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Everything posted by d29

  1. Russia is willing to self destroy their own separatist region in Moldova in exchange for some unrest and favorable outcome in the spring parliamentary elections there. https://www.facebook.com/marius.ghincea/posts/pfbid029tC5XbGpYDEiYDKT7vVzhRdfZZKNNvZBhDA9SqydYg4NvWc5y7VQPS89vSS3uezCl?ref=embed_post Transalation here:
  2. And Gazprom will stop deliveries to Moldova starting Jan 1st. This will throw their own separatist region Transnistria intro disarray as they were highly dependend on it for both heating and to subsidize their highly inefficient steel industry. Just in time to wreak havoc in the Moldovan parliamentary elections in spring as well.
  3. Of course it is not ideal to have this decision come so late and there are dangerous and unknown ramifications from it. But we live to fight for some more time. If you are interested in the background there are some decent investigative articles you can read with Google Translate, this one is well worth your time to at least skim: https://snoop.ro/strategia-cu-bani-rusesti-cum-au-ajuns-reclamele-la-medicina-naturista-si-stirile-cu-sfinti-sa-influenteze-votul-romanilor-la-prezidentiale/
  4. I am Romanian. Cancelling the elections was the correct move although state institutions failed miserably and should have prevented what happened before the elections took place, not in the middle of them. There is still a lot of work to be done.
  5. Thanks for the invite. A screener would be a nice addition in the future as well.
  6. I have the same issue on Android. It happened twice this week right after the market opened and it got solved in minutes, so no big deal.
  7. Is ZM software really that good/growth runway really that big that they have a 30 B market cap with 600 M in revenues and negligible profits?
  8. First time poster, long time lurker here. InoReader is the best Google Reader alternative so far and I've tried a couple (feedly, feedspot, aol, digg, newsblur just to name a couple). It is very similar to Google Reader, it gets developed very rapidly and they respond and react to feedback. Their Android app is in beta right now yet miles better than anything I've tried. You can also register without a Google or Facebook account.
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