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Vish_ram last won the day on August 18 2023

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  1. I know we all like acquired podcast. I did a little experiment. I asked Gemini to create a two pager on "How Google makes money". I fed that to NotesLLM and got a podcast out of it. I then created it into a youtube
  2. This is just a modern day version of Nigerian email scam. I'm sure some patsies will privately DM the poster for joining such a scam. There should be some subscription list that is getting peddled. A investor with great returns will soon manage money and in no time will cross $100MM. Then 13F has to be filed and it is not in real time. SInce 1994, S&P returned 10.4%, now the mystery investor makes 40%. A 10K compounded at 40% over 30 years yields $242MM.
  3. I had a great hike in Dolomites (Italian alps). Few folks who hiked with me said Milford sound NZ is a great place to hike/visit.
  4. High ego sociopathic savant. I think this country dodged a bullet. He had wanted to buy CME, Goldman Sachs etc. His goal was to control the entire financial system.
  5. Great article https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/two-state-solution-israelis-palestinians-708b6075 I find it fascinating that at every turn in history, Palestinians (& Arabs) have rejected the 2 state solution. What we've is just a proxy war of West with Iran & others.
  6. don't pay any attention to "a holding of a respectable value investor," focus on cfo, fcf, fcf/sh
  7. are you hiking there? I'm thinking of doing Alta Via 1
  8. Here is a path to $100BB MCAP for GME, a 10X from here 1) Invest all cash in BTC 2) keep closing unprofitable stores 3) run a bare bones operation 4) issue stock/bond/convertibles periodically and go back to 1.
  9. The most rational thing for roaring kitty to do is to pick a series of undervalued stocks and do the pump/dump. He could've become a billionaire. what a missed opportunity!
  10. Japan was great, Kyoto in particular. Cheap yen was a blessing
  11. The next issue of 10%. the reason this works are 1. inflation may run at 2-4% LT and cos pass these prices. Nominal stock prices reflect this 2 Index returns reflect pop. Growth of 1-2%, productivity growth of 1-3%. 3. index returns also reflect more efficient companies that grow faster than GDP (M&A, mgmt incentives etc) add it all up, you easily get 10% or more.
  12. There is no law that says market multiples have to be in this range and anything beyond will be subject to a mean reversion. To compare multiples of now vs 5, 10, 15 years of past is absurd. 1. the expectations of future rates were different in each of past years 2. Relative dominance of platform cos were diff in past 3. Expectations in anti-trust actions were different 4. market weighted composite ROIC, Growth etc of index are higher now and hence justify higher multiples.
  13. I wish 20 years ago I had the right temperament and knew how to value high growth stocks. also wish I had joined “Corner of growth stocks forum”
  14. 53. I came to US 25 years ago with $100 in my pocket. All life's trials and tribulations notwithstanding, I do feel lucky and have a lot to thank for. There's nothing like pursuing your dreams and getting paid for it.
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