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Everything posted by dipod

  1. Same. PARA LEAPS.
  2. FRFHF. The failure to rise with their outstanding results makes no sense but the market will be a weighing machine in the long term.
  3. Really tempted to hedge some of my equity exposure with TSLA puts
  4. Lots and lots of FRFHF.
  5. You sure you want to be investing in something that is perishing??
  6. The more I learn about different investing styles, the more I see the importance and power of steady cashflow. If you have enough cashflow to cover your living expenses comfortably, then honestly the chase for the extra increase in price sometimes is not worth it. And if the dividends keep rising, your cashflow will only rise. The super sweet spot here is buying good cos with high dividend yields that are undervalued with reasonable prospects of capital appreciation. Jumping on the BNS train myself with more study. Thank you
  7. The current price level of the QQQ and NVDA makes no logical or rational sense to me.
  8. JBLU in the 4.6s
  10. Decent hedge and I think the market is underpricing many of the risks that exist with the business. Margins are going down and competition is rising sharply. I understand the frothy nature of the trade but the risk-reward makes sense to me.
  11. TSLA 2025 LEAP puts about 20% OTM partly as a speculative instrument but also as a portfolio hedge. Working thesis: losing the EV subsidy on most of their cars next year, declining prices on most of their models which will hurt margins/profits, recalls/bad press on many of their vehicles with reliability issues, profitability for the second half of this year has not been great but still > 100% rise YTD, increasing competition within the EV space.
  13. Purely speculative but I think some of the tech giants are good put option portfolio hedges right now.
  14. Reading The Warren Buffett way was my first introduction to value investing. Largest gain I remember was a position in Nokia calls during the game stop mania craze. Made a ton holding the position for < 48 hrs. Stock rose about 60% the next day after I bought the calls. Was watching like a hawk and sold off once trading halts started. Biggest regret was selling off O&G calls I bought during the meltdown in 2020. Sold way too early. Would be a multibagger today. Similar regrets with INTC and C calls middle of this year. Selling too early. A lesson I will at some point learn to hold tight if there's still value despite an initial steep rise in price and thesis confirmation.
  15. QQQ puts expiring next year.
  16. Thank you. Happy thanksgiving!
  17. CSPs on BMY.
  18. How are you all able to buy GXE at a broker like fidelity? When I search for it, I don’t see any listing. @Castanza
  19. Large amount of CPNG.
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