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Everything posted by Castanza

  1. And this is why unions and pensions should not exist if they are representing/for employees who are being funded by tax dollars. At the very least they shouldn't be "guaranteed".....cough cough teachers I'm looking at you. Same goes for all the firefighters, police etc who run up their salary before they retiring. If pension contributions can't be met then that's on them. Save your own money. Live responsibly. Pay what you owe.
  2. Goes to show you how corrupt the world is. Nuclear Energy (a modernized version of it) IS the only viable option for a true future of clean energy. Yet we see things in politics like "The New Green Deal" that actually want to eliminate every nuclear plant there is because it wont provide jobs to boot their (politician) voter base. Not to mention nuclear energy is essentially the cleanest energy there is. Highlights from the talk: - batteries aren't efficient enough - batteries are too expensive - Solar is inefficient (50x50 sq mile solar field to replace a single natural gas plant. Not including the cables, infrastructure, battery storage etc) - Solar is too expensive - Solar is not "green" energy - Wind is not "green" energy - Wind is highly inefficient - Wind and solar should be used as subsidiary energy edit: And to clarify, I'm not against wind or solar. They are great. But they aren't the solution at massive scales.
  3. Interesting article on beer. I was surprised to see that even craft beer brewers are hurting. It’s a bear market for beer :o https://www.ccn.com/millennials-killing-us-beer-next-victim-is-heineken The trend to spirits is mentioned as well. Heineken is the Budweiser of Europe, imo. the stock looks pretty overvalued too, but I think they are better run than Ambev. Personally I like Diaego better than any other alcohol related companies. They have a good diversification of product ranging from high end liquors to iconic and cult following beers like Guinness. It is trading at a premium for sure, and I doubt I would enter a position at this point. But it has performed much better than the competition out there. I think they do a good job of securing quality brands that consumers like. Liquor is for sure a "safer" bet it terms of the long game. Not many small craft liquor producers. Especially when it comes to stuff aged over 10 years. It's hard to replicate that.
  4. Not sure if this has been discussed here or not. It's really more for entertainment than anything. But this website allows you to see what members of congress are buying or just doing with their money in general. http://clerk.house.gov/public_disc/financial-search.aspx There are a few interesting plays. Noticed a few people taking large positions in GE and Travelers Inc, Massie opened a position (maybe added) in Tesla. Just browsing through for 30 min or so there seems to be a lot of people buying midstream, and utility companies. The most interesting was by far Nancy Pelosi. She opened a 1m-5m long call position on Amazon. Purchased 10k shares of At&t, and opened a 100-250k long call on FB. Again! Not saying to follow their investment moves (they probably have someone else do it anyways) but it's interesting regardless.
  5. You have peaked my interest with this. Any quick insights you have about this company?
  6. $MITK - Mitek Systems Will average in if it continues down. Sub $10 would be an extremely attractive price.
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