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Stuart D

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Everything posted by Stuart D

  1. Ah, A friend has just explained to me that you can buy shares through a broker, that broker can go bankrupt the next week and it doesn’t matter because you still own the shares. The certificate the broker sent you saying you own them is all that counts. You could take that certificate to another broker and they could sell the shares for you. Is this right? Thanks,
  2. My concern is that if my broker goes bankrupt, it might be difficult to recover my shares (that I have bought using their platform). For Australian equities I am using one of our large banks brokerage services because that feels safe. Since joining the CoBF I have discovered a myriad of interesting Canadian investments (thank you!). Most Australian brokers don't offer access to Canada, so I'm looking for a safe/reliable broker that does. Firms such as CMC Markets have heaps of good reviews, but with their emphasis on CFD trading they kind of feel like a casino and if they went bankrupt I think I would have a difficult time getting my money back. Any recommendations on a safe broker to use for non-Canadian Residents who want to buy Canadian Equities?
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