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Everything posted by throw123

  1. I learned about him a few years ago when he was all about cloning. I watched a few of his interviews which I found interesting at the time, where he alluded to these 20+ pa returns but digging deeper felt he wasnt my cup of tea. My dislike for him developed more recently as it is now clear as day. He is no longer a "shameless cloner". He cleaned the slate by launching a new fund with a new strategy, which may very well beat the S&p 500 over the next 10 years but I believe the odds are that RSP or S&p 600 will likely beat it over the next decade as well, i dont think it would be a difficult feat from todays valuations
  2. Advertising on X now... numbers dont lie
  3. haha its you folk that make me want to retire early
  4. I am toying with the idea. 40 next year and assuming i am able to generate 5-6pct p.a. I will be more than fine. Not sure that my investment returns would improve if i shifted to doing it full time, might actually cause additional stress. My plan would be to be 75pct index funds (set and forget), and the rest I invest in individual securities to keep myself busy
  5. agree, its bittersweet
  7. brk.b buying back gradually shares i sold earlier in the year when the stock got a bit ahead of itself
  8. Maldives - cause im lazy
  9. username checks out
  10. Started a position in NESN, will add to on further weakness
  11. its out
  12. Fortunately no tax considerations for me. Brk is 50% of my portfolio, I dont think it is outrageously overvalued but believe the odds are decent to re-enter sub 380 even with higher BV expected to be announced later this month
  13. lightened up on berkshire
  14. agree
  15. I have shifted all my S&p 500 cap weighted index to VBR and RSP. I think the odds are decent for RSP and VBR to outperform cap weighted S&P 500
  16. Starting position in HSY
  17. i tend to do something similar. Stick some of my trading gains into RSP
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