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Luke 532

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Everything posted by Luke 532

  1. Chris - do you agree with this fellow's legal analysis? Thanks. My hunch is they have the exact same opinion :)
  2. Former FDIC chairman article today on the GSE's... https://www.americanbanker.com/opinion/a-no-brainer-for-trump-team-recapitalize-the-gses
  3. From reading it, it seems to me the child has the money on deposit earning 4% per month. Sounds like they're getting the better end of the deal... Yeah, the idea is just to get the idea of putting money away, being patient, and making money by doing that. Rule of 72 is a great quick and easy rule I'm teaching them. The insane interest rate is just to serve as a carrot. To a 5 year old earning 50 cents isn't nearly as interesting as earning a whole dollar. Just doing this for 2 months and you can already see the excitement at the idea of compounding. Once a kid, or any person, gets that concept then that's all the incentive they need to learn more.
  4. Geithner created the NWS, Lew continued with it. They both wanted exactly the opposite of recap, while recap is exactly what Mnuchin said he wants on mutliple occasions. I think Mnuchin is the opposite of Geithner and Lew. +1
  5. This is what I do with my 7 and 5 year-old kids (see attached). Little too early for the 3 year old and 18 month old. Edit: I know the interest rate is ridiculous, but just working on basic concepts at this point. Luke_Investment_March_2017.pdf
  6. Care to explain this as regards FNMA? What does this imply? I'd recommend a search of "FHFA" in this thread to learn their relationship with FNMA, Treasury, etc.
  7. :) from Peter Chapman... Treasury filed an Advisory last night telling Judge Atlas that it no longer supports FHFA's position that the agency is constitutionally structured. A copy of the filing is attached... 16-cv-03113-0046.pdf
  8. 5 minutes ago... @ReutersPolitics MORE: Tax reform bill isn't expected for 6-8 weeks, says House Ways and Means Committee GOP member Marchant. It's not taking until August for Mnuchin's work on tax reform to be done, it just might take that long for it to be passed by legislators. I doubt he'll just sit on his hands in the interim. Mnuchin February 23, 2017...
  9. Wonder if Calabria considers another draw by GSE's to be a bailout? If so, he'd probably be against the March NWS payment.
  10. I think it is a stretch to put the GS-alum of past administrations on par with the GS-alum of the current administration.
  11. Trump budget note about Treasury... https://twitter.com/DoNotLose/status/842312400326008834
  12. Camden Fine, CEO of ICBA, on CNBC a moment ago... He was asked if he has any follow-up meetings with the Administration. (paraphrased) "We are going to meet with Secretary Mnuchin..."
  13. Looks like Mnuchin and Cohn are there, too. See attached image.
  14. Trump meeting ICBA today... http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/09/trump-to-meet-with-us-community-bankers-on-regulatory-costs.html ICBA last month... ICBA: Let Fannie, Freddie Build Capital (February 17, 2017) https://www.icba.org/news-events/latest-news/2017/02/17/icba-let-fannie-freddie-build-capital
  15. Delaware remanded by Judge Sleet. From Peter A. Chapman... Judge Sleet entered an order today remanding Mr. Pagliara's books and records request to the Delaware Chancery Court. Judge Sleet rejected FHFA's contention that HERA's succession provision alters or prempts the normal procedure for a shareholder to inspect a Delaware corporation's books and records, and was persuaded by the D.C. Circuit's recent Perry decision that shareholders' direct claims against the GSEs weren't wiped away by HERA. Sleet_3-8-2017.pdf
  16. ?? phh was argued by ted olson, who is with gibson dunn My mistake, edited original post. Thank you.
  17. Solicitor General pick, Noel Francisco, is friends with Charles Cooper. Cooper turned down the offer for Solicitor General but it looks like we'll get the next best thing (regarding the GSE's). Franciso has been a host to a fundraising event at Cooper's home (see attached image). Funny how it was for Cruz as President. Information credited to Jared Levine (@JaredALevine on Twitter)
  18. not optimal, trusting fox to decide re 11000 other hens. a sneak peek would have been far preferable...Ps will likely have to go through another motion after govt responds to order Yeah, I thought it was odd leaving it up to the defendant's interpretation. Here's what Peter A. Chapman has to say and the order attached. Judge Sweeney entered an Order today: (A) directing the government, by Apr. 17, 2017, to review the 11,000 documents withheld from Fairholme in light of the rulings on Fairholme's motion to compel, turnover all non-privileged documents to Fairholme, and file a status report confirming those actions; (B) adopting the 345-day briefing schedule proposed by their parties; and © requesting additional filings about whether the government should be required to pay Fairholme's costs for bring its motion to compel. Sweeney_3-7-2017.pdf
  19. http://www.housingwire.com/articles/39497-united-states-flips-sides-supports-phh-in-case-against-cfpb?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=housingwire
  20. https://www.americanbanker.com/news/justice-department-turns-against-cfpb-in-constitutional-court-case
  21. The only thing that matters is does the investment make money. Injustice, greed, etc, etc, etc. (not that I don't agree) isn't a consolation for losing all your money in the end. I think that's Rat's point... that in the end we'll make money (like in the end the Patriots seem to find a way to win... as much as I hate it as a Broncos fan). Not that it matters, but many have already doubled their money. But that's like having a big lead in the 2nd half of the Super Bowl... doesn't matter much :)
  22. Comment from the real Tim Howard on 3-2-2017. Wish we didn't have to put "real" in front of his name each time... https://howardonmortgagefinance.com/2017/02/28/deferred-reform-and-deferred-taxes/#comments A fortunate aspect of this situation is that Mnuchin CAN cancel the net worth sweep and bring Fannie and Freddie out of conservatorship administratively (just as the Obama administration put them into conservatorship and imposed the sweep). Those who would like to give the companies’ business to the large banks–of whom Mr. Parrott is one–will squawk, but they can’t block what Treasury decides to do; all they can do is see if they can propose and pass legislation that does something different. It WILL be politically challenging for Mnuchin to overrule what the “bankistas” want to do. And a court decision weakening or invalidating the net worth sweep definitely would help. But in the final analysis, the most important factor working in favor of Fannie and Freddie is that a system based on the way they are set up and the way they operate is in every way superior to what the companies’ opponents are offering. Here, Mnuchin’s deep knowledge of the mortgage finance system will serve him well. I’m confident that he’ll have the courage of his convictions to propose and fight for a reformed system that he thinks will succeed– and that system, in my view, will be built around Fannie and Freddie.
  23. FWIW... Obama Used U.S. Treasury To Confiscate Federal Relief Funds To Keep ObamaCare Afloat (March 1, 2017) https://conservativedailypost.com/obama-used-u-s-treasury-confiscate-federal-relief-funds-keep-obamacare-afloat/
  24. If you download it to your computer first and then play it you should be fine, as opposed to trying to play it from the website. For some reason the dropbox page keeps crashing for me every time I try to play this. Tried it on 2 computers. Happen to anyone else?
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