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Parsad last won the day on March 6

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  • Birthday July 4

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  1. Good list. Also have to include the Bill Russell Celtics on that list...not a duo but the full starting five was brilliant! I think the Stockton/Malone combo belongs on that list. They could do the pick and roll like no other duo in history. Also maybe Kobe/Shaq...even with all of the fighting, they knew they were better together than not. Jokic and Nash...they are/were really singular talents on their primary teams driving the offense...they didn't really have a dominant partner other than when Nash was in Dallas and had Nowitzki. Gary Payton would be on that list if Shawn Kemp had avoided drugs. Ahh...Chris Paul...probably would have gotten more respect if he didn't flop like a European soccer player! Cheers!
  2. Watching the Lakers is fun again...not because they are winning, but because they have a run and gun offence again, while still playing excellent defence. Similar to the best days when Magic was leading the offence. LeBron is now free to attack and he's having fun. Same with Golden State...Butler's defence and added offence takes a bit of pressure off of Steph. They still need Kuminga back...missing offensive points that would help win some of these games they are losing unlike the Lakers. The Luka trade was probably one of the dumbest trades in NBA history! Now Kyrie is out for the season...AD on the sideline...Dallas' GM should be fired! Cheers!
  3. Putin wasn't getting what he wanted under Biden. It's now being handed over to him with zero casualties and they won't give up anything. Putin just took advantage of a weak leader in Trump and Trump is taking advantage of a leader who is trying to save his country. Two fucking losers that you are proud to trumpet! Cheers!
  4. What the hell! When did he try and strong arm the President? Jesus!
  5. 51% of the respondents were Republican...20% were Democrats. Cheers!
  6. Would they let him in the White House in shorts and a hoodie? Yet, somehow he got into the Presidential Inauguration and no one cared. So it's not exactly just middle America picking sides. There's a definite...you can do this and you can't...just the other side of the spectrum now. I still think overall it was really...so this what we have to choose from? One loser versus the other? We'll take the devil we know. Cheers!
  7. He's a freak of nature. Nobody will ever touch that record. To play that long and that consistently without missing too many games...just not possible. And he looks like he could play till he hits 60,000 points! Cheers!
  8. That's actually probably correct. Dems need to go centrist and right wing Reagan. Current GOP is some other animal...like the worst personalities you could put together in a lab! And the left-wing nutjobs in the Democratic party...need to go. Cheers!
  9. That and some latent racist/nationalistic/anti-immigrant tendencies sprouting up in the general populace. There's more to unpack than just the Dems don't have a real leader. Cheers!
  10. C'mon, you know the majority of those people are glitches/errors/etc that weren't found or dealt with. Probably half those checks go to an address and get sent back to the government. Yes, they should have been discovered and corrected, but you know they were errors. Now where there might be fraud...kudos to DOGE for finding it. But so far, they've barely made a tiny dent in the deficit, let alone covering even a tiny portion of it. Cheers!
  11. Sad part is that the Democrats have no one and nothing to rebut or fight this with. Trott out Nancy Pelosi...have poor one-legged Texas congressman Al Green stand on one leg and protest, then have him marched out. Like is this the best the Democrats can do? And some of the issues that are important to both parties and Americans were never dealt with. So now the Dems sit and watch and twiddle their thumbs because there is no Obama or Bill Clinton coming to the rescue this time. Cheers!
  12. The World's Biggest Shyster just blamed Biden for the price of eggs. Just like Zelenskyy instigated the whole White House brouhaha! Cheers!
  13. Wait, you're questioning the integrity of a guy fighting to keep his country and himself alive, while the biggest huckster in U.S. history lives and rules the White House? And all of his minion hucksters are sucking at his teets as he sows chaos around the world. This reminds me of the Omen III, when Damien became President. Trump isn't Jesus, he's the devil incarnate! Maybe the Christian right will get to witness The Rapture...only they'll be on the wrong side of it! Cheers!
  14. I think almost everyone wants peace...just some want security guarantees with any peace or economic agreement. Cheers!
  15. Now either Europe steps up, or poor Zelenskyy is dead man walking. Putin will probably have him killed anyways, like he has with any one else who went against him. Cheers!
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