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  1. I just wonder, where is Warren Buffet. No op-ed this time...
  2. "winter is coming"
  3. Welcome back Bro.we missed you
  4. explore "the RRSP/RRIF meltdown strategy", if you interested PM for more info .
  5. I agree with Norm. Those events in Toronto are the best. I could compare with few that i attended : Valuexvail, few tmes from Manual of Ideas, Sohn conference. The atmosphere, crowd ,investments ideas are the best inToronto. Sanj , Thank you and please do not give up. P.S .4 of us coming ,buying tickets tomorrow.
  6. i have been working at one of the "big" Canadian bank for over 18 yrs ( i worked in US banking industry as well) so ,just to clarify that for bank to have a profit for opening bank accounts , increasing limits /opening overdraft protection , issuing line of credits or credit cards , these products must be used. deposits /transactions on bank accounts, utilized credit limit on LC or transaction fees on credit cards. if credit not used it is liability on the balance sheet, if accounts have no deposit base or transactions, banks earn "O" . one of the idea of" cross selling" is to gain market share in terms of clients base. the more products client has with bank , the better is relationship . goals/targets always were present and will be present in the industry, retail banking job is about selling, gaining clientele and keeping them happy and this job is not easy one.
  7. Thank you!
  8. Russian's military aircrafts have been violating Turkish borders for a while There were numerous warnings Made by Turkish officials to Russians about violating their border. in October this year ,Russian's drawn was shot down at the Turkish border etc.. in 1978 and 1980 , Soviets shot down 2 South Korean passenger aircraft with 270 people on board ,for violating their border , they did not warn them , Soviets even had denied that they did so. And If you look on the map, isis operates mainly in different part of Syria. So, Im not sure about Mr Putin's consistency
  9. I whould recommend to rent it at your local library , if you like it you always can buy later, i just finished with "the Worlds at war : the 2,500-year struggle between East and West " great book.
  10. No, you're not being bitchy but it's pretty clear you don't understand. I will help you here. I could give you a long winded explanation, but instead I will go a step further. There are several truisms in the investing world that the sooner you commit to memory, the easier your investing will be. If after reading through these and digesting them you still don't understand please let me know and I will discuss further. In no particular order, here they are: 1. Any decision by Buffett is correct. 2. Any statement by Buffett or Munger is witty, profound and embedded with the truth of the universe. 3. Fairfax will compound book value at 15% a year. 4. Any time the market falls more than 0.1% Fairfax's hedges are proven correct. 5. Eddie is a genius and the more his decisions are incomprehensible to the average person, the more genius they are. 6. Eddie is a kick ass capital allocator and, thus, his capital allocation decisions are kick ass. Hope this helps. Classic! +1… , Indeed, classic Kraven
  11. In Canada like many countries in the world ,taxes based on residency status. For instance, if one decides to became non -resident ( to be out of Country for more than 6 month and have no financial and residential ties) ,he/she still will remain to be a Canadian citizen. Hence, it will trigger deem disposition on all one's property, including real estate , investment etc... 25% withholding tax applies for registered plans- depend on the province . In some cases it makes sense to become non -resident in Canada. I think that the U.S. is the only country that requires its citizens to file a tax return and report their worldwide income, no matter where in the world they might live and regardless of whether they hold another country’s citizenship.
  12. Norm, good job!
  13. what specifically should USA do? stuff "happens". I am pretty sure Russia was not crazy about USA unilaterally invading Iraq and installing a puppet regime. The history of our empire reveals these kind of activities are par for the course. this is why we don't have a lot of credibility on this issue. a paper tiger. miltary action is off the table. after all the Russian Bear is no Iraq. if Russia declared a war . I wonder , doesn't this declaration of war against US , as we had garanteed Ukrainian sovereignty. I hope putin just bluffing, I think he wants to create tension in the region, sort of frozen conflict. So Russia can be a "peacemaker" in Ukraine
  14. in fact, it is not a friendly takeover. it is a military occupation of a sovereign country. Where we had guaranteed sovereign status .I'm not sure if Crimea historically belongs to Russia, I thought to Crimean Tatars ,who are by the way opposing Russian intervention. It is not funny , how Putin wants to protect Russians in Ukraine who do not need his help . Interesting, how market will react on Monday.
  15. So why did Crimea vote for a referendum? Why did Ukraine abolish the second language law? Coincidences? At this moment , It seems that pro Russian military forces occupied Crimea , Took over parliament of Crimea and admin buildings ( made the head of Crimea parliament to resigned) and proclaimed the referendum in 28 days. How legal this call for referendum ?
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