we sit on top of the league with 1-2 games on hand on everyone! Cheers!" I would put Derek Jeters and Tom Brady amongst those three names too, Sanjeev.
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