It seems to me that the only ones who didn't get killed where Watsa, who hedged and took the smart side of the CDS bet, some other Hedge funds who also did the CDS thing, and the folks at Renaissance Re who just seem to be head and shoulders above everyone.
Everyone else got killed. Kinetics Funds just put out a conference call, and it's an interesting read/listen. One of the guy's points was that everyone got a giant collective margin call. The only place they could sell stuff to meet that margin call was the stock market. One of the only liquid regulated places left on earth. So that's where they went. So there are a pile of stocks that got killed for no fundamental business reason. They got killed cause someone had to raise a heck of a lot of money very fast.
That said, there is a big difference in the way that these folks got blasted. For example Fairholme, and Kinetics stocks got killed but the companies they own are doing as well as ever. Bill Miller, Pzena, Dreman, Nygren, and others of the contrarian value line got killed with bets on financials like AIG, FRE, Fannie etc. I'm not so sure about Whitman. To me that makes a big difference even if the quotational loss is close. But maybe I'm deluding myself that there is a difference...