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  1. Agree 100% Thankfully ,Warren see's " The Long Term Big Picture "!! greenwave
  2. -- + 1 With exceptional accumulated knowledge, sincerity and genuine humility greenwave
  3. -- Thank you gfp for shedding more light on the foundations' methodology . Re: greenwave Summerville , South Carolina was my hometown . I played High School football with the Summerville Green Wave football team . Our High school football coach was noted as the winningest football program in the history of football--at all levels. My coach - John McKissick coached as head coach of the Green Wave there from 1952 through 2014. He held the record for the most football wins at any level with 621 wins . ( He was also a Buffett fan )
  4. Thank you John for the clarification . greenwave.
  5. -- Any one else wondering how long the Gates Foundation gifting season this year may continue to have an impact on the trading price of Brk shares. As I understand it , the additional number of shares gifted this year to the Gates Foundation was significantly more than in the past. greenwave
  6. I agree. Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is timeless commonsense valuable human relations from my perspective . greenwave
  7. Brett, Thank you for sharing the very interesting details of the Berkshire / Disney investment history. Please include me as being interested in receiving a draft of your book . Thank you ! greenwave
  8. --- Thank you for posting Saltybit . I listened to the you tube interview with the author and found it to be very helpful in improving my understanding of the political and economic factors at work in China over the past 35 or so years . I do intend to buy and read the book . I think the author mentioned that he was the first person to enter Wharton with no formal education from grade school to high school (in China ). America at large could profit from hearing his life story and testimony regarding his struggles to educate himself with extremely limited availability of books - and no "professional teachers "during his younger life. In my opinion our entire Congress would be shocked in a positive and constructive way ....to hear his story if that were possible to arrange ! greenwave ** ( **No connection whatsoever to "THE GREEN" political movement )
  9. Recent interview with Gilder relating to the future potential growth of Capitalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Dr-LirFDs greenwave
  10. It's not the first time I've heard Charlie say something scientifically questionable. I think science is his weak spot despite his efforts to be a generalist. It’s very likely the other way around - the Chinese kids got better parents. Adopting kids from China isn’t cheap, so the parents very likely have financial resources. there are also significant background checks. There is a significant selection bias going on on the parent side. ---- Spekulatius , I agree with your perspective . It seems very logical and probable that adopting young Chinese girls generally requires considerably more financial resources than the average American family could likely afford . Additionally ,I would think that the adopting parents would probably be very well educated and would be better prepared to plan for and foster a life-long learning environment for the adopted kids . Thus , it does not surprise me that these kids become more motivated by being nurtured and loved by well prepared parents . ( Maybe the children simply become products of their positive , constructive environments ?) greenwave
  11. Congratulations Sanjeev! Thank you for creating and maintaining the most "constructive broad-scoped" value investing resource anyone could ever ask for. Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax Message Board … “BEST of the BEST” ! greenwave
  12. ------------------------- “CBI just released a new SEC filing today. Warren Buffett owns about 1/3rd of CBI through buys from himself and various subsidiaries. I tried posting the link but it didn't post. Access it by: CBI website - Investor Relations - SEC Documents. Then open the 13-D that's dated 2/17/15. “ ------------------------- The above is a copy /paste from another message board earlier today. ( I have not verified any of the information as posted above ) greenwave
  13. Looks like he dumped IBM too? ---------- Allan Meachun the 400 % man Allan Mecham - Arlington Value Capital Added just under 700,000 shares of LUK in 3rd qtr 2014 greenwave
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