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  1. https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2021/04/homebuilder-comments-in-mid-april-crazy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+CalculatedRisk+(Calculated+Risk)&m=1 Homes are selling like hotcakes!
  2. This
  3. One of my co-worker took the JnJ recently and was pretty much sidelined for a day. He seems to be ok now. Anecdotally sounds similar to second dose reaction for the other vaccine flavors. I’ll be getting my Pfizer 2nd dose in a few weeks so will see.
  4. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/here-are-the-complex-bets-at-the-heart-of-unprecedented-archegos-linked-30-billion-margin-call-11617051940
  5. In IBKR the units are sometimes listed as, for example, FVIV U, KAHC U
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