I think you are looking at this with the wrong lens.
The U.S. national debt is currently $37 trillion (122% of GDP), and it’s growing at a rate of $1 trillion every 100 days. This translates to $3.65 trillion/yr of additional debt and soon it will be balloon to such a huge number that its unfixable outside of bankruptcy/dollar devaluation....
So what is needed to fix the problem?
1. Need interest rates to come down (Trump focus is the 10 yr), so the US can roll the 7TR+ of Treasury bills at 4.4% into long term bonds at much lower interest rates... This can save at least 100-200B/yr on interest payments by do so. Possibly bring down our run away 1.2TR+ and growing of interest payments/yr to a flat 800-900B/yr.... Easiest way to do this is to bring the US into a slowdown/recession short term.
2 Cut government spending/waste. Musk's goal is 1 TR of budget cuts. Current Government spending is 7 TR and a 2 TR deficit/yr which is tacked on to the US debt load. If Trump wants to balance the budget, assuming Musk is successful, he needs to cut 1 TR out of the budget ex Medicaid/SS/Defense by privatization/shutting departments/etc... Doable? Unclear...
3. Tariffs. Yes its short term inflationary but a 1x bump. Some have calculated that 32% of US spending is from goods vs 68% services, and of that 20% is imported which implies 6.4% of total US spend. Supposedly, the long term goal is tariff revenue of 2.5 Tr after 10 years which implies 8-10% tariff on every import. If successful, he can cut the IRS revenue (5TR/yr currently) by 50%, eg tax rates go down 50% across the board! I think this is the long term goal...
4. Long term budget fix needs to be a reform of 4 TR of the yearly budget from Medicaid/Care, SS, defense... But I'd think that's for the next administration...
Clearly, Trump has no choice but to tackle this problem now or the US is doomed...
The US debt clock shows the severity of this problem.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time