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zippy1 last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. March 2007. I was wondering who has CDS bets.
  2. zippy1


    Sadly, however, I would think this kind of things will continue to happen. I would certainly pay attention to this kind of situation. This kind of shift in the supply chain has created great investment opportunities in Taiwan.
  3. zippy1


    Does this German manufacture has a name?
  4. zippy1


    There are rumors that even rich people like the Rong family moved to Canada. If something like this is happening, it should be good for EWBC. https://www.westca.com/News/article/sid=1064977/今年開天辟地的大新聞_透露驚人信號/lang=tchinese.html For an introduction to this family, there is an entry on wikipedia on Yiren Rong, the fomer Vice President of China, the "Red Captialist." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rong_Yiren
  5. zippy1


    Yes, this is similar to what Russia did in Ukraine. However, Taiwanese law, which was passed years ago, actually does remove these people's Taiwanese citizenship. They can not have dual-citizenship.
  6. zippy1


    Some overseas Chinese seem to think that overthrowing CCP and break China into a few countries like the sizes of European countries is the way to go. I am actually curious about whether that would be better for the Chinese.
  7. zippy1


    It is thought provoking because he completely ignore that there are 25 million people living on the island and most of these do not want to be ruled y CCP, I suppose..
  8. zippy1


    There is a Chinese patent on how to cut the underseas cable with low cost. "本发明公开了一种拖曳式海底电缆切割装置及其电缆切割方法。现有需要一种快速、低成本的海底电缆切割装置。本发明的拖环固定在主杆一端,主杆另一端固定有两块翼板;两块翼板的一个侧面位于对称中心线处固定有一个锚钩,另一侧面位于对称中心线处也固定有一个锚钩;两个锚钩内侧均固定有切割刀,且每把切割刀与两块翼板之间均设有一块导铁,导铁与两块翼板均固定;铁链一端与固定在拖船上的拉力传感器固定,另一端与切割锚的铁链固定。本发明的拖船通过铁链拖动切割锚切割电缆,实现了切割锚直接在海底钩住电缆并快速切断电缆,且从拉力传感器和回收切割锚后检查切割刀上是否有残留铜屑两方面确认电缆切割是否完成,可靠性强。" Translated this with ChatGPT This invention discloses a towed submarine cable cutting device and its cutting method. Currently, there is a need for a fast and cost-effective submarine cable cutting device. In this invention, a towing ring is fixed at one end of the main rod, while two wing plates are fixed at the other end. On one side of the two wing plates, a grappling hook is mounted at the centerline of symmetry, and another grappling hook is mounted on the opposite side at the same centerline. Cutting blades are fixed inside both grappling hooks, and a guide iron is installed between each cutting blade and the two wing plates, which are also fixed to the guide iron. One end of the iron chain is connected to a tension sensor mounted on the tugboat, while the other end is attached to the chain of the cutting anchor. The tugboat tows the cutting anchor using the iron chain to cut the cable. This enables the cutting anchor to directly hook and quickly sever the cable on the seabed. The completion of the cable cutting is confirmed by checking the tension sensor and inspecting the cutting blades for residual copper debris after recovering the cutting anchor, ensuring high reliability. https://patents.google.com/patent/CN111203499A/zh
  9. Merry Christmas!
  10. zippy1


    Whether China will take on the west first or not, I do not know. However, China has been expanding since the Zhou dynasty around 1000BCE. How could it get so big if China did not conquer its neighbors? The original China (Zhou) is just a small fraction of today's China. You can see that on the dynamic map on this page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_expansionism
  11. zippy1


    the kind of culture difference can really surprise me. I asked my friend, who had been a factory manager in China for quite a few years and left recently about this story. He said likely the low level governemnt guy who leaked the inspection date would be scolded. Then he will go making arrangements with these store owners that they will take turn to open, be inspected (and be fined....)... There is not much the store owners can do....
  12. zippy1


    This piece of news is kind of interesting. It is possible to read it with google translator. Basically, the government of ChaoZhou in the Guangdong provience decided to do a safety inspection on the stores. If a business fails the safety inspection, it can be fined quite severely. Apparently, quite a few stores decide to close to avoid being inspected. The unofficial story is tha the stores are closing "en masse." These store owners are creative in why they close the stores for the day. The reasons for not opening for business are like "Be afraid of Ghost", "having a fight with my spouse", "the owner is in a bad mood" in the news story. If the story is true, the finance of the local government has to be in bad shape to do this. https://www.hk01.com/即時中國/1078816/潮州-汕頭傳大量店舖關門停業避檢查-官方-只是個別商戶
  13. zippy1


    Very interetsing .... https://news.mingpao.com/pns/中國/article/20241110/s00013/1731173051576/鄭州大學生掀熱潮-特種兵萬車「陷汴京」塞道路-流量接不住-「夜騎開封」先開後封
  14. zippy1


    Vs. about 42 times in China?
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