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  1. Check out Sun Residential (sres.v) https://sunresreit.ca/financial-statements - pretty much just one large multi-family development plus a smaller one currently undergoing renovation.
  2. Thank you for that post writser as so much resonates with me and I don't even have a child (although I was taking care of my 2 year old niece twice a week in the Spring to relieve some pressure on her WFH parents). As for myself, I was up 30% on the year. I had actually sold a bunch of holdings in January/February as the market was looking a little frothy. This ideally positioned me for the March drop but unfortunately everything just moved so fast that I never had the opportunity to fully take advantage (other than a bunch of quick in and out swing trades). Most of the year's gains came from purchases made in June/July as things settled down and as I was able to pick away at some market laggards.
  3. Current holdings are pretty much dominated by cash and microcap Canadian stocks, with a bit of exposure to the US through S&P and Nasdaq ETFs Cash 35.6% BRM.V 10.8% BRTL.V 6% CAF.V 5.9% XSP.TO 3% XQQ.TO 2.6% AHC.TO. 2.2% CWL.TO 2.1% HMM/A.TO 1.5% AWI.V. 1.5% MR/DB/B.TO. 1.5% NIF/UN.TO 1.3% Then a bunch of random stuff (including a basket of Canadian REITs) below 1%
  4. Yeah because Moderna would have easily raised $1 billion in the private market to develop this vaccine. Seriously, go back to the politics forum.
  5. Dundee increased their offer for the Series 2 Prefs to $19.50, a fixed price, plus will take up as many shares as are tendered, so no prorationing. As an added bonus they will also pay a prorated dividend of 26 cents. So $19.76 with an expecting closing of September 10th. Trading at 19.30 now, so an annualized return of around 40%. Not too shabby.
  6. This thread got did not get anywhere near the traction as the "will s&p retest the lows" thread 'cause it just screamed obvious troll.
  7. I think the bigger news over the past couple of weeks that the market is completely ignoring (not pricing in) is the rise of Biden in the polls. A Biden win would surely lead to an increase in the corporate tax rate and reduced earnings. This could end up being more consequential than a prolonged fight against the virus.
  8. Bought VFV (S&P index fund) using about 5% of cash reserve. Never bought the broad index before but decided to dive in today with a starter position.
  9. Just a shade under 20% for me. First year since 2011 I underperformed the major indexes. Held anywhere between 10 and 25% cash for the year but mostly was held back by a few big mistakes coupled with deep value stocks really lagging.
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