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Castanza last won the day on December 23 2023

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  1. @Rainier Are you a Raptors fan?
  2. I want to know why he hates Shaq so much lol
  3. Are you speaking from an engineers perspective or a hospital administrators perspective? Because I've never met an engineer (myself included) that can't come up with reasons as to why XYZ product it shit and why nobody should be using it, and how the product "we" like is the clear choice.
  4. You can't criticize Shaq for being "lazy" and then sing praises to Luka lol Your bias is definitely showing here....Most people have Shaq top 10 all time....unquestionably top 25. It's not even disputable.
  5. “Not that bad” matters when throwing names in the mix for top talent all time….just my two cents. People are already comparing him to Jordan in the playoffs for scoring LOL. Dude has 41 games in the playoffs avg enraging 31.3pts vs Jordan 33.4 over 179 and LeBron 28.4 over 287. Also worth noting that Jordan played in a low scoring era. Don’t get me wrong I like Luka a lot and enjoy watching him play. But longevity is part of greatness imo. He’s young and already had a few injuries and struggles with weight a bit. Hopefully as he matures he continues to develop. He absolutely could be an all time great.
  6. Jordan, Kareem, and Wilt were winning Defensive player of the year alongside those offensive stats Luka doesn't even know what defense is lol Shaq is one of the most dominant big men of all time. You don't get that on just physical ability. https://www.essentiallysports.com/nba-legends-basketball-news-exclusive-shaquille-oneals-size-cast-aside-by-nba-legend-for-underrated-quality-that-led-to-success/ Shaq is a good dude too lol what's not to like?!
  7. Doesn’t that prove the point though? The best prevail
  8. Luka hasn’t been in the league long enough to put him in any all time great list yet imo. Shaq absolutely was a very high IQ player. Basketball IQ is a tough thing to judge because it’s specific to role, position, and offense vs defense.
  9. Can’t put LeBron and Luka on the list yet…they haven’t even played a full season together. I like LeBron, but his legacy is not on the Duo list. Maybe the trio list, but even then it’s tough. He’s a one man show. Also Malone and Stockton didn’t win any finals. Wins matter otherwise the list is just subjective. Duo Finals Jordan/Pippen 6/6 Russell/Cousy 6/6 Magic/Kareem 5/8 Curry/Thompson 4/6 Kobe/Shaq 3/4 Bird/McHale 3/3 Duncan/Robinson 2/2 Trio Finals Jordan/Pippen/Rodman 6/6 Duncan/Parker/Ginobili 4/4 Curry/Thompson/Green 4/6 LeBron/Wade/Bosh 2/4
  10. Is there a thread on this?
  11. Yeah could be worth a shot, who knows maybe they have. With Berkshires Hands off approach, they could have a better chance than most. CSU also come to mind
  12. Yup LeBron is a special talent that is aging like a fine wine. Been watching the guy since I started playing ball in elementary school. It’s even more impressive when you look at how he’s adapted to the shift in play style since he entered the league.
  13. Probably should have specified something "like" Epic....Epic specifically has always said they will never go public or allow themselves to be acquired (Judy talking). I think she is setting up some type of trust for her shares so it's always employee/family owned. But Judy is old (81) and things can change Warren (or Charlie) might not like the business regardless since it's healthcare related. Not to mention the premium needed as you noted. Either way just spit-balling out of boredom. Interesting business none the less.
  14. Anyone been thinking about this recently with potential market turbulence ahead? I always thought something like Epic Systems would be and interesting acquisition for Berkshire.
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