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Everything posted by NormR

  1. http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ffh.to
  2. Would that be in USD or CAD? Oh wait, doesn't matter. :D
  3. Bronte's blog is worth following ... http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/2010/09/travelling-through-china-with-universal.html
  4. I tend to agree that a short-term investment contest is very likely to encourage the wrong sort of thinking. Technical analysis and momentum baby! But is there a good alternate way to introduce high school students to investing. Might simple financial planning, credit card use, and mortgage type stuff be better for most students?
  5. I thought I saw a recent article that put his age at 104?
  6. Humm, Greece has been something of a serial defaulter. Perhaps the Greeks have learned a different lesson. That is, fleece the bond market / government for all it's worth. >:(
  7. The waste collection in Toronto is pretty much fubar. One only has to consider the 'recycling' program. >:(
  8. It'd be helpful to put an approximate price on the hotel option. Are we talking $20/40/100/etc? Also, the FFH guys typically wander by after sup. Might there be a desire to snag another speaker, or two, for earlier on? I bet we could find an interesting value manager for the event. It might also encourage the FFH guys to get there earlier ;) Btw, several of us get together at 5ish for drinks. Perhaps the main event can start with drinks/mingling at 5? (Feel free to ignore these random ideas :) )
  9. Really? It's the butt of all jokes on the gaming forums. Perhaps, but they're boosting prices for their live service. ($50/yr -> $60/yr) So, it can't all be bad.
  10. and because old people run businesses, the kids they hire will have to adapt and learn to love MSFT. :D
  11. From last week, but a fair number of stocks in the S&P500 trade below a P/E of 10 and a P/B of 1 ... Name Ticker Price P/E P/B Leverage CONSTELLAT CEG 29.59 1.23 0.66 3.32 CAPITAL ONE COF 38.61 8.52 0.70 7.30 NRG ENERGY NRG 22.41 10.00 0.71 3.39 UNUM GROUP UNM 20.78 8.02 0.77 6.61 ASSURANT AIZ 36.85 8.90 0.79 5.42 SUPERVALU SVU 11.05 6.78 0.79 6.00 ACE LTD ACE 52.97 6.23 0.84 4.10 LOEWS CORP L 36.9 9.49 0.85 4.42 PRUDENTL FINL PRU 55.5 6.11 0.87 19.68 WELLPOINT INC WLP 51.58 4.60 0.87 2.16 MORGAN STANLEY MS 26.12 8.85 0.88 18.96 TRAVELERS COS TRV 49.63 7.43 0.89 4.12 ROWAN CO RDC 25.53 9.86 0.89 1.59 CINCINNATI FIN CINF 26.63 8.48 0.92 3.17 MICRON TECH MU 7.37 4.52 0.95 2.10
  12. As it happens, I was just screening for firms like this. Ok, I was a bit of a spendthrift by allowing P/E < 9 and P/B < 0.9 ;) Anyway, currently ~100 stocks fit the bill on the NYSE & TSX combined. Perhaps BZ, IM, MET, or MIG on the NYSE? Mind you, it might be one of those fly-by-thing things on NASDAQ ;) I'm rather fond of sleepy ALC @ 8.4/0.74 or GVC @ 8.6/0.68. Oh, real small cap folks can consider PAP.A as a profitable Net-Net. :D (I may have a position in the aforementioned stocks, this is not a recommendation.)
  13. Check out http://www.prefblog.com/ for Canadian info. As it happens, I expect to see James Hymas later today. His pref fund has had a very good run.
  14. I don't know if this speech from 6/1/2010 has been linked before ... https://ryecast.ryerson.ca/12/watch/561.aspx Prem starts at about the 28 min mark.
  15. Much much worse. Local weather is basically pretty good (~80% right) 1 to 2 days out. After all, with radar/satellite they can see it approaching. The 5 day stuff is really a best guess. When it comes to the few month/year/century stuff, well, I like the saying, "prediction is prejudice" or, as you say, "what forecast would you like?". (I don't suppose you're an accountant. ;) ;) ;) )
  16. Bad news, my condolences. :( Don't know much about the two locations, but others do. But you should probably be careful when it comes to Vancouver real estate prices which seem a little nutty.
  17. LOL, that's where I got it from :) Predicting storms, more than a few days out, seems to rather prone to error . . .
  18. http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/~maue/tropical/ http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/~maue/tropical/global_running_ace.jpg
  19. Seems likely a matter of the new fund's size. i.e. high fixed costs (legal, etc) compared to very low starting assets under management. As the assets grow from a very low base, the % should decline dramatically. I very much doubt that the fee would become uncapped in the near term. The fund would more likely be closed should it fail to attract enough assets to make it worthwhile in the next few years. Also, the fees on Chou's other small funds didn't rocket higher. So, I think history should provide more than a little comfort in this case.
  20. Thumbs up! Thanks
  21. The other downside risk are taxes. The article doesn't mention that. I'm betting taxes eat up all of the out-performance of that strategy. Seems to me that taxes vary so much between people/institutions/etc that it'd be hard to say much in general. But I look forward to your book on the topic.
  22. It is on facebook. ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist)
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