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Everything posted by brker_guy

  1. Merkhet, 44 more pages of posts to go, and we shall catch up the LVLT thread. ;D ;D Speaking of the LVLT, Net Neutrality and broadband services made it into the State of the Union Address last night, and today, WFC got on the wagon and upgraded LVLT. So, watch for that LVLT free cash flow machine to get bigger and bigger this year...
  2. Interesting SA article: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2812755-why-a-fannie-and-freddie-wind-down-could-benefit-shareholders
  3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/phildemuth/2014/11/24/mohnish-pabrais-million-dollar-advice-for-a-12-year-old-investor/?utm_source=followingimmediate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20141124
  4. Here we go: http://www.streetinsider.com/Insiders+Blog/Senator+Asks+FHFA+to+End+Treasury+Conservatorship+of+Fannie+Mae+(FNMA),+Freddie+Mac+(FMCC)/10031403.html
  5. Guys, I think it appears that Berkowitz might have sold the preferred too. Look at his 13F filing for this quarter: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1056831/000091957414006682/xslForm13F_X01/infotable.xml Compare that to last quarter, both of the commons and preferred were filed: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1056831/000091957414004823/xslForm13F_X01/infotable.xml So does that mean Berkowitz is capitulating? Correct me if I am wrong, merkhet. You know more than me about this.
  6. I think that is a futile efforts. Others have tried and failed... http://timhoward717.com/2014/09/21/john-carney-wsj-fails-big-in-yet-another-attempt-to-bash-shareholders-of-fannie-and-freddie/ I used to enjoy reading Heard on the Street column, but these days, I just ignore it. I think Carney is just voicing his personal opinion, and my personal view on opinion is like "a**hole": Everybody has one....
  7. IMHO, I think Carney has personal vendetta against Fannie/Freddie... As merkhet has rightfully pointed out, he got all his facts all messed up. Yet, he still writes about ad nauseam.
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-11-06/pershing-s-ackman-says-fannie-freddie-stocks-are-worth-40-50.html
  9. merkhet, completely agree with you. I did see some of the Gates deposition before. Boies has all of my respects; he is very, very good.
  10. Don't know if you guys saw this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardepstein/2014/11/01/judge-sweeney-should-let-discovery-continue-on-fannie-and-freddie/?partner=yahootix Another good article by Richard Epstein.
  11. I think what the FNMA and FMCC shareholders need is this guy: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-11-03/boies-poised-for-possible-upset-in-aig-25-billion-bailout-trial.html I have lots of respects for David Boies. He is one damn good attorney!
  12. Another negative article from John Carney, I see. This guy is beginning to take this issue on Fannie and Freddie too personally, and he's generating a lot of craps!
  13. Is it just my perception or is the WSJ has an axe to grind against Fannie & Freddie and want to see them die? http://www.wsj.com/video/opinion-fannie-mae-forever/21AE4BE5-1CDD-4275-9A4F-1718169F552F.html I guess the good old proverb on opinion & a certain body part is right on. Everyone has one...
  14. And by the time LMT finishes with the design, it will cost as much as what it would cost to buy a JSF. ;) ;) ;)
  15. More good stuffs from Tim Howard today: http://timhoward717.com/2014/10/09/key-developments-the-seeds-are-sprouting/
  16. It seems to me now this FNMA/FMCC is turning into a political battle with the Republicans going up against the Democrats. I see more Republicans are beginning to sound off against the existence of Fannie and Freddie than before... Take for instance: David Stockman here. I find it comical that David Stockman came out swinging against Fannie and Freddie and praised Judge Lamberth's. What else would you expect from a Reagan has-been who pillaged and plundered CKC then left the CKC bondholders and shareholders battered, bruised and almost ruined while he ran for higher ground: http://seekingalpha.com/article/2539835-kudos-to-judge-lamberth-bubkis-hedge-fund-claims-against-freddie-fannie-get-heave-ho Yet, he is now speaking against us FNMA shareholders? What a freaking…. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a96aLu_1xFdc
  17. Very interesting comments by Tim Howard today: http://timhoward717.com/2014/10/02/honorable-maxine-waters-defends-the-rule-of-law-%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8C%D1%8F-%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%82-forever-stained/
  18. Liberty, the title of the article was confusing to me too, but I realized that the author took into consideration the time value of money factor. Nevertheless, it's interesting to read about how hard it is to keep generational wealth. I guess a quote that I learned a long time ago from the famous Rothschild banking family summed it up best. I think it goes something like this: "It takes a great deal of hard work, a great deal intelligence, and a great deal of patience to make a great fortune, but it takes 10 times your wit to keep it."
  19. Very interesting read: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kerryadolan/2014/07/08/how-the-stroh-family-lost-the-largest-private-beer-fortune-in-the-u-s/
  20. This beating by Germany will forever live in the hearts and minds of Brazil's glorious soccer history. Also, the US' result of 0-1 doesn't look too bad right now, does it? :D :D :D And we didn't have Neymar on our team.
  21. HarryLong, Thanks for sharing the article you penned on SA, but I truly believe you are WAY OFF the mark. Charlie Munger has everything to do with the DJCO's investment portfolio and decision of what go into that portfolio. Before any of you or most of people on this board ever heard of the DJCO's portfolio, I was there in 2009 at his DJCO annual meeting when there was only 15-20 of us in a small conference room. We got Charlie all to ourselves for 2 hrs for unadulterated, frank discussion about finance and investing. It was an amazing day! I still have those notes that I wrote because there were a few of us who asked Charlie how long did it take for Charlie to make a decision to buy into WFC. Do you know what his response was? 2 SECONDS! Imagine that. He and Rick Guerin took 2 SECONDS to decide to buy WFC. In order to do that, one must have a very good filter and a very good mental model to act with "gumption" as Charlie talked about often at last year's annual meeting. At the 2010 DJCO annual meeting, the crowd got a little larger, but Charlie spent quite a long time talking BYD and raving about it along with the slew of banks he was holding. Last year, he had Li Lu took all of the questions on BYD bc Li Lu was the one that came up with the BYD investment idea originally when both Charlie and Buffett first bought in a few years back. Needless to say, if you had followed DJCO's filings, you would see a pattern of "foreign manufacturing" purchase in 2012. More importantly, you do some basic math by looking into DJCO's 13F and then subtract that against the value of investment on the balance sheet, and you shall draw your own conclusion about BYD. Nice article, but it's nothing more than conjecture reading to entertain the eyeballs...
  22. With Charlie and Warren, you have to learn to read btw the lines. This is from the 10K:
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