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Everything posted by cubsfan

  1. Me too!
  2. This little episode is reminding me of blowhard Michael Steinhardt trashing Buffett for firing his buddy Gutfreund: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPZHWLlCNB4 Saw that one live too. Starts around the 2:30 minute market.
  3. I've always liked David Winters, but he took all of this too far. He made such a big deal about dumping Berkshire stock last year over this Coke issue. He had to be the Coke activist that would shame Warren into action.
  4. It just seems like Winters could never let this issue go. After Buffett explained himself last year at the annual meeting, Winters was PO'ed. And recently, Winter's has gone after him again. Buffett ripped him good on his fees and underperformance.
  5. She also said he has had his daily calorie count calculated exactly and doesn't deviate.
  6. If Buffett qualifies as the best investor of all time, based on his incredible and lengthy record, I find it hard NOT to call him a genius. There are some genius aspects to Buffett, like his incredible recall of facts and figures, his impressive mathematical skills, his reading skills, etc. He's a genius on many levels, IMO.
  7. And what a fantastic job you have done Parsad - Thank You!
  8. Ferrero would be beautiful. What do you think is a fair price - 10-12B Euros??
  9. If he thinks he made a mistake or he found something much more compelling, then I'd absolutely want Monish to sell the position. He is not wedded to a long timeframe if these conditions occur. This is the real world, where he is managing real money for investors.
  10. I think he has been pretty clear about this - he could make 25X his money on this position if it goes well, it could also turn out to be a zero because of the litigation risk - so it is sized accordingly.
  11. Actually back in 2008 & 2009 he did a series of 3-5 calls that were extremely reassuring, given the crisis that was unfolding beginning in the summer of 2008. I wish he would do a couple of calls a year - other than his annual Wealth track interview.
  12. It's only recently, last year or so, that he has been on his own. After Morningstar, he was running a unit of Sanibel Captiva with a lot of individual accounts. Now his focus is primarily institutional as I understand.
  13. he actually did start a new fund http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2013/06/20/fund-star-from-crisis-looks-to-raise-money-again/ I really got that wrong! Thanks for setting me straight!
  14. I don't think he is running a fund, other than his own money. He pretty much said as much, didn't need the headaches.
  15. In addition to Wealthtrack, which I really like - I listen to most of the Manual of Ideas Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/value-investing-podcast-thought/id642016120?mt=2 MOI has in-depth interviews with value investors.
  16. Depending on when you are coming in - there are several events. Here is a dinner with Tom Russo ($75) on Thursday night, in addition to an Investor Conference: http://www.valueinvestorconference.com
  17. I've suggested the Ackman video to many beginners. It's excellent.
  18. I like and own GENIX from Gotham. His problem will be the $250K minimum that is now required. Was much lower 2 years ago. For the "go anywhere" label - FPACX is a good choice - Romick is conservative and will do equities, bonds, land, where ever he thinks he'll get an equity-like return from any asset class.
  19. Oh boy, after reading this thread, I'm really glad there are no females on this board. Sanjeev would probably have to shut it down.
  20. Nice interview - thanks for posting. http://online.barrons.com/articles/buffett-disciple-mohnish-pabrai-on-bank-of-america-citi-google-and-hyundai-1418128642
  21. If you are a premium member, you can hear it on Weds, if not, Saturday morning.
  22. I spoke to him at the NYC VIC - it's open to US investors too. I actually forgot to as him about a minimum. Very impressed with Guy.
  23. Regardless of who seeded him - his record is strong and he has done well for his shareholders. I actually really liked the book - since he reveals so many weakness others are not willing to reveal. If one was expecting an investment book - then you could be disappointed. But the message was very insightful to me - and I thought it was a great book about keeping your principles intact.
  24. Norm - excellent profile on Packer - one of CoBF's finest! Packer - well deserved - really enjoyed meeting you and your dad at Pabrai's meeting in Chicago.
  25. I love Ackman - having attended a number of his presentations. He is brilliant and does his homework. I sat through his detailed thesis on GGP, HHC, FBSH, PAF and CP Rail. All 3-4 baggers in just a few years. And, yes he makes mistakes - JCP, the Herbalife controversy depending where it ends up. I respect his courage of conviction and willingness to share his detailed work.
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