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Everything posted by thecynic

  1. If he did, I'm sure Carney would have been all over it by now & we could expect another article Sunday evening.
  2. ASPS, increased to a 10% position...
  3. Last week bought 5% each of FNMA/FMCC prefs, MEI.v & BXE.to.
  4. Software Engineer/Architect, INTP here. Invest because I'd much rather read, think & decide than manage people or take care of day-to-day business activities.
  5. Altius Minerals, ALS.TO. Made it a 5% position. SP dropping because of fears of china slowdown & if mines would get built. Good management track record & in the long run, civilization will require metals. Low cost producer but may not be lowest (brazil/nw australia). Plan to add every 10% drop upto a max of 10%. Will only sell if I see management make promises and then doesn't keep them.
  6. I think you are underestimating the impact of immigration, the top 1000 engineers in the US are probably the top most engineers born in the US, China, India, Iran, etc.
  7. I don't think there is a easy way to go to the last page. Clicking on the encircled arrow link only takes you back to last viewed page +1 (or the last page if there is no next page). To skip intervening pages I just click the dropdown next to "Goto page" at the bottom & then choose the last page number. For some threads which have a lot of pages, the scrolling can get excessive. Overall, the mobile format is pretty cool, I think I like it better than the desktop version.
  8. According to this article How Does Alexa Track Traffic Alexa statistics are derived from visitors who have the Alexa toolbar installed. I find such toolbars annoying but perhaps it is popular among Romanian's and those without college education?
  9. http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2014/01/kmart_closing_its_westlake_sto.html 30010 Detroit Rd Westlake Ohio OH 44145, Kmart, lease not renewed. Article mentions one more kmart but does not disclose location. For retailers it makes sense to immediately close loss making stores just after the holiday season. So I am not sure this speed of store closings will be retained through the year.
  10. Thanks, very interesting. Perhaps that's what I'm missing, the original result is just too bizarre.
  11. Before I saw the video I thought the proof was going to be a complete leaky one involving cancelling infinities on both sides of the equation. But I did some online checking and found but the result is still good and accepted by many of the physicists/mathematicians: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/633285/is-the-sum-of-all-natural-numbers-frac112 Apparently, the result is ok because it can be used explain observed physical phenomenon.
  12. According to wikipedia the self taught number theory genius Ramanujam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1_%2B_2_%2B_3_%2B_4_%2B_%E2%8B%AF also thought the sum was -1/12. I'm thinking that one can prove the sum is infinity or -1/12 depending on different assumptions. I am not a mathematician but I do not trust the analytic continuation step which is key to the result in the video. If there is no infinity how would that change our understanding of the world? I guess that'd make for a good dissertation.
  13. You are right. Perhaps the universe is so strange that strange results are needed to make sense of it. Maybe we'll have some theories in future which don't have to rely on positive numbers adding up to a negative number.
  14. This link proving that sum of natural numbers i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + .. = -1/12 was posted to my twitter feed. I figured many here would find it interesting as well: Apparently the result is used a lot in modern physics. This definitely undermines my faith in theoretical physicists.
  15. Unless someone has worked 15-16 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, with the sole objective of improving his/her lot, I just don't think they have tried hard enough. If I were in her position, I'd find additional jobs to do, work hard and always keep an eye out for advancement. I think personal qualities are much more important than money. Money is just a side effect of some of those qualities. So definitely someone's current debt status would not stop me from having a relationship with them.
  16. I started investing in 2007 & have learnt quite a few lessons since then :) GRMN: I bought Garmin at 60 and sold at 35. My mistake here was thinking Garmin, the company, was as good as their GPS without taking in consideration their technological moat(effect of smartphone GPS). UNH: I bought UNH when Obamacare was about to be passed and the health insurers were down a lot. UNH was at 22 or so when I bough. But I sold at 35. My mistake was selling too early. BAC & BAC-WT: I bought BAC around 8 and sold at 12. I actually believe in the franchise but sold too early to protect the profit. AIG & AIG-WT: Again I bought AIG at around 24 and sold at 40. Like BAC I actually believe in the franchise & like the CEO but sold too early. I think my latest mistake is trying to time the market, I am at 65% cash right now.
  17. Would you know if this feature is available to IB's retail clients or only to their hedge fund clients?
  18. Its not only the Indian Rupee, take a look at the Rand, Turkish Lira, Brazilian Real and JPY(!). All of them have fallen between 15 -25%. I am watching INDY(India Nifty 50 ETF), INCO(India Consumer ETF) and Bidvest.
  19. Not a lawyer, but you can track the case Perry Capital filed online at http://www.pacer.gov/. The case number is 1:13-cv-01025-RLW. The site requires a credit card to register but it won't charge you unless the charges exceed $15 per quarter.
  20. Most of the city library cards even allow access from home. The only drawback is you cannot create personalized portfolios and save them on the website.
  21. dataroma also has an rss feed, so whenever one of the guru's files, its available on the reader. I find rss feeds more convenient to use for keeping track of updates instead of websites. Websites are better for getting view of full portfolio. In addition to the above sites, I also like insidermonkey, because they have a wide selection of investors. I use it to see who holds interesting gold miners, etc.
  22. Here's my sec.gov rss feeds exported to an opml file via google reader. Other readers should be able to import it. The feed tracks 13G/D filings and 13F for a few funds. sec_gov.opml
  23. Thanks for those names, I'll add them to my sec filings RSS feed. Some other funds I track, which are mainly activists are: Starboard Value, Bulldog Investors, Baker Street Capital, Raging Capital, Masters Capital (25% for 15+ years), Martin Capital Management, Arlington Value Capital
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