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  1. Buffett sent him a brick ;)
  2. Of Permanent Value by Andrew Kilpatrick Everything and more you ever wanted to know about Warren Buffett and Berkshire. :)
  3. It is in the pdf http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/11/berkshire-hathaway-50th-anniversary-symposium/?all=1 :)
  4. I thought you started a good discussion. :)
  5. They usually overstate free FCF. Unless they give you their numbers, you will not be able to recreate. ???
  6. Here is one: Walt's Revolution!: By the Numbers
  7. Bring back Ballmer! I second that! I am thrilled he finally got his well deserved retirement! ;)
  8. I liked them, there is no downside in getting the illuminated edition. ;)
  9. It's bizarre. I've been wondering myself for years why Google Finance didn't just zoom past Yahoo! like it did everything else. I always wondered the same thing. Now I'm wondering why Yahoo would remove the one feature that differentiated it from all of its competitors and made it useful. Bizarre indeed. I don't get it. Why would a company try to upset their remaining customers? Don't think it will save them money. ??? +1
  10. I thought Shannon's returns were all due to large Teledyne holding.
  11. I think Wintergreen is a Wealthtrack sponsor.
  12. A billion here, a billion there, and soon you will be talking real money ... ;)
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