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  1. https://cdn.hl.com/pdf/2024/q2-2024-insurance-brokerage-market-update.pdf
  2. I'm sure this post will get criticized and people here will "call the top" and "call for Powell to raise rates", but I continue to be astonished by the quick $ people are making on memecoins (Trump, jailstool, etc.). I don't have crypto exposure today, but want to be positioned to take a shot on some of these memecoins in the future (with a small sum of money I'm willing to lose, with the understanding that permanent impairment is possible). If anyone on here has played in these newly launched memecoins outside of more conventional crypto (Bitcoin, ethereum, etc.), it would be helpful to hear how you've approached this. I've downloaded a few apps (Moonshot, Phantom, etc.) and am just generally experimenting with the interfaces / logistics at this stage. A few questions: Which app(s) are best for this? Which app(s) allow you to deposit cash rather than crypto? Just from playing around on Moonshot and Phantom so far, it appears only Moonshot allows you to deposit cash. I've read that some have had issues withdrawing proceeds. Has anyone experienced this? In the case of Moonshot, it appears one can sell their holdings in Moonshot, transfer the cash (USDC) into a Coinbase wallet, and then, from the Coinbase wallet, convert the USDC to USD and transfer into his/her bank account. Lastly, I'm curious if anyone has developed a systematic way of "getting in early" to these memecoins. I'd be curious to do some back-testing to see if / where there was mention of these coins launching in advance (Wall Street Bets, Twitter, etc.). Thanks in advance for any help / insight you can provide!
  3. Figured I'd quickly add to the CSU conversation, as I'd also love to get my hands on a few shares during a pullback. Have looked at Topicus and Lumine too, but always struggle with valuation. Broadly, I think serial acquirers provide more optionality (and diversification) than one-trick organic ponies. I've been fortunate to own Terravest under this logic (still holding, but probably not a net buyer at these levels). Has anyone looked at VitalHub? I've seen it floated on Twitter as a baby CSU (albeit with more of a healthcare focus). Similar case where valuation has run up, but I like the fact that it's much smaller and should theoretically have a lower base from which to compound (and a resulting longer runway for M&A). No position yet, just light diligence so far... Thanks all!
  4. Mine are probably IWG, MATR, and GRUSF.
  5. Curious what stocks intrigue you. My most actionable watchlist ideas at the moment are APO, IBKR, BRO, and MUSA, but all are too expensive at the moment.
  6. In addition to the 2025 Portfolio thread, figured I’d start a thread focused on sharing everyone’s top ideas. What stock or handful of stocks do you expect to outperform and why? Looking forward to hearing responses, thanks!
  7. While all the names referenced in this thread have been quality compounders, they obviously have large market caps. Curious if anyone has thoughts on companies that are more small-to-mid cap in size that are earlier in their compounding lifecycles. I own FFH over BRK because it is much smaller and should therefore compound from a lower base, and am looking for a similar dynamic among insurance brokers. Thanks!
  8. Starter in MATR.TO
  9. What's your thesis on SCR.TO? I'm long as well, but this one doesn't get much discussion here. Thanks!
  10. Also a small starter in SNDL...hoping for a quick flip on this one.
  11. Nice portfolio, but where is GLASF?!
  12. Added to GLASF on the dip
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