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Castanza last won the day on December 23 2023

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  1. No that’s great but even per their own words: Most of the new hires will be focused on research and development, or R&D, silicon engineering, software development, and AI and machine learning, You need a highly educated workforce to fill these roles and that starts with education. The US lags here compared to many countries. Instead our politicians try to keep the steel industry here for “National Security” which is bullshit. The “common man” is not a steel worker or leather factory worker. Those days are gone and those jobs are leaving and frankly should leave. It doesn’t make sense to keep them here with the wages they would demand here. Traditional manufacturing jobs make up less than 10% of the workforce. Yet it remains a huge focus of politicians and policy. It’s silly and leading to American inadequacy on a global scale.
  2. Unless you're bringing high tech manufacturing to the US it's silly to try. But our education system is not up the to task because we are stuck in the past. This is where EU will eat our lunch over the next decade. Didn't the CHIPS act require a ton of H-1B workers to staff the key roles? Trad manufacturing jobs (excluding farming) shrunk under Biden even with all that money from 8.3%-8.1%...It's simply for a different era imo. Even China is losing manufacturing jobs. They have lost more over the last 10 years than exists in the US as a whole.
  3. Makes me think of WB quote: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it.”
  4. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-economics-show/id1746352576?i=1000689712495 Very good fair and balanced piece imo.
  5. Haha bummer! Was just a few shares a few shares though so nbd
  6. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/war-on-the-rocks/id682478916 Last 3 have been very solid.
  7. What exactly is lasting peace? A generation or two if you’re lucky? Peace is a myth imo. Which is worse? Unsatisfactory terms for Ukraine but an end to the bloodshed in the near term? Or continued bloodshed with support increased allied support and possible escalation? A lot of ways this could go with either path imo. Ukraine should definitely be at the table though. My opinions on how this all started are known, but pulling the rug on support after years is not wise imo. Wisdom is found in the council of many….
  8. If it was in my brokerage sure, but I held it in my Roth so I have no problem flexing in and out of tax free positions (Brk.b as well). NTDOY, love it long term, but the stock has gone up ~30% in a month on news that isn't all that new imo. Great future and great business moves. @Gregmal After the runup this was getting close to 12% for me. If it wasn't in my Roth I likely wouldn't have trimmed. Debated trimming to just 5% but figured why not with how this thing swings around (famous last words).
  9. JOE, FRFHF, RTO last few weeks FRFHF - 30% Cost Basis up to ~900 JOE - 15% MSFT - 13% RTX - 11% RTO - 6% GOOGL - 5% CNSFW - 5% TOITF - 5% cash = 10% dropped MELI, DHLGY, CPRT, WFG, BRK.b, NTDOY Trackers - SSD, CB, NTDOY (probably gonna regret trying to trade this)
  10. How many equities do you hold Spek? If I remember right you hold quite a few positions? If you don’t mind sharing.
  11. Dropping GOOGL is interesting. Either doesn't like the capex or calling top on AI or both? Cost basis was probably sub ~90 if I remember right.
  12. Exactly, there is no point discussing valuations of Index funds if you aren't going to discuss how they are pitched to the ones making contributions. All people know...."I contribute X to my 401k and my employer matches X amount." The conversation pretty much stops there for 99% of people. Most people probably don't even check their allocation and just roll with whatever Target date fund they get put in.
  13. Schwab > everything except international equities, savings rates, margin rates, interface, research, IBRK > International market access, margin rates
  14. A lot of times we forget that the legends we look up to were forward looking thinkers in their own times. Nothing wrong with romanticizing but sometimes we certainly look at it with rose colored glasses or get too caught up in the past. I will say Buffett has been relatively adaptable to the future but more so with his commentary than his investments.
  15. Ah I gotcha, yeah I can get behind that as an introvert as well. I wfh and wouldn't want to change a thing.
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