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Everything posted by brker_guy

  1. Actually, Sanjeev, before the meeting, we all stood around and thought to ourselves about how thin the audience was. Someone whom I have never met before said that they didn't want this meeting to be broadcast because he was tired of being force-fed the VIC before the meeting like it was during the time at Wesco Annual Meeting. We all chuckled... :D Besides, you guys wouldn't go to DJCO's HQ anyway. It's not like Pasadena where Wesco had its annual meeting. DJCO's HQ is literally next to East LA... Do you want to go to East LA?
  2. These are the notes that I took from today's meeting. I typed as fast as I could on my iPad. So, I might miss a few nuggets here and there. DJCO_2013_Annual_Meeting.pdf
  3. TxLaw, You need not thank me. You did all of the heavy lifting by putting your capital to work for you. I am glad it worked out for both of us. ;D :D
  4. Zero-Dark-Thirty
  5. TxLaw, You rule!!! Congratulations on a Big Year! That is pretty awesome! Brker_guy
  6. Fascinating! A newly minted MBA grad with no prior business pedigree is in the business of being an activist investor. I sure hope he reads and internalizes this Warren Buffett statement, May be then he will understand the meaning of being an "activist investor"?
  7. This couldn't have happened to a nicer crook. :-) http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2012/12/18/thestreet-com-fraud/ We knew this would happen to Cramer, sooner or later, right?
  8. You guys should check out the last minute of this Cramer video. It's down right hilarious. Copying Buffett's holdings is a "loser strategy"? Really? http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000109049&play=1 What a douche Cramer is!
  9. I'm not surprise by this one bit. Special Report - China's answer to subprime bets: the Golden Elephant http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/06/us-china-banks-idUSBRE87501T20120806
  10. All of this Apple pumping on WWDC day today... You guys should check this out: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/08/tech/innovation/gladwell-jobs-gates/index.html?hpt=hp_bn5
  11. It's like watching Genius at work... Back in 2008, DJCO had only $21MIL in holdings. Today, it's nearly $100MIL. Amazing!
  12. As someone who troubleshoots website and software issues for a living, I agree with this. Flash is awful. It served it's purpose for a while, but there are now better alternatives. HTML5 would be further along if Microsoft was capable of developing a decent browser. IE's support for HTML5/CSS3 is still far behind every other browser. Unfortunately, so many people are stuck using IE at work and are not given other options. And ESPN & sports is really the only reason I still have cable. If I could get ESPN, TNT, TBS & the NFL Network online, I would cut cable immediately. I'm thinking about picking up an Apple TV too though. I'd love to be able to use it with the MLB package. I hate Flash, but there are definitely times when I want to watch a video that simply won't run on an iPad. Charlie Rose's website, for example, doesn't work on an iPad, although I think you can watch some of his stuff using the BloombergTV app. Sports would be the only reason for me to have cable. That I miss -- just being able to turn on the TV and find a game. Wow, I feel blessed for once I am in 100% agreement with DCG in each every words that he has written. Amazing! TxLaw, there is always an App to everything once you own an iPad/iPhone/iPod. I think you might be able to get Charlie Rose on YouTube as well. Haha, yes, I read about that. Pretty risque on their part. A long time ago during the Tech Bubble days, there used to be a company called DivX. They were merchant of arms to that risque industry and survived the Tech Bubble by catering to that industry. DivX survived and ended up being sold; my startup was struggling bc we were catering to that crowd... So, it's a sales strategy that a company has to make.
  13. TxLaw, You can take it from me on this one. You really don't need Flash-enabled contents in your life. Flash has been the culprit of the most recent virus and trojans spreading around. On all of my personal computers at home and at work, I disable Flash completely. The only company that handle Flash contents well have been Google. Adobe is slowly embracing HTML5, and the whole industry is moving to HTML5. So, your digilife will be better with HTML5. I hate to tell you what else Boxee is enabling and streaming, but I am going to let you enjoy the device. ;) ;) It's a nifty little device, but make sure you have good network firewalls at home with Boxee around. I and the whole "LVLT Gangs - ValueCarl, BenGraham, Cirrus 22" SALUTE YOU for being a cord cutter. I am exploring options at home right now as well. If it isn't for those darn ESPN and Tennis Channel on my cable box, I would have cut loose a long time ago... I have 2 WD Media Live Plus with WiFi and a Roku 2 XS at home.
  14. Well, I am going to throw my 2 cents into this. How many of "you" equity holders and shareholders out there in the investing universe have made "any money" from any Icahn-related investment? For the last 16-17 years that I have been an active investor, I have never seen one scenario where Icahn has helped the company or its shareholders with his proxy war approach... Never!
  15. And here comes the axe at LS2: http://www.telecomramblings.com/2012/02/lightsquared-sharpens-its-axe/#more-15329
  16. Fascinating rags to riches story on Lucas Oil Company. This is Warren Buffett's type of company here: http://cnnmon.ie/wzSD12
  17. Hubris is too kind of a word to describe LS2. It's more like a combination of cockiness and stupidity that I like to describe of their plan. Everything I have read about their system architecture poses not only national security risk but also puts million of human lives will be at stake. Just imagine that you fly somewhere over North America and your high precision landing instrumentation that is based on GPS is interfered with by LS2 system. The probability of that event happening is very very high! Ben Graham, if you read the Sprint earnings transcript from last week, you would see hints that Sprint saw this coming bc at the end, they were highlighting what CLWR is doing with their LTE phones launch. That idiot Hesse wasted so much time and opportunity by thinking short-term, not long-term. Typical myopic CEO!!! It won't be long before S would have to sell their wireline business to someone like LVLT to raise CA$H.
  18. So much for that grand plan of "Network Vision" by geniuses at Sprint now. Like I said before, I sure hope they have a good Plan B in place... Also, can someone powerful call for the head of Dan "the Hustle" Hesse? His days at Sprint are numbered!
  19. Well, now you know why Clearwire has been inching up everyday....
  20. Sanjeev, I am surprised that you have now join the LVLT debate. So, welcome to the 21st Century, my new LVLT brother. :D ;) The future is very bright for LVLT this year and beyond. I am not saying that because I have made money off LVLT's notes and common a few times the past 10 years. Most of it was luck than skills, but I am gladly taking any luck I can get these days. Thank you for continuing the LVLT chatter on a different thread. However, the theme is still the same. Betting on LVLT is a bet into the future. However, the future is all IP, and it's NOW and HERE already. Look around you. Every device you pick up has an IP address now. Just because AT&T build a crapola wireline and wireless network using pinch pennies approach and running their network hot, the only people who suffers are their customers. Now, the wireless industry is moving to LTE, and AT&T is late to the game. Moreover, they just burned $4BIL on T-Mobile for not getting the deal done. So, who is going to pay? AT&T customers!(I am so glad that I am not one of those A&T customers)... So, let's say that AT&T does get its LTE network in place, will they have enough capacity and enough "backhaul" capacity to handle the traffic. A few weeks ago, Randall Stephenson of AT&T talked openly their needs for "fiber to the tower" and "spectrum" in order for them to grow. Well, look who has the answers to the first problem: LVLT. Not only can LVLT can provide AT&T with fiber to their tower, LVLT can also handled AT&T's wireless backhaul traffic using their 39GHz spectrum. This is the very reason why VZ chose to partner with LVLT for their LTE services. So, while AT&T is figuring every which way possible to gouge its customers and piss them away to VZ and S by raising prices and capping data usage, they are not investing in their own network to grow. In due time, this is going to come back to haunt them. Oh, BTW, I had the great pleasure of turning away a AT&T salesperson this past weekend when he came knocking on my doors selling bundled U-Verse services by suckering me into a deal that I know would harm me in the long-run. On the consumers side, LVLT is doing everything it can to get IP traffic to your TVs, your desktop and your mobile devices by working with content owners because they finally got the Sumner Redstone religion now, "Content is King". So that is why they have landed the APTN CDN deals yesterday and the Bollywood CDN deal last week. This year so far, LVLT has booked for very nice size contract that has reach and scale. So, you might think yourself, "Oh, look it. A new year and hope is eternal". Well, you might think that, but the world of IP is here and now, and THE ONLY NETWORK that can handle those IP traffic worldwide is LVLT. This time around, Sanjeev, I am LONG & STRONG with LVLT...
  21. "whitney is the Kim Kardashian of value investors." PRICELESS!!!!! :D :D :D Good one, Peter_Burke!
  22. Don't you ever wonder what that Buffett personal portfolio looks like for him to make $63MIL in AGI last year? Also, attached is his letter to the Congressman on his little challenge. buffett-letter-to-tim-huelskamp-v2.pdf
  23. I just completely lost all of my respect for the BBC to even considering to bring this bozo on TV, but then again, we have to thank them to do it. So, now, everyone will take this guy seriously. :D :D :D
  24. Let's all wish Warren a very Happy 81st Birthday today! May he lives until the A shares are split! :D And thank you for all of your teachings, financial guidance and sound advice that we all can use everyday, Warren!
  25. As famously noted by Singapore Former Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, our country are run by second-rate politicians.
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