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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. So I took a look today at Brown Capital funds. I have some money in BCSVX. https://browncapital.com/sites/default/files/sheet/200630_international_small_investor.pdf BCSIX has 2B assets, great performance, soft closed. https://browncapital.com/sites/default/files/sheet/200630_small_investor.pdf Corresponding SMAs have another 10B assets (kudos for telling). OK, how about mid cap fund? 10M (!) assets, so so performance. https://browncapital.com/sites/default/files/sheet/200630_mid_investor.pdf Hmm, I think I know where all the best ideas are going... And then there's also BCIIX. 2.6M (!) of assets. Inception date 1999. I guess kudos for not closing it, but damn... https://browncapital.com/sites/default/files/sheet/200630_international_investor.pdf To be fair, they have >1B in corresponding SMAs, so likely they keep this for public performance. Still damn. And what are overall guarantees that SMAs don't get best research/ideas? I guess that's an issue with any fund that has both fund and SMAs? Conclusion: I might add to BCSVX, but USA equity funds are no go IMO.
  2. I hold some AKREX, but ~20% in AMT/SBAC is a bit out there ( https://www.dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=AC ). OTOH at this time it's easy to complain about most stocks being held by anyone. So we'll see.
  3. Hope you have a really long time frame then. https://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/investment-ideas/pdh-premier-diagnostic-health-services/msg395798/#msg395798
  4. Pretty sure he isn't talking "outside money" shall we say lol. But unlike others mentioned, your money might get to him if you donate to Gates Philanthropy Partners. (Not 100% sure. He manages Gates foundation money, but might not manage GPP money.) Edit: although that's true for some others mentioned too. Some of them manage money for various endowments/foundations/etc, so that way might be available.
  5. You cannot give mouse a cookie, but if you give browser a cookie, you can ad target to your heart's content.
  6. AFAIK, Tepper closed his fund (although Wikipedia articles do not say this, so I'm a bit hesitant...) Klarman is inaccessible to most people. Not sure if he even takes new clients. Edit: sorry, but once you start talking about inaccessible managers, this becomes like a fantasy football. Can I pick Buffett - I'm sure he'd smoke SP500 if he managed $10M or whatever CoBF bros would give him to manage? Can I pick T&T?
  7. Thanks for a name, I'm definitely gonna read his letters (and maybe his blog): https://taovalue.net/letters/ I wonder if voyager meant mutual fund managers. Is Norbert even accepting outside new money? Are you sure he runs that blog? You are right, my bad.
  8. Mutual funds or easily accessible funds: Chuck Akre (AKREX) maybe. Brown Capital: https://browncapital.com/products Both of these could be argued to have benefited from bull market and growth outperformance. Bill Ackman (PSHZF) maybe. If it's for the rest of my life, I'd go with index funds.
  9. This is true historically for Buffett holdings. It seems that T&T portfolio turnover is quite higher. I wonder if their outperformance vs. SP500 is measured pre-tax or post-tax. And if they have outperformed post-tax.
  10. is my go-to answer to pretty much any question now. 8)
  11. There are some prefs that are more or less attractive. But they are not bonds. I still hold GPOR bonds, but I'm possibly a patsy there. I defer to @thepupil for much more in depth opinions. 8)
  12. https://apnews.com/ae59f9850a8aea24ee4152f5dbdac4a0#:~:text=The%20Pepcid%20project%20underscores%20what%20critics%20describe%20as,projects%20that%20aren%E2%80%99t%20based%20on%20more%20rigorous%20science. - At least you won't have a heartburn. Maybe.
  13. I've heard he managed to recognize the elephant in the room. ::)
  14. Is it me or did a bunch of posts from last night disappear (in various topics)?
  15. But markets are forward looking, so everything is gonna be just peachy, right? Right?
  16. Eh, screw it, you're nice guy, so here's the secret sauce just for you: buy some momo stocks, when they go up, sell them. If they don't go up, don't buy them. I knew it! Rich enough to buy a private island, but too cheap to buy one, sitting in your little shack trolling us for years before revealing the secret sauce. You forgot to add "Follow me for more recipes". I'm not Whitney Tilson. ::)
  17. Russian dealers are so 20th century. Just buy it on Amazon FFS: https://smile.amazon.com/Images-SI-Uranium-Ore/dp/B000796XXM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2X6ULNHYIQ44Q&dchild=1&keywords=uranium+ore&qid=1595350695&sprefix=uranium%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1 Good news! I was able to get in contact with a prince from Nigeria. Wired him money to buy call options on Uranium. He said he has both U-238, and U-235. He said he would US mail me a confirmation. I think we can find Uranium closer to home now - how about Ohio? It seems it’s not needed there any more. I wonder who the goto guy is now. Apparently “marketing” is done by politicians: https://www.cleveland.com/open/2020/07/fbi-agents-deployed-to-ohio-house-speaker-larry-householders-farm-report.html I would not touch this, it might be radioactive.
  18. Jurgis, You can be anything you want yourself to be Thank you. I already am.
  19. Eh, screw it, you're nice guy, so here's the secret sauce just for you: buy some momo stocks, when they go up, sell them. If they don't go up, don't buy them.
  20. Can I just get rich fast instead? I don't know. Can you? If you figured the secret sauce please share. No need to post openly here if you don't want. You can also PM me. ;D If I knew the secret sauce, I'd be on a private island sipping mai tais and not posting on CoBF. But then maybe I am and I'm just trolling you guys. 8) Or maybe I'm a true value investor and I'm way too cheap for a private island. ::)
  21. Russian dealers are so 20th century. Just buy it on Amazon FFS: https://smile.amazon.com/Images-SI-Uranium-Ore/dp/B000796XXM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2X6ULNHYIQ44Q&dchild=1&keywords=uranium+ore&qid=1595350695&sprefix=uranium%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1
  22. What precautions do you need to take to store/handle uranium? Uranium investments get interesting once you reach critical mass. You have to diversify to avoid the blow up. It is a regulated material so you have to protect and secure it. I would suggest putting it in your right front pocket and at night sleeping with it under you pillow. ;) That should guarantee glowing returns.
  23. What precautions do you need to take to store/handle uranium? Uranium investments get interesting once you reach critical mass. You have to diversify to avoid the blow up.
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