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Everything posted by Aberhound

  1. Why do we not see UFOs. I don't know but perhaps it is worth thinking about it from different frames of references. We will never be free if we fail to always challenge our worldview and see if we have missed something. Most people seem to travel in circles always confused by symptoms and rarely discern cause and effect then deal with the cause. 1. The fewer UFO sightings have an obvious explanation. Few people have military grade night vision goggles. Those that do report seeing hundreds of UFOs. This is just your tax dollars at work. Those missing trillions from the defence department and elsewhere were not wasted. This produces craft with better field control capability so they are seen less often. If these craft do not exist why the bill to allow the mining of asteroids by the private sector? Seems impractical without field control. Look at the eagle taking off from the moon during Apollo. Wouldn't a rocket cause more moon dust to be disturbed? Wouldn't the acceleration be more rapid from supposed 1/6th gravity to conserve fuel? To me it looks like a blast from explosives for show and anti-gravity thereafter. Viktor Schauberger admitted developing two types of anti-gravity for the Nazis in WW2. See the Fertile Earth. 2. Did you know the Michaelson Morley experiment was repeated and the result was the reverse? Others may be here just at a higher etheric frequency. That higher etheric frequency would have the same EMF as us but shifted higher so that the gravitational frequency below radar for us is probably near our infrared. Accordingly their earth is larger than ours so the surface is somewhere in our orbit. Their frequency is higher so their experience of time is faster than ours. So to communicate with them I would seek EMF in orbit and record it them slow it down and maybe it would be discernible. Perhaps they are able to control thought forms better than us and communicate that way. Now if our souls are at still higher frequencies perhaps if we can improve our ability to communicate with it that soul could better assist us as the soul being at a higher etheric level would be able to control a lower etheric level. This would suggest why it is wise to stop drinking and refrain from ejaculation to amp up the cerebral spinal fluid which is likely the transmitter/receiver. This might explain why the first thing the US did when they invaded Iraq was to make alcohol widely available and to broadcast porn. Think of the Fremen in Dune. What was Frank Herbert trying to tells us when he described the Fremen sexual practices? They refrained from ejaculation. They also consumed melange which increased spirit making their eyes blue, not alcohol which depresses spirit and brings out the darker aspects of the personality. 3. Perhaps these other intelligences are here. Perhaps the parasites etc. in our bodies are controlled by thought forms from these etheric frequencies so we are their fertilizer the same as worms provide fertilizer for us. This is another reason to follow the example of the Fremen and learn to disrupt the thought forms of those who persecute us. Isn't that the lesson in Dune to learn how to control the worm and earn our freedom? Toxoplasmosis for instance causes mice to lose their fear of cats. There are other examples of behaviour where the survival instinct is suppressed. I suspect other parasites cause people to want sugar, rampant sex in various orifices, etc. in conduct which is self destructive but beneficial to the parasite life cycle. Parasites seem to have more mind control ability than we realize. Where does that seeming intelligence come from? With toxoplasmosis how does it know to make us love and care for cats often hundreds of cats whereas in mice it causes them to lose their fear of mice then get eaten. Notice both behaviours is what is best for the parasite. Do you think their brains are in the parasites or at higher etheric levels? Test this by getting spirit of turpentine and think about taking a teaspoon on sugar. Does your brain seem to tell you that this is a bad idea? Where did that thought form come from? So who is in control, the worms and parasites that will be killed by the spirits of turpentine or you who will benefit from the treatment? And why are spirit of turpentine illegal in Canada? Was Merck crazy to put it in so many treatments in its 1899 Encyclopedia or more caring than our current set of leaders and bureaucrats? Pre WW1 writers seem better educated, more intelligent and clearer thinking than those after. Chekov was controlled by a worm in the Wrath of Khan. Perhaps the writers of Star Trek were given examples of recent discoveries by NASA etc. and fictionalized the discoveries.
  2. Paul Brodsky who writes the excellent MAI newsletter is moving to a Blockchain fund. From: Paul Brodsky [mailto:pbrodsky@macro-allocation.com] Sent: October-18-17 2:49 AM Subject: Special Announcement As you may know, in recent months I have been exploring and re-exploring a theme too compelling to ignore: the under-appreciated paradigm shift occurring in the way the world will exchange commerce, create wealth and use money. (I refer you specifically to Game Change, Golden Age, Test Time, Thick & Thin, Structural Shift, Mad Dogs & Gaslights, Cryptonite, and Gold, Dollars & Bitcoin, which may be accessed after free registration here.) It is time to act. I am incredibly honored and excited to have been asked to become a partner and open the New York office of Pantera Capital, the leading fund devoted to digital assets and cryptocurrencies. I have known Pantera’s CEO – Dan Morehead – for many years, since he was a macro fund manager. Dan saw the substantial opportunity set surrounding blockchain technology in 2013, and went “all-in”. Today, Pantera’s best-in-class Sand Hill Road team of entrepreneurs, technologists and analysts oversee funds positioned across the bourgeoning digital asset/crypto space. On a personal level, I have been lucky enough to have enjoyed first-hand transformative shifts on Wall Street, including the advent and build-out of securitization, the swaps market and the Internet. Digitally-based peer-to-peer investing and value exchange sitting atop the Internet that rewards users rather than gatekeepers is just beginning to present itself. It is thrilling to join the premier firm in the space at the forefront of these nascent applications. As for MAI, I plan to continue expressing my views in some way, shape or form. I will keep the website open so that you may access it. (Let me know if you misplaced your login credentials.) For those with whom I discussed investing in PostModern Partners, it has become increasingly obvious to me that blockchain-based investing presents unparalleled risk-adjusted secular returns. While I believe PostModern would have offered an optimal investment program to take advantage of the fundamental problems facing economies and financial asset markets today, Pantera’s blockchain funds are set up to offer investors the opportunity to profit from solutions to those problems. As a Pantera Partner, I will be able to focus every day on applications that remedy much of what ails us. Please feel free to contact me directly -- anytime – if you would like more information about blockchain, digital assets, cryptocurrencies, Pantera, or anything else. I look forward to staying in touch. Kind regards, Paul Brodsky (917) 538 - 1908
  3. He should locate where he can be a doctor even if that means a different country or state. For instance, I had a part-time nanny who had trained and worked as a nurse in the Philippines. I found out she had been given the run around for two years so I helped her get a job as a nurse in Alberta where the nursing body didn't have the ridiculous rules we had in BC. He might retrain and become a naturopath or some other medical related business and run that type of business where his knowledge and training will be an advantage.
  4. Yeah, and that help for the downpayment seems to often come out of a HELOC, just to make sure that everybody is leveraged to local real estate to the max. Or perhaps the parents are adopting the Chinese practice of making sure their children have homes so can attract a desirable mate and produce grandchildren. If so prices have a long way to go before they match the levels in China.
  5. Instead of investing in solar I would instead start looking at suppliers who will make pulsed DC practical for homeowners. My expectation is that power will be rationed to homeowners so they will have to learn how to use their limited power very efficiently. It makes little sense to generate DC then convert it to AC then convert it back to DC in the appliances. Houses with solar should be wired so there is an independent DC system and batteries. The AC should be used to charge the batteries. The solar should run the DC systems with the surplus into batteries. Appliances running directly from DC last much longer. In particular one company I am watching for is someone to come up with an automatic circuit breaker to disconnect from the grid in the event of any unusual power surge.
  6. If I try to invert to understand what this guy is thinking he watched his home rise probably 700% or more and so he sells it for an asset which he thinks will rise even more. He thinks that what is ridiculous is that the trends will continue as the policies in place are not changing until there is no choice. He likely knows the iron law of politics that bad systems tend to get worse. He sees that the hangman has already started swinging his ax and now the policies have to be continued until their conclusion. This means that prices are only going to get more distorted and more silly as people become desperate when they realize the ax is coming and they have failed to prepare. He expects that for most people the first realization that the problem is serious is when the ESM makes a cash call to the EU governments to refinance the ECB and taxes increase in the EU. He knows the ECB is not like the Fed as it has limited power to create money. He thinks the crazy people in the EU are the ones who don't sell their homes and only the insane leave their money in the EU banks. He has eliminated his debt and realizes that now is the time to eliminate debt while there are still matching assets. He does not want to be a debt slave like the fools who own homes with huge mortgages thinking that the low tax burden on holding properties will continue. He is content to invest the gains where the desperate and unprepared will flee. The amazing thing is that so few have their own worldview instead of adopting the worldview of the manipulators and consequently only a few avoid loss.
  7. So funny. My very first business partner, his father's company owned 100% of smith-corona ;) I used to use a Smith-Corona to do my book reports in middle school and high school. I had a Commodore 64 since I was 10yrs old, but I didn't have a printer until I got my 1st PC when I was a junior in high school. My Smith-Corona had the correction tape which was like magic, it could erase your errors! Perhaps with NSA we should all go back to Smith Corona. One client told me of a meeting with a CEO of a shipping company and he asked him how he dealt with the competition knowing where his ships were going etc. For better security the shipowner issued his instructions for the ships with an old typewriter no doubt a self correcting Smith-Corona.
  8. Wow. I didn't even come close to going all-in like that. I'd have to go and figure it out, buy I've probably invested about $10K total in my entire basket of cryptocurrencies in the last 2 years, maybe a little less. That small amount is in the 6-figures now. Had I done what you did, I'd be retiring now. If you guys don't mind- - What are both of your thoughts on cryptos going forward? Which specific cryptos are you most bullish on? - How are you storing your crypto assets? I have been holding btc, eth, and lc but I keep them in coinbase which I understand isn't without substantial risk. Moving outside of coinbase seems somewhat complicated and messy I store my cryptos on Nano Ledger S and I am considering switiching to Xapo now that the amounts are getting bigger. I am also learning new password tricks. Basically you come up with at least 4 random words and that is your string. My computer guy explains that it takes advantage of human strength while to a computer it has high difficulty if the words are random. I had to stop using password database on my phone as MacAfee explains that phones might have hacks which record your screens. I do nothing on my phone and only interface the trading on a wired LAN never wireless. The specific crypto I am bullish on is EtherParty whose crowdsale is in days. They make smart contracts easy and the system is working and I met the CEO Kevin who is very smart, connected and capable and seems well able to lead a team of top programmers, many of who are multi-millionaires now. I consider it a form of cat herding so I admire such talent. The system is up an running and I saw demonstration of a working sport bet system and ICOs which took 2 minutes to put up on the Ethereum blockchain. One law firm is using their enterprise version to put all their legal precedents into smart contracts so they will earn subscriptions. I see strong network effects as I don't know others who draft contracts for clients then turn around and pay royalties to the client who paid when the same or similar contracts are sold to others. EP will therefore quickly amass the best selection of smart contracts and every smart contract will require the EP tokens as fuel. Prices are in USD so like BTC the coins are transactional and useful and to those users they don't care about the price. Like BTC there is limited supply but 50x greater at 1B but this supply will be used up as fuel and speculators like me will hoard so supply will diminish. Remember all the participants in EP watched their ETH increase 30-100 fold and many regret selling too early so I expect EP itself and its insiders to hoard. Their incentive is to make the EP to be super useful with a decreasing cost of use in USD through volume to create the strongest network effect possible. Then you borrow against the EP tokens instead of spending them. Companies that use smart contracts will have an incentive to buy EP early so their cost in terms of what they paid will be lower while the more they buy, driving up price the more their competitors will have to pay. Early adopters will lock in a massive competitive advantage with the more they buy and hoard, the greater the advantage. I like to hold assets with rising demand and shrinking supply and I see massive use. One market for instance is for gamers so they can do smart contracts to trade virtual assets etc.. Between BTC and ETH I prefer ETH until the hard fork when proof of stake is introduced. That will make holding ETH pay a return when you stake the tokens which many speculators will do. EP will also contribute to ETH demand initially. Long term I prefer BTC as the more decentralized the safer from having the supply increased and with the BCH bitcoin cash token you have two similar competing coins which will drive innovation faster by competition. I think that is likely why Jiwan supported its creation to improve the competitiveness of BTC and BCH as against ETH and others. EP will soon work with BTC as well through a deal with RSK. Legal contracts on BTC via RSK look to my programmer to be more secure as compared to ETH so long term I believe the legal community will prefer the more secure smart contracts once that is understood. My overall thesis is that cryptos are a tool of the people behind the curtain to further weaken nation states for their agenda leading to one world government. Cryptos will eliminate all banks who fail to adapt to cryptos which will be most of them. And worsening demographics due to the poison everywhere means that the pension promises will never be honoured except by increased mortality. So nation states will have ever greater difficulty to get their banks to buy their government bonds, the last of their 3 ways of getting money. (We are already taxed to the gills and we have given up the money printing power). So cryptos will make it possible for a few to amass great wealth and governments will learn how to tax it as their new way to continue the growth of the Leviathan state. Cryptos track every transaction so it is the perfect taxation money making scheme. You pluck fewer feathers more often with a rapidly expanding flock so government will be the primary beneficiary from crypto but since this type of taxation is only possible on the super-state level nation states will not enjoy this benefit (watch for the formation of 10 super-states for this reason). BTC to $100K will further this agenda more quickly as it is a powerful incentive to save instead of spending and it will attack the weakest currencies most and the USD least (USD has the only effective massive capital pool which can absorb the vast wealth of everyone so there is no where else to go and the USD companies are the best positioned to benefit from increasing digitalization of the unbanked masses). (Just remember when the USD crypto comes out and you live in the US empire switch to the USD crypto ie buy the crypto for appropriate super-state you live in). Cryptos will drive rapid improvements in computing power and soon will also drive rapid decrease in the cost of electricity. The latter occurs because the 10 super-states will compete to see which faction will end up in control of the one world government (actually it is more likely the factions doing the fighting will be the corporations instead of the governments to compete except to enable their corporations to dominate as the fighting will be done by non-poisoned scientists, technologists and thinkers, chipped soldiers, AI and robots) but in the age of super-weapons that competition will be mostly a technological race. Notice the US bill to allow private sector to exploit and own space resources. If you harvest a $1T asteroid you had better have your own super-weapons to protect it. The bill would not be tabled unless there was some amazing technology available to US firms. Finally the discoveries since WWII will be utilized, at least by the US firms given access, instead of being suppressed. For instance, Boeing will finally get to use their ion engines. Accordingly I agree with one estimate that the crypto economy will end up 20X the size of the current economy. Many new businesses are possible and benefit from the blockchain enabled trust relationships so look for 20 new Amazons for every Amazon, Google etc.. Trust is a key strength of Western Civilization and will now be available to everyone. (Our sole remaining advantage will be reason and rule of law, both which seems to be increasingly lacking (sadly, also on CBC radio). It is a pleasure to find reason on this board.
  9. I sold all my tax free savings account stocks in January and bought Bitcoin then added all new savings to Bitcoin and Ethereum since then mostly whenever there were big dips.
  10. Etherparty ICO for easier smart contracts. Hedges me against my risk of losing income preparing contracts as many won't need lawyers anymore and the contracts are going to be way cheaper. One of the big law firms in Vancouver is putting their precedents on smart contracts on a subscription basis.
  11. Congrats. I read the paper on this forum late 2011 and the high conviction posters were framing this as digital gold. I loved the philosophy of the paper. The math i didnt understand so i stayed away. For others to learn( myself): 1.) What was thesis when invested? 2.) What is current thesis? 3.) When is this vehicle a sell? Or riding it out using power law? Thanks -premfan 1. My thesis last august was that BTC would increase exponentially at greater than 100% per annum for at least 5 years, probably to 2032. Further the blockchain was a third revolution in accounting similar in impact to dual entry accounting except with trust as Trace Meyer argues. I charted it and decided that what I was seeing was the S-curve of technological adoption similar to Apple when the Iphone 3 came out. Do you know anyone who had the Iphone 1 or 2? I know one. Finally I theorized that it was created by the Anglo alliance (along with almost all other long term agendas), for the purpose of destroying the nation state final leg of power, namely the ability to issue cheap bonds because your central bank can create currency. This is part of the agenda for the next phase of a world of ten super states. Crypto makes this inevitable. i no longer bother with stocks and save much time thereby. 2. Same. Now the thesis is expanded because I am starting to understand the vast potential of the blockchain so that I now estimate it will be 20 times bigger than the internet as one blog predicted. I also predict Bitcoin will prevail because the silk road alliance will be 60% of the world GDP so China can take over from US as the world's policeman which is one of the Anglo empire long term agendas. Asians will favour Bitcoin over Ethereum or any JP Morgan/banker crypto where they are not trusted for good reason. They will do so because they wrongly perceive Bitcoin as decentralized. I now believe that the reason for the press attacks against Bitcoin is so they can accumulate 50% and then control it. When I say Anglo empire I do not think in term of countries anymore. These people have no loyalty to any country or to the people of UK, US etc. and do everything with similar methods in long term agendas. The most common method is deception. Another method is control by duality. It is easier to maintain control when you control both sides like Democrat/Republican. Accordingly invest in both Bitcoin and Ethereum as they form a duality and favour will be moved back and forth. RSK which allows the creation of smart contracts like Ethereum with the same programming but which works with Bitcoin for greater security and is claimed to be 6x faster is much better than Ethereum from a lawyer's standpoint so currently Bitcoin will likely enjoy favour. I currently favour Bitcoin. 3. Sell before 2032 and diversify into the boom so it does not matter which coin prevails. Get into crypto like Dustin Hoffman was told to get into plastic. (I think plastic really meant visa/mastercard!). There are lots of people that have made millions that I run into ready to invest in crypto with tons of followers who have made fortunes because of their advice. It is amazing what new business models are made possible because cryptos can eliminate "friction" for many businesses. It reminds me of 1996 when the internet started to gain traction leading up to the 2001 dot com bubble. I 1998 participated in a internet video start-up, an amazing experience. This is much bigger and faster. Don't believe what you read and change the way you think about cryptos so that they are your own thoughts, not thoughts fed by the Anglo empire media who always seek to deceive. It is still possible to prevent or delay their 50% control and bitcoin will be the hardest one for them to achieve. Ripple and Ethereum are theirs and Ripple is obviously one of many crypto pump and dumps considering the billions of coins. They will support Ethereum to maintain the duality so it likely will be well managed.
  12. Except for Venezuala, Argentina and Zimbabwe, and now with cryptocurrencies probably Italy, Greece and Portugal forcing the EU federal union. Isn't that the purpose of the Anglo alliance for allowing cryptos?
  13. In addition to these factors I would add some very obscure additional reasons I have come across. Montreal is supposedly the North American capital to be so I don't think the boom has finished, especially in Montreal. Curiously, only Montreal (of the major Canadian cities) aligns with the Great Lakes Pentacle likely surveyed by the so called Gods (as opposed to the giants in the mythical war between gods and giants at the end of the last age). All I can say is that whomever settled Canada in one of the previous ages were good at math, geometry and mapping and they likely left these mounds and alignments to stake their claim to the territory. As to whom the descendants of these Gods are we will have to wait for the release of the records left from previous ages. Anyone who does not have exceptional math skills and the ability to detect the earth grid subtle energies and who do not choose to live closer to the north pole probably is not a descendant. These subtle energies increase as you move north and are greater in the winter during spiritual summer (the real reason Christmas is on December 25th). Now that the subtle energies are strong enough again to create visible plasma in the aurora those who are so attuned may want to move north again onto one of these locations and learn why their ancestors cared about such things.
  14. All the health care systems are terrible. The problem is centralized control and meddling. Let people design their own systems and see what they come up with. Decentralize everything. Until we realize the governments include people without conscience and then learn how to screen for them using brain scans we will suffer. People without conscience are like viruses as they spread their evil by hiring practices and propaganda. In the meantime the less the government does the better the outcome. The best thing you can do for your own health is to ensure your body has access to a broad spectrum of absorbable minerals. Minerals need to be converted by bacteria the same as soil bacteria is needed to make the minerals absorbable by plants. Notice that governments have countless rules and regulations designed to prevent your access and knowledge to these minerals and their importance to your health. Treat the cause of problems not the effects. The health care system is an effect. Bad food and water is the cause. Fix those first.
  15. I add a further comment to Parsad's comment about his family. It was Family Day today in BC and my Wife and I went for a walk on the beach in Vancouver on a beautiful sunny day. The water was clear with over 40 feet visibility to the bottom thanks to years of effort redirecting sewage and placing rules on ships and pleasure craft. The air was particularly fresh and had that wonderful smell of the ocean and waves. There were numerous families with young children playing on the beach. To the north and west you see forest and snow capped mountains. To the east you see the beautiful downtown Vancouver with hundreds of new tall attractive buildings. My wife and discussed how fortunate we were that our children received such a great public education. We especially appreciate how they were taught critical thinking and that our son, of Dutch/Scot descent had an opportunity through school to become fluent in Mandarin. Make Canada great again? Who says it is not? I would prefer it if politicians simply did less as I suspect that success is mainly avoiding mistakes as Buffett and Munger have taught us all. Our motto Peace, Order and good government tells exactly how is was achieved. I am not saying it is perfect. Societies cease advancing when they are unwilling to examine and to talk freely about their own faults. There is a serious problem of secrecy and seeking advice from outsiders who did not enjoy the experience of living here for an extended period of time. We have a population with some of the best minds and training who come from all over the world. Take advantage of it and take off the muzzles. I would love to hear from the countless local experts who are not allowed to publish their work due to non-disclosure agreements or because of fear of having their career opportunities destroyed. This is the wedge issue that the Conservatives could ride to victory.
  16. The economy is shifting to require far less capital while incomes amongst th rich is increasing rapidly creating excess supply of capital in a global capital market. Meanwhile capitalism and protection of private property is becoming rare concentrating capital into a few areas. So yields will remain low in places that have sensible policies same as the British empire enjoyed in the 1800s. Rapid technological innovation plus capitalism will create strong deflationary pressure in we'll run countries. Poorly run countries, ie most places, will suffer weak currencies and inflation but wil export deflation as the world price of their goods decrease. Energy costs will soon plummet as numerous advances spread through competitive pressures. My favourite cheap power is the suncell producing pollution free carbon dioxide free power at 1/10th of a cent per kWh. It is the stated dream of global warmers and it will be fun to see global warmists squirm as they realize their dreams of strangling the economy with expensive energy and carbon taxes has a total and elegant solution first discussed in 1926 by a sculptor and painter who says he was told how the universe works by God (Walter Russell). What a delight to discover that God has a sense of humour! Supply increasing and demand decreasing will keep rates low where capitalism and property rights continue to be protected. Low interest rates on the whole are beneficial as it limits the harms caused by usury.
  17. I wanted to publicly thank Wachtwoord for helping to clarify my thinking on Bitcoin. I decided to put skin in the game to learn more. I concluded in August that Bitcoin was just moving from the early adopter to early majority phase so the chart would start moving exponential. It did. Fortunately I invested 75% of the allocation at the start and the rest in the fall. What is interesting is how doing so changes your thinking. I finally start to fully understand Buffet's comments about how buying almost anything made no sense as his foregone return was enormous. It also motivated me to sell any surplus stuff as it is all worth a fortune if you convert it to Bitcoin and wait! In 1932 to top Dow companies had not dropped 90% in intrinsic value. What occurred was bank failures made it possible to buy bank IOUs at 25 cents on the dollar and use that to pay off debt. The consequence was that people sold everything to eliminate as much debt as possible. This process will eventually occur with Bitcoin. The biggest mistake people make is that made in the first post of this chain. Bitcoin will get too expensive they say. It will act like any other commodity, stock or bond they say ie rise and fall. The reality is that there will always be transactional users who quickly move in and out who do not care about price. To get Bitcoin it is like a narrow staircase. as more people join the price has to bid more to get them. This process will not end soon. This will likely go on for another 5 years moving up an exponential curve. Watchwoord's point about decentralization being the key to the Bitcoin security is important as that creates moat. As people adopt Bitcoin it will wipe out competition for the same reasons as Microsoft Word etc.. It turns out there are massive opportunities in Bitcoin. I have hired a computer programmer and I am creating Bitcoin trust products. This spring Bitcoin smart contracts will start becoming available. The economy is going to expand rapidly as the smart contracts allow the billions of unbanked people to start to participate in the economy. For instance in Mexico 2/3rds do not have bank accounts and it turns out many young men who want to play video games yet cannot get credit cards can do so if they open a Bitcoin account. How many of these millions will become Buffetts when they hoard their Bitcoin instead of wasting them as the price escalates following the S curve chart? I do not think the globalists will stop this because it will achieve their purpose of weakening the nation states. Poorly run nation states will weaken more quickly than in the past and those who get into Bitcoin will save their wealth. Why hold anything else if Bitcoin prices will rise faster? The key is to learn how to keep them safely. Inventive people will come up with countless ways to move Bitcoin around internationally and any government that tries to stop this will only hasten their collapse. Consequently people who love Liberty should also support Bitcoin as it will weaken tyrannical governments. This "private wave" trend is forecast by Martin Armstrong to continue until 2032. Enjoy the ride.
  18. Trump is the capitalist hammer and Bitcoin is symbolic as the technological anvil destroying the power of the socialist nation states. Capital is concentrating in the US creating a boom and technology is making the boom possible. I pick Bitcoin as the symbol of technology because it allows brings trust as the "third ledger" of accounting equally revolutionary as the creation of double entry accounting in Venice 500 years ago. Trust of strangers is the greatest advantage of Western Civilization over the Oriental and its decline due to the thieving parasites is the central cause of Western Civilization's apparent weakness in the past few decades. Who cares about full employment when you have robotics? Who cares about peak oil when solar is cheaper. Who cares about cartels when the blockchain and light regulation ensures they will be dismantled? Add animal spirits thanks to restraining the thieving parasites and everything is changed. Globalists are on board as their dream of destroying the nation state will be achieved. Human potential has been restrained and now the feeling is that there are great possibilities. This is the same feeling that was needed to replace royalty with nation states.
  19. I used RJR Reynold's to fund my children's education and enjoyed a doubling of the plan. I will continue to hold BAT which purchased RJR but adding Altria because I believe American tobacco companies will eventually dominate the marijuana industry the same way they came to dominate the tobacco industry. This time it will be far more profitable as the plant has amazing health benefits for an aging population. Henry Ford only stopped using it because it was made illegal and look how sharp he remained until his nineties. Why people suffer so much from Alzeimer's, Parkinson's, inflammatory diseases etc. at such young ages is a mystery to me.
  20. /bow great teacher! 8) I might work at least until there is demand for my skills and I have some fun and sense of contributing to our society's progress. ;) I agree. Once you have enough wealth switch your work if you are not doing something you enjoy but keep working and contributing. I have seen too many people retire then lose their health soon afterwards.
  21. The trouble with experts, and most people is that they fail to set aside their pre-conceived beliefs without ever examining the possibility that they as humans are fallible and so are their professors and other scientists, even famous scientists of great renown. I guarantee that in 20 years half the prevailing theories will be disproven if only because the pace of scientific advancement is accelerating. We have all learned from Munger and others the many psychological errors in logic we all fall for while investing. You have to empty your cup before you can fill it with knowledge. Otherwise new information which opposes your pre-conceived beliefs tend to be ignored. Nothing should be added to the cup before it is proven, preferably with examples from nature, and until you have followed Munger's advice and examined the opposing viewpoints to challenge your own beliefs. Now the topic is whether Americans are jackasses for electing someone who they believe will better their interests. Obviously not. I also commend the wisdom of those behind the scenes who allowed the voters to achieve their desire to vote for change. It is better to allow the tide to flow both ways.
  22. A loss in confidence in government and political gridlock will be good for Bitcoin. Prem selling his long US treasuries for cash was also good positioning.
  23. Landcor Q2 price report with some discussion of 15% foreign buyer tax. Too soon to tell but writer expects lower rate of price increases after a few quarters of adjustment. https://www.landcor.com/sites/default/files/reports/upload/Q2%202016_Optimized.pdf I observe as I walk around my neighbourhood on West side Vancouver that homes continue to sell but at a normal rate instead of the frenzy of the past few years. It is not anything like Phoenix in July 2007 when the market froze and started to plummet soon afterwards as forced sellers in large numbers had to sell. But with Prem dumping his US long term bonds it is likely a good time to pre-approve long term fixed rate mortgages at current rock bottom rates and to convert floating rates to fixed. I personally decided to hedge for falls in real estate with Bitcoin in August and to my surprise the hedge is up over 25%. Bitcoin seems to work like a ratchet with adoption moving to the exponential portion of the S curve. The election cycle is approaching and I noticed the BC government commissioned a report on a tunnel to Sechelt which also means a tunnel to North Vancouver (or a bridge or both). The logical tunnels or bridges are to go across Bowen and Keats islands to Sechelt, a third crossing through the tip of Stanley park bypassing downtown and a 4th crossing at the narrows from Deep cove to Belcarra and another across from near there at the narrows to North Burnaby. Clearly the government expects the population to greatly expand as infrastructure spending has been ramped up. The best investments now are likely the waterfront in East Vancouver which is the logical place to densify after the tunnels and bridges are built.
  24. Superb book for those who wish to learn of the fourth dimensional forces shaping our 3D world. Explains what causes cancer and disease in people and plants and why civilizations rise and fall. The book is a collection of essays and articles so is repetitive but necessarily so as to understand the worldview it is different from what we are all taught so it took me awhile to understand. I was looking for ideas for my timber property so now I know to plant more variety of trees and especially to add deciduous trees like maples to shade the evergreens. For health it explains how to avoid dynagens, the reason wifi etc. are so bad and to increase qualigens by walking barefoot on dew at dawn or walking in old growth forests. He briefly mentions how the world could be and hints at how he built two types of antigravitic ships in ww2 and hints clearly how to make the clear alkaline emulsion to add to water or salt water so that with a little vacuum like in an engine you can get an 1800 fold expansion. Interestingly to me his comments reminded me of the chapter on making steel in the Kalevala Finnish epic saga from many thousands of years ago (before the Hungarians left Finland) using birch ashes to make lye. Now what would I add the lye to to make the emulsion? Dead Sea salts? Seawater from volcanic vents? The book gives you a frame of reference so you can open up a vast new set of possibilities. Anyone trying to solve water scarcity problems should read this book as what to do becomes obvious- stop cutting down the trees which give shade to other evergreens. In other words logging should be done to preserve the shade for other evergreens, which is the reverse of modern logging practices built on the false assumption that evergreens want more light. They don't and doing so robs the environment of the qualigens which causes the groundwater level to drop and eventually causes forests to convert to grasslands then deserts. To reverse the problem you have to create oases of trees and eventually evergreens probably starting in mountain valleys where it is cool and shady enough then expand them and use the qualigens rich alkaline emulsions as a type of fertilizer to artificially speed the process. I hope to try this technique on my timber property where nature already has the restoration work half done over the past 25 years that I have owned the property.
  25. In 2009 I saw Royal Bank issue a bank guarantee in Canada based on Canadian real estate and then Royal bank USA used that Canadian Royal Bank guarantee for security for the loan issued in the US. Royal Bank USA has since been sold but maybe TD or BMO might do the same?
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