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  1. Any concern the chairman Malcolm Cockwell is the son of Jack Cockwell, current BAM board member? https://brookfield.substack.com/p/selling-assets-to-family
  2. I miss him so much…
  3. we all know how hard it is to call the exact top, it seems like you did it. May I ask what make you identify it in late 2007 rather than earlier, a lot of people would have sold out prior to that time.
  4. There are parking lots outside the building, last year, they charged $10/day, people lined up @3AM in the morning in order to get a good seat.
  5. another round of consumer product price increase might come soon, even though cost of goods might not increase, but companies are all greedy, they want to take this opportunity to make more money, same as retailers, that's why consumers got double hit...at least that's the case in Canada
  6. there are 2 kinds of supporters: one truly believe it has value, the other doesn't feel it has value, but think people can benefit from speculation by "buy low sell high". for the latter, key question is: at what price you are comfortable to buy, and what price you think it should be sold?
  7. I really enjoy reading what you wrote, have a nice hike and please keep posting.
  8. I remember from the past annual letters many years ago, WB mentioned they tried to expand See's to the east coast, but it was not successful, due to brand recognition. I doubt the 3 days thing, if they sell >75% of volume in Dec, they are going to need a lot of capacity in Dec to produce See's, for the rest of year, the production lines don't have much to do.
  9. Problem is there's no guarantee of no damages if rent out. management fee is not a concern, it's the damage to the property I am worrying about.
  10. Thanks Viking. That was our plan too and we should stick to it.
  11. Yes, the house in Calgary is about half of the price in GTA. and you are right, I was anchoring on a higher price which made me hesitated. Thanks for the advice.
  12. We are a couple in early 50s living in GTA, have one kid working and living in Seattle. We decide to move to Calgary as that's closer to Seattle and we like the mountains. so we bought a house in Calgary last month, and now when we tried to sell the house in GTA (paid off mortgage, no HELOC on it), the housing market slowed down. we could still sell it but have to lower the price by about $200K than we originally planned. I work from home permanently, wife has a good job in GTA but has to quit if we move to Calgary. Now we couldn't decide between these 2 options: Option 1, cut the price and sell the house to move now, wife will lose the job, but we can invest the money from selling the house. Option 2, wait until housing market in GTA recovers, hopefully in the near future, in that case, we could rent out the house in Calgary. we have a friend in Calgary who can help manage the rental. Personally I don't want to rent out the house in Calgary for reasons: nice house might get messed up by tenant, and I hate to ask for help from friends. So... I am stuck here, any advice is much appreciated.
  13. I don't think it works in Canada as well
  14. found this file for you, on page 26, it has some tax info, check it out. 2203251228560223.pdf
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