And this is ultimately what make a market^^^
I ultimately believe that governments act based on the constraints that they are under. Bailouts weren't popular in the US during the GFC and ultimately didn't get passed until the market made the politicians pass the bailout measures.
Looking back it's funny to think about how much talk there was about moral hazard back then. Fast forward to covid and we basically told everyone who managed a business prudently that they were an idiot and it is better to run your business in an incredibly fragile manner because you will get an automatic bailout. I digress.
Over time we've seen governments take actions they would have never taken before when faced with a terrible economic environment whether that is going off the gold standard, breaking a currency peg, creating new lending programs or sending folks cash in the mail. In many of these situations the governments fought against taking action but ultimately acquiesced.
I'm young and can stomach the risk I have if this doesn't pan out. My belief based on bottoms up and top down investment analysis is that the outlook for US stocks seems just okay from a real returns basis. Chinese stocks are absurdly cheap.
To me it seems easy to have a visceral reaction to all of the risks presented by Chinese investment. Not as easy to have the same reaction to a future world where those risks don't materialize. That to me is what creates this opportunity. Agree with you that there is no guarantee Tepper is right, but this type of investing is where the guy excels and his track record shows it. My sense is he has an ego around being known as an all time great for investing in situations like this and isn't just pumping his book - his track record shows that isn't his MO (again just my belief). He called to get on CNBC and talk about it. Not something he really does. Now if this was General Ackman I'd be scared lol.