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  1. Congrats for the great results. Happy to see Trisura had been a good contributor too. Have a great year to you ourkid8 and yourkids
  2. I'm not a member.
  3. I don't look specifics sectors but I don't invest in ressources, miners, big pharma and low margin businesses. As I'm not a full time investor for now ... my strategic capital allocation plan is simple ! I make my opinion on companies one after one. I hope to have more time over next year and work with new dedicated analysts/investors to look my ideas deeper.
  4. + 116 % annual return this year and that followed 88 % last year. I have enought experience to know results can be volatile over years, so I continue to work hard and be very fortunate to collaborate with exceptionals investors. My largest position still Biosyent, so with the current valuation my return should be lower this year. Rene Goehrum continue to show us how good can be this business model to compound capital. A very good year to all.
  5. Macro isn't for individual/private investors. Most important for investors is to find best growing companies. My 2 cents.
  6. Yes and the company with the greatest potential in the field of pet insurance is located in the Toronto area. A small cap + / - $ 40 million. I can not wait to see if it will be the subject of a bid. Congrats we were right, Prem Watsa liked the advice lol Fairfax bought Pethealth at 2.79 today.
  7. --Charles Munger, 2014-05-05, on CNBC's "Squawk Box" Gio Gio, I agree great quote.A fantastic advantage to have friends investors trusted to talk.
  8. My best advices to you ...like you are my friend ...before the decision :) Financials 0.5) pay all your mortgage, debt, credit card and have a cash amount for short time need 1) Do a budget with increase in expenses over time (don't forget your wife !) 2) have professional advices with balance sheet and budget (includind kids :)) 3) own a minimum of 3 M$ with 100 k$ growing dividends in a minimum of 3 stellar companies 4)have a minimum track records of 5 years with an average return in 10-15% range 5) have a clear and effective process to invest, urgent to write it Mental process 1) Speak with your wife and your best friend to know their opinions 2) ask yourself if after 2-3 years you will continue to like it. Doing it alone in a basement could be boring after few years... Who know ? 3) if market is flat or down 50 % for next 5 years, will you be happy with your decision ? My final question to my best friend would be. Could you have one year break without pay from your boss ? Hope it helps. Let me know... Have a good sucess
  9. Smart employee benefits (seb.v), Biosyent (Rx.v) & XPEL (dap-u) Great microcap
  10. + 90 % return this year. Tx to rx.v, bac, dap-u, wfc. Ffh was my worst. If hht.p does well after the halt my return will be better.
  11. Hht.p last trade 0.11 See investment idea, baggers over next year. Best new reit on stock market.
  12. Online pet retail pharmacy market is fantastic. It's not comparable but see Petsmart. The market is there, PTZ has to execute. Do you know a better business model in this sector ?
  13. Great results for Pethealth, the best part of the story is 76% increase from business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales through the PetangoStore.com ! Pet retail store online potential is undervaluated...so listen today conference call to know the tremendous potential http://www.pethealthinc.com/ Pethealth Inc. announces record quarterly revenue of $11,042,000; quarterly profit of $511,000 and its full results for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2013. http://www.pethealth...FINAL_SEDAR.pdf
  14. PetHealth is quite tightly connected with Northbridge and consequently Fairfax. From their Annual Report: PTZ could be a great friendly acquisition target for FFH See futurs catalysts: 1) New complete software for sale to shelters to become a virtual "veterian clinic" until next mai. Additional potential sales from 2000 animals welfare organisations. 2) Great expansion about Pet pharmacy and speciality retails - B to Business pharmacy products with Petango.com (+ 54 % growth last quarter). More distribution agreement to come (Perrigo, PRGO-NYSE ?) covering antiparasitics, antibiotics, medications and diagnostic tests. I like this part of the business. During the last conference call, Mark Warren, president and CEO did a comparaison about the Best Friends pets website and Amazon partnership. They have had a partnership for about 2 years now. The point was if amazon thought they could get to the adopter demographic directly then why do a deal with Best Friends. So PTZ approach which is to while label retail stores for hundreds of PetPoint licensed shelters must be an even better way. 3) PTZ is looking to buy a company under 10 M$. In my opinion, PTZ could be a target too ! This company lead the Pet space in microchip, insurance, database, retail to shelters, online commerce... I think within a year we will see the terrific strength of this business model.
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