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Everything posted by anony208

  1. I don't know anything about the acquired firms but press release looks good. I noticed Greenhaven called out which is good because they have a solid track record. PAR is a "bet the jockey" investment for me but I have a pretty small position.
  2. It could certainly be Value's time to shine but that has been a tricky game to play for some time now.
  3. GENIX is a long-short fund.
  4. Added to IMPCX, PAR. Opened GENIX.
  5. Trimmed NTSX, BIVIX. Closed Broadmark(RC)
  6. Black Knight Financial Services (now owned by ICE) Controls more than 65% of the residential mortgage servicing technology market.
  7. My speculation on BRK slimming down(or eventually exiting) only BHE was based on the various comments in the letter -- broken social contract, increasing regulatory burden, not throwing good money after bad, "costly mistake" Very different situation with insurance compared to energy -- no mention of regulatory pressure, still gushing mucho $$ and BRK is a master at operating in this area.
  8. Buffett in 2023 letter just issuing an empty threat then? I suppose he learned nothing at all when he finally jettisoned the namesake business(textile) and admitted numerous times that he carried that dead weight for far too long. When did the insurance businesses become part of BHE?
  9. I doubt CA regulators are going to change course due to this letter. CA over-regulates everything not just utilities. So I expect this to eventually lead to a slim down of BHE perhaps even a complete exit.
  10. Looks like a divestiture of energy assets is coming up.
  11. The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has nothing to do with the currency aspect. Big names in that alliance have no impact to the speculative aspect of ETH. The alliance is interested in the enterprise aspect of the technology -- permissioned networks, secure data sharing, smart contracts, etc.
  12. Interesting. And I agree with you.
  13. The Hawaii Sec of State I believe stated that Obama's birth cert was genuine. I am interested in hearing your explanation on why the SOS would be ready to take a bullet(in case it was proven that the cert was false). Also Trump announced that his investigators in HI were finding incredible and unbelievable things. 5+ years later we still wait for those findings. The incredible BS spouting king that this Orange Julius is, I would not be surprised if there never were any investigators in the first place.
  14. Here you go guys. In response to some earlier comments - there is no way that Klarman was unaware that the letter would become public. You may not agree with him but he is not stupid. Baupost-2016-Year-End-Letter.pdf
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