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  1. Honestly? I am no fan of the company and don't see it ever being a core holding. That said, I am of the opinion that despite all the hub bub surrounding all these different offices closing etc, most of the governmental work will still have to be done. Furthermore, there is a long history in the US of contractors ripping off the government. I expect that to continue or expand and no single administration is capable of changing that beast. Purely think it is oversold on a bunch of nothingburger nonsense. That's my thoughts from a macro view. To be honest, I haven't dove too much into the micro view yet.
  2. 250 mm or even 500 mm is such a small drop in the bucket to Siemens. Siemens has been on a long road to simplify their operations and I'm sure this is just one portion of this.
  3. Eng12345


    interesting - thank you. Im playing around with it now, but it is somewhat clunky. It is helpful though in my quest to not be such a luddite.
  4. Eng12345


    What models are you guys using to upload files for analysis? I wanted to play around with that, but chatGPT wants me to pay after ~3 pdf files.
  5. I can't help myself either.
  6. In other comedic news. My wife is not big into finance/money management but she’s been trying to learn more. She’s reading a pretty basic book that’s oriented toward her profession. I opened it up out of curiosity to her marked page and it was the whole section on not to try “market timing”. Thought it was a good piece of irony with tomorrows events . Maybe it’s a hint
  7. Yeah there's a reason he's filing lawsuits to force advertisers to place ads on his shitty platform. NO CASHFLOW
  8. The above is what has struck my interest in MGM recently. I have taken a small positon as I get comfortable with it.
  9. Thanks for bringing this one back up Spek. I traded it in December but decided to get out due to the tariff risk. I will be watching this one heavily. I would point out that giving a step wise change downward Alsea may be unavoidable, especially when you consider their revenues may not be affected.
  10. As several others have pointed out - lot's of opportunity will likely present itself Monday. In an effort to focus the board on what we are all here to do: make money. Anyone have thoughts/recommendations on specific companies? I'm fully expecting to get hammered in my current holdings of AEGXF and Strathcona, but plan to buy more Strathcona.
  11. Wow - SMNEY and GEV off a cliff as well as all the IPPs etc. What a bunch of silliness.
  12. MGM - share cannibal over the past couple years. Priced low - may trade out of it, or may decide to make a bigger position. Looked for a thread on this one and find it hard to believe there isn't one, but I didn't see anything!
  13. Funny this topic got bumped. I've been playing an incessant amount on the chess.com app for the past 3 months. I've decided to use it as a major replacement for reels etc. I have 281 games in the past 3 months. I mainly play 10 minutes or 15|10 and I'm not very good but getting much better. I used to be quite good in middle school and did some rated tournaments etc. My rating is only like 515, but I'm getting much better albeit not studying. I just play to play. I tend to favor the queens pawn opening just because it is simple to understand.
  14. "Reddit is popular" isn't a special insight though.
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