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  1. The future AI hospital administrators might be less reluctant.
  2. Unfortunate state of having a good thing, it's good.
  3. I exited a mistake and put it in MGM. Thanks for the thread.
  4. Listening to Compound podcast, and there was discussion that Berkshire sold out of the airline companies because Berkshire ownership would have impeded any possible covid bailout. One of the other host said that Buffett confirmed it. Is that true?
  5. I don’t know about beating SP, but I do assume it’s viable. My friend “FIRE” for close to 7 years now, and he’s being doing options to sustain his retirement. He shared some strategies but while I don’t mind boosting my performance, it’s just too much for me. Plus I do assume being better at buy and hold would lead to better performance over time. I did ask him to manage some money with his strategy but he declined. Among reason was that sizing makes a difference for what he does. Not sure of his overall performance but I assume not bad because … even with FIRE he’s not cheap when we hang out and picks up a fair share of the tab.
  6. No other commentary other than this might be partly survivor or winner bias?
  7. You are making it hard for me to not click thru. Wonderful actor featured in many many memorable movies, due in large part to his acting.
  8. thanks for this! so … Warren (and many posters here) still has a ways to go!
  9. Thank you! Didn't even realized Rational Walk got dropped from my usual blog rotation. That Geico lizard sure is expensive!
  10. Does Michael Fritzell post on this forum?
  11. Feels more like - or a large part of it is that - BRK has permission to keep their holding if % goes up with the Japanese companies respective buybacks.
  12. I'm kinda wondering what "technology" entails, or what it means to Buffet, Watsa and others. Is most of the Mag7 really "technology" technology? Is lots of stuff in Berkshire and Fairfax as "technology" as most other technology companies: like Digit, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, etc. Technology impacts are pretty much every facet of their investment and companies. And I'm looking at my own portfolio, I kinda feel I'm underweight "technology" technology. Anyway, this response kinda sounds like an ode to Brooklyn Investor.
  13. Letter seems less dense than years/decades past, but really enjoyed it. Sounds like the Japanese trading companies enjoy Berkshire as a shareholder.
  14. BlackBerry released streaming somewhere?
  15. This seems like a sensible way to add or exit/trim. I don't know, between work and just following the companies I own or want to own, it's a little bit more work. At the same time, I've been telling myself to get more comfortable with the strategy and actually try it.
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