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Everything posted by MrB

  1. He should call George Armoyan http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1246246-developer-george-armoyan-banned-from-city-buildings-due-to-threatening-behaviour
  2. Nate I think what you've done in terms of identifying a niche and making a name for yourself in that space is impressive. Well done. As to your comments on marketing I agree and this recent video, which you most likely would have seen, but is well worth watching for anyone else out there. http://www.opalesque.tv/hedge-fund-videos/bryan-k-johnson/1 He also have a few good presentations worth reading; obviously talking his book, but some great stats. 89% OF ALL HEDGE FUNDS FAIL TO REACH $100 MILLION AUM 81% OF ALL HEDGE FUNDS HAVE NO MARKETING PLAN. http://johnsn.com/uploads/MUTINY_FUND_STRATEGIC_CONSULT.pdf https://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&rlz=1C1_____enGB494GB494&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=filetype%3Apdf%20site%3Ajohnsn.com&oq=filetype%3Apdf%20site%3Ajohnsn.com&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58j69i59l3.14364j0j4
  3. Speaking of asymmetry to underscore your point about Bogle; you can spend 5 minutes selecting your index fund and outperform 85% of professional fund managers right out of the block...and then go back to fishing.
  4. Generally speaking you can come at it as a GP or LP. For a GP the most important thing is to understand your own personality very well and create a firm around that without ignoring business realities. Anything else will be a mistake and no amount of money will compensate; life's too short!! For a LP the most important thing is to ensure your incentives are aligned. Anything else is just stupid.
  5. When you choose your heroes, make sure they're dead. Otherwise they will end up disappointing you LOL
  6. http://online.barrons.com/articles/profiling-wall-streets-bright-lights-1432956817
  7. Well, I have to ask then. What was the first question? TIA. http://bambooinnovator.com/2015/04/01/mungers-wisdom-and-comments-on-lky-in-notes-on-daily-journals-shareholder-meeting/
  8. Great choice. He's with Lissom
  9. I would add that cash - deferred revenue would be my starting point to figure out whether there is excess cash.
  10. It always amazes me that John is almost unknown in Canada. What is that saying about a prophet not being accepted in his hometown? :( Ok that is unfair, John did not exactly promote himself, but I do think he was/is one of the best people to learn from. Great guy!
  11. hilleryvaluecommentaries.com
  12. No regrets. I'm forgiven!
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Routines-Orgies-Financial-Philosopher-Philanthropist/dp/0773544720/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417172207&sr=8-1&keywords=routines+and+orgies Already sold out.
  14. http://csinvesting.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Teledyne-and-Henry-Singleton-a-CS-of-a-Great-Capital-Allocator.pdf
  15. BVI might be a cheaper option. I think you have to use Cayman service providers for a Cayman fund, which is not the case for the BVI. Double check though.
  16. Don't know exactly… These days it might be quite depressed… In my experience with the rent you can cover all the costs associated with owning such a luxury apartment with ease… but then not much money is left to put in your pockets! ;) Gio So it sounds like 0. In that case I suggest you price it the way you would a good cigar or a good bottle of scotch! ;D
  17. What is the gross rent/sq meter?
  18. So have you started buying some toys yet!
  19. http://boards.fool.com/here-are-my-notes-from-yesterday-welcome-to-31407180.aspx?sort=postdate
  20. Any ideas on how to get as many broker entitlements for research, please? There used to be a service Markets.com which allowed you to sign up for research from several brokers. Anything of a similar nature or does it come down to having a relationship with each broker?
  21. SA article Abrams_Capitals_Bullish_Stock_Picks_-_Seeking_Alpha.pdf
  22. He's good. Probably classify him as investing in undervalued long term growth stories for the most part. There will generally be a 2nd level story to his investments, so worth looking into what he is buying.
  23. +1
  24. https://www.azasrs.gov/content/pdf/agendas/Investment_Committee_Packet2.pdf
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