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Everything posted by cubsfan

  1. According to this article the property was indeed owned by Sears http://www.willowbrookil.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/350 According to the Property Assessor site 840 Plainfield Rd. is listed at a tax value of $1.6 million http://www.dupageco.org/PropertyInformation.aspx parcel # 09-23-405-018 http://www.dgtownship.com/search.php parcel # 09-23-405-018 Great - thanks for the info Matson.
  2. Thanks for the heads up - Spier had a great interview here last fall: http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/filemgr?&file_id=7314104 Definitely looking forward to reading his book.
  3. Last spring, the local K-Mart about 6 miles from me closed. Sold for $12M. It's a nice suburban Chicago location. I am assuming it was company owned. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-07-16/news/ct-tl-willowbrook-restaurant-opening-20130718_1_chick-fil-a-kmart-willowbrook-town-center ChicagoRealEstateDaily.com reported in February that the developer, James Dremonas, owner of Pete's Fresh Market, paid $12 million for the Kmart store in Willowbrook. The Kmart store closed in the spring. Wondering if this is representative of the sales we are seeing? Also wondering what you could gleen from the tax records as to the value that property was assessed at previously?
  4. Love it!
  5. Good for you TWACFA and ONYX - that's real leadership. You got my 1% today. ....and I'm not at all dissatisfied in any way - I love this board.
  6. Try UK-based Aggreko (AGK.L) Benefits from large network of service centers that are unlikely to be duplicated unless one wants to spend several billion dollars. This gives them significant advantage in service and deployment. (kind of like Caterpillar). Company still small, but operates in 130 countries, and has steady 20-30% ROE for 10 yrs. Plenty of opportunity for growth and reinvestment.
  7. In 2008 I bought a 1996 Mercedes S-500 for $8,900. It had 90,000 mile and was driven by a car nut - so it was beautiful. Purchased new, it's a $90,000 car, but of course I was buying a 12 year old car - it just looked new. But a car like this has 200,000 mile life if it is taken care of. I'm still driving it and absolutely love it. I'm partial to big luxury cars, just don't like to pay up for them. And in 2008 everyone was throwing away there gas guzzling SUV's with oil well above $120. This car sat unsold for 5 months. I've never bought a new car.
  8. I love it!!
  9. Starts with "A" - maybe Alleghany - which is Y?
  10. Haha. On a less dramatic note, it is totally within Sanjeev's rights to say as much or as little as he wants. There are a number of fantastic posters here. No need to pressure anyone to do anything - that's not what we're all about. Sanjeev created this ecosystem. That's more than enough for me. Completely agree - while I'd love to hear Sanjeev's opinion more often - I would think his first obligation is to his shareholders. If his posting here somehow conflicts with his fund - then he needs to do what's right for them. And he has created this great forum, which is self-sustaining and well established.
  11. Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management - 28 yrs
  12. How funny. I really liked Greenwald's book and did not like Whitman's book at all. I'm sure Marty's book was great - but it's so tough to read.
  13. I remember that interview when it was done live a few years ago. Steinhardt is a total blowhard POS. He is still pissed from the time when Munger and Buffett unfortunately had to take out his buddy John Gutfreund from Salomon. If Gutfreund had not tried to protect their rogue trader multiple times from the Feds - he would have not gotten himself fired.
  14. Michael Price - 40 minutes - ww.marketfolly.com/2013/06/michael-prices-presentation-from-london.html
  15. Agree with the above interviews - and for 2013 - would add Ken Heebner, Chuck Royce and Marty Whitman. These were all excellent interviews.
  16. Merry Christmas everyone! After my first full year on the board - I'm so impressed with the outstanding investor thinking and sharing of ideas here. I hope all have a great 2014 - and may the Cubs finally win the world series!
  17. Ok - one of the old folks - 59 - yikes! What a fantastic forum to discover in your 20's !
  18. Would love to understand his record. I went to a presentation he did in Nov 2012 in Chicago. He followed David Herro, who gave several companies in Japan as being good candidates for investment. Then Kyle gives this very convincing presentation about how Japan was going down the tubes. It was almost embarrassing as it made Herro look bad. Fast forward 1 year - and Herro looks very smart. Making these large economic macro bets is not so easy to translate into profits.
  19. Yes, it took me quite a while to figure it all out. I did not even realize the capability was there until about 3 years ago. You can set the date timeframes, etc - and there are variations of the reports to get what you need. If you have a local office, might help to spend an hour with them to help you set it up. Good luck.
  20. I manage my own. Then directly manage 5 other friend/family. Advise on another 10 accounts. All separate accounts. Not being paid on any of the accounts. I'm just a hack, helping them out, like a few others mentioned.
  21. Schwab calculates all this for you - call them - and they will direct you to the page. You can set an "inception date" - and see your rolling return calculation. You can also see a "YTD" calculation. If you have multiple accounts - they can be calculated individually and then totaled together. These are the numbers I use, since it factors in withdrawals, deposits, etc.
  22. 34% YTD , pleased, since I'm just trying to beat the S&P500. Overall, since 1/2009 - when I started doing this full time - 5yr average 36%/annually. 1 leveraged account - 46% 5yr average 1 unlevered account - 29.5% 5 yr average Since joining this board about 15 months ago - have picked up some great ideas. Thanks to all - and best of luck to everyone going into 2014!
  23. Here are Tepper's returns: http://www.gurufocus.com/profile/David+Tepper
  24. Here you go: BERKSHIRE_HATHAWAY_INC-_acquisition_criteria.pdf
  25. You can also check GuruFocus.com - free or premium. I do like it, and use it along with Morningstar as well. http://www.gurufocus.com/membership/ I like the fact I can get 10 yr view of financial data from both.
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