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Everything posted by Redskin212

  1. Ironic that the promotion was released the same day as Steve Cohen is finally charged by the SEC. SEC charges SAC Capital's Steven A. Cohen for failing to prevent insider trading by employees http://www.cnbc.com/id/100889063
  2. I can't remember where I heard this quote that compares the CFL and the NFL - but I always thought it was pretty good. "The CFL is a superior game played by inferior athletes whereas the NFL is an inferior game played by superior athletes"
  3. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51YOMQbuymL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-70,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg Just finished Straight Flush by Ben Mezrich - good book, very similar to his others, which I also liked. Pretty sure the movie won't be far behind.
  4. Fairfax is also selling of the reinsurance operations of ASI http://www.cnbc.com/id/100784389
  5. Eric, That is where you should move - Palm and Whale Beach are awesome!!
  6. I have used Fidelity for about 10 years and have been very happy. Do not underestimate the value of downloading info to TurboTax at tax time and the access to 10 years worth of old statements. I find I am looking back at old statements more and more and of course filing my taxes is a lot easier with the download. Satisfied Fidelity customer.
  7. I am skeptical that Prem actually put a number on his estimate of intrinsic value. I have never heard him be so precise about an assessment - it is usually statements like "may be much higher", "could be worth 2 to 3 times more".... He always prefaces his estimate with a may be or could be and in fact flat out answered a question at the annual meeting with " you have to calculate that yourself"
  8. Great news! I wish I could this own my shares in ORH, I am sure they would be worth much more than $65/share
  9. COMLB26 COmpounding a Million By 26% (for 30 years)
  10. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100551627
  11. Eric, Congratulations!! your returns are truly spectacular. What really impresses me is the amount of concentration you utilized and the fact that you only swung the bat 3 or 4 times. That is truly amazing. For us old timers on the Board we all knew about FFH, ORH, BAC and many others... however few us had the balls to commit significant percentages of our net worth to them when things looked truly depressed. Congrats once again. Redskin
  12. Let's look at it another way: RIMM Market Cap - $9.4 billion FFH holds 9.9%share or $930 million FFH Market Cap - $7.3 billion RIMM investment as a % of Market Cap - 12.7%
  13. Wow! They should really include a column to track this figure in their historic performance chart that is in the annual report. It is getting to be a very large number!
  14. This thread is turning into "Siskel & Parsad"! ;)
  15. Better terms on margin balances - lowest rate they publish on all o/s balances
  16. My experience with Fidelity's premium service is that you need to ask a few questions to get a better deal or service. They have a ton of clients and they try to offer this "premium" service but in reality it is nearly impossible given that they are really a low cost provider. When you start questioning things, they tend to open up a bit more and offer more.
  17. Sanjeev, Congratulations on your involvement with the CCFC ICE Gala and raising over $100,000. That is fantastic! I am extremely jealous of the 54-40 performance, I would loved to see them live again after about 25 years, they were quite something but I think your Vancouver bias is shining though a little :) The Hip are pretty darn good and have been for a lot of years and albums. I also really liked the Vancouver-based Sons of Freedom album Gump - they were a little more hard core and alternative at the time but great nonetheless. The funny thing about Canadian music from the late 80's/early 90's is that the Barenaked Ladies was the one that made it really big in the US. I remember when I first moved to the US in 1994 everybody was going crazy about them and I just kept thinking to myself there are so many better acts from Canada. I could never figure it out, the music business is a fickle one. Well done again.
  18. Good point - I am sending my email to Prem right now.
  19. Just wanted to see what my tag reads now. Thanks for all your efforts Sanjeev. $10 is the deal of the year!
  20. Looks like FFH has agreed to the terms. I can't recall their cost, but I am sure it is a ncie gain for FFH. http://www.intlcoal.com/pages/news/2011/Arch%20Coal%20Inc.%20to%20Acquire%20International%20Coal%20Group%20for%20$3.4B.pdf
  21. Also own 8.3% of BH http://xml.10kwizard.com/filing_raw.php?repo=tenk&ipage=7373501
  22. I am for keeping the dinner at Joe Bardi's as I think it is nice informal atmosphere. With regard to the "speakers' I have a different take - when the guests from FFH arrive, I suggest the each one sit down at a different table and have a drink and discussion with the individual table. That would get a lot more discussions and questions going. As this board is so good, I am sure someone from each table could post the highlights of the discussion on the board. So if we had 4 "speakers" there for an hour, we could gain 4 hours of knowledge through the board. My 4 cents :)
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